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HYPNOTICA – The Sphinx of Imagination for IPOD

The Sphinx of Imagination – Denver Clay & Hypnotica (range).mp3
[320 KBps MP3 RIP]



HYPNOTICA – The Sphinx of Imagination for IPOD [320 KBps MP3 RIP]What greater adventure is there than exploring the enigmas of your own unique destiny?What if I were to tell you a magical bedtime story? A story to awaken you inside your dreams? Allow yourself to evolve within your mind to places far greater than your imagination could ever conceive.By listening to the Sphinx of Imagination you can: Enhance your ability to dream of and create greater possibilities Rediscover life’s larger meaning and purpose Be inspired to channel your thoughts and dreams into a dynamic force to help liberate and change your life and enhance the lives of others Align yourself with a new energy and optimism for the future Build an inner awareness of self discovery … and much, much more.The Sphinx of Imagination is a storyteller’s dream. Hypnotically, it will transport you through many different aspects of your own mind. The Sphinx of Imagination teaches an unusual story of creation, one that takes place between the Real and the Fantasy. This 60-minute metaphoric masterpiece is noted as one of the most complex and interesting stories ever told. It took over six years to design and develop. The Sphinx was created by Hypnotica and musically scored and sound designed by Denver Clay.Listeners will have varied experiences with the Sphinx of Imagination: some will not remember anything at all; others will find their consciousness awakened on a profound level. The result of your own voyage will be a new framework for your development as an individual.See what others have experienced …”The Sphinx of Imagination” is … in a word … Awesome … Just Awesome!! Thanks!!John La ValleCo-author of Persuasion Engineering   “Some CD’s … aim to elicit more than a feeling or a body movement from listeners. For the last six years … Hypnotica, and Denver Clay, a keyboardist and composer, have been working on a CD that they say will affect the listener more powerfully than any of these. “Neil StraussThe New York TimesRead the review from The New York Times   A beautiful, metaphorical journey Inside … A once in lifetime masterpiece.Mark CunninghamMaster Hypnotist   Sphinx of the Imagination is freak-ass SPECTACULAR. I have never experienced such vivid visualizations with any induction tape or CD in my life. Far and away the best trance cd I have ever experienced, and I have heard them all! In a category and class by itself.Ross JeffriesCreator of Speed Seduction® and Neuro-Energetic Restructuring™   Sphinx of the Imagination is one of the most awesome trance journeys I have ever encountered. I’ve already listened to it twice, and I anticipate using it again and again. This CD is a wonderful work of art that can be EXPERIENCED!Erick Känd, CHProfessional HypnotistSan Diego Hypnosis Center   Sphinx of Imagination is not your run of the mill trance CD. It is quite epic in its conception, in its sweep of imagination, and Hypnotica and Denver Clay have pulled off something quite original and daring in my opinion.The themes are reminiscent of creation myth, the dark and hidden places in fairy tales, and the trials and challenges of the central characters of the ancient hero myths. You are taken on a journey of creation and re-creation,accompanied by archetypal characters that aid and illuminate the experience. The mythical characters of Arthurian legend or the ancient Greek myths, the shaman-heroes of Native American and Siberian culture and the ancient Celtic heroes overcame external trials as allegory of inner accomplishment. To me,it is this journey that you are invited to follow.Hypnotica weaves stories riddled with ambiguity and allegory in a style that I can only imagine as echoing the magical tales of the bardic storytellers of ancient times. Traditional trance induction and deepeners are seamlessly blended with the tales along with embedded suggestion, while loops open and close throughout. Both direct and indirect approaches are used mercilessly,while the stories woven are compelling, and as a trance CD, this is extremely effective. His tonality is powerful and at times seems to vibrate from within.Denver Clay’s audio beautifully mirrors the woven tales. Ranging from cinematic effects that echo the best of all my favourite films through to the sounds of gentle harp, elegant piano and haunting flute, the pictures painted by Hypnotica are sometimes supported by, and sometimes lead by his music. At different times I was in different places. I hung in void, my inner space was a desert blown by wind, I was left in a small dark cave and I was confronted by crystal palaces. There was much more than this, but I should let you find it for yourself.The sound production is excellent and the whole CD is a pleasure to listen to. But more important to me, the CD works on many levels, as allegory, as trance induction and as a tool of personal change. I recognize changes in only a few listenings, changes in confidence, and in confidence in the knowledge of my own nature. I look forward to the future with pleasure and I consider myself privileged to have had the opportunity to listen to the pre-release. Adam SargantHaworth, West Yorkshire   Well I’ve listened to the demo CD twice and I’m having difficulty reviewing a 50 minute journey of which I can only remember around 10 minutes off . One of the deepest trances I’ve gone into from a CD. Wonderful stuff, and as Michael De Busk mentioned when he reviewed it, the internal images created are amazing! It’s the darkest trance CD I’ve ever listened to, but dark in the sense of unconscious and unknown, with Hypnotica’s wonderful allegory to punctuation ensuring that the conscious mind floats over all the work which is going on unconsciously. It’s very very unique, and shamanistic in its rite of passage. A wonder ride, very exciting and I’m really looking forward to experiencing the changes it’ll bring about! Paul WalshMunich, Germany   … I urge the readers of this group to purchase a copy of “Sphinx of the Imagination” at the first opportunity. When Eric says there has never been anything like this, he isn’t spouting hyperbole; he’s serious. It’s some of the finest work of its type I’ve ever heard. While Denver Clay’s musical genius works its magic in the soundtrack, Eric’s (Hypnotica’s) rich, animated, full, round, deep baritone voice grabs you and says you can come with me willingly or I can drag you, but either way we’re going for one hell of a fantastic ride! The language patterns are exquisite, the stories compelling, and the amazing visual images… no, wait, those were mine. Michael DebuskNorth East, M<   The Sphinx of the Imagination is a guided meditation on CD about changing your mind/body and life. Yet it leaves many mysterious blanks in which your own— you guessed it! —imagination can rush in to spread its wings. Hypnotica, like the voice inside your head, leads you into a landscape of the subconscious where time and space lose their meanings, where the story remains tantalizingly just out of reach. After you resurface from these dreams, you will wonder: what does it all mean?Many interpretations, imagery AND sensations will have popped up for you while you were listening…and, well, they are the seeds of your answer! The Sphinx of the Imagination itself is constructed like one of those Russian dolls—archetypal dreams nested within dreams. (The layers of the onion of your own self…) As the participant, you thread your way inwards, from one iconic situation to the next. First, you cross the Abyss via a bridge of transitions, and there you open a Book about a wizard, who proceeds to tell you a Story about a heavenly temple and the beautiful angel there who is busy Imagining a magical garden and the shaman healer Therein, who unfolds a tale about the Great Timekeeper, who is guarding the cave of chaos …and so on.The scope of the Sphinx of the Imagination is both microcosmic and macrocosmic. To me it’s like a non-specific Alice in Wonderland; it’s The Never-Ending Story meets Solaris; it’s adult New Age teachings by Deepak Chopra woven into the computer game of discovery Myst; and it even has some of that dreamtime ‘graphic novel’ flavor like in The Sandman series. The enveloping musical soundscapes of Denver Clay are not only evocative, but they’re Imax-ready! Imagine Hearts of Space flowing through an exotic Cirque de Soleil, with some careful sound collage and even Lord of the Rings F/X thrown in for dramatic spice. I enjoyed Hypnotica’s steady encouragement for the dreamer and the creator inside each of us. For seekers and storytellers especially, there is a template buried herein—almost an RNA template—that draws in positive possibilities from your own mind to coalesce into your own personalized vision of change. Thanks, Hypnotica! Russil ‘Shiva’ Tamsen   Words cannot describe the experience you will have when you find yourself having one of the most fun and transforming trances in this rather historic in my opinion collaboration between and by Hypnotica and Denver Clay.I have been in conversations with Hypnotica for over 3 years now on an on and off basis and have always been amazed by his deep understanding of the subjects he professes to teach. So here is my take on this entire experience of the Sphinx of imagination. I found it to be the coming together of many disciplines in a truly synergistic manner. It is like having the technologies of Richard Bandler (NLP), the artistry of Denver Clay, the chaos rites of Peter J Carrol (Chaos Magic), zen like riddles that seem to plant themselves deep into your soul, the shamanistic rituals of Siberia/Latin America, the magical metaphors and SUPERB VOICE and narration by Hypnotica When Hypnotica says there has been nothing like this before, it is not idle words…it is a statement of fact. Here for the first time you will find a wise teacher guide you through Rites of Passage, but what is truly magical about this CD is that it helps transform what was a privilege showered upon a select few … into your Right…hence he helps you make these magickal rites of passage YOUR RIGHT OF PASSAGE. Like I mentioned in the beginning it is hard to define this CD and trance, all I will say is buy it now and be a part of a magickal story … this will only be the beginning as you will find yourself returning over and over again to find even deeper levels within these traceforming stories. Mahipal Lunia   This product integrates my feelings, my imagination, my logical mind, and my spiritual energy, into a feeling of being whole. The music and the words spoken key into these parts of me. Listening to the CD helps me to enjoy myself getting in touch with deeper parts of me. Listening to the CD is fun, pleasurable, relaxing, and stimulating.I can feel my life changing while I am listening to the CD. Mareonvorng ElpruhzleinSan Diego This has been a rebirth for me ... I have never felt so moved.Nancy MascolaI very much recommend this CD. It's amazing! Such a wonderful gift to humanity.Vito Giurlanda, New YorkThe Sphinx is so trippy, it totally blew me away. It all ties together and seems to put more pieces of the puzzle in place.Rhonda HauserThe internal images created are amazing! It’s very very unique, and shamanistic in its rite of passage. A wonder ride, very exciting.Paul Walsh Munich, Germany


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