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Colin Drake – Freedom From Anxiety and Needless Suffering – Pointers and Practices To Aid Awakening

Colin Drake – Freedom From Anxiety and Needless Suffering – Pointers and Practices To Aid Awakening
[ eBook – 1 MOBI , 1 EPUB , 1 PDF , 1 JPEG ]



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Once Awakening has taken place then anxiety and unnecessary mental suffering disappear, for these are caused by misidentifying oneself as a separate object in a world of separate objects. This causes us to see each other, and the world, through a murky filter of self-interest, self-concern, self-promotion, self-aggrandizement, self-loathing, the list is almost endless. It is this world-view that causes the anxiety and mental suffering based on concern for the future and feeling we are bound by the past. The prologue deals specifically with this problem. On Awakening one discovers that there truly is no separate self and so this filter is removed allowing us to see the world ‘as it is’ with no self-concern for the future or past. This theme is expanded later in this chapter and is backed up by appendices and an addendum containing (vital) chapters from three previous books.The second aim is to provide the reader with information on my spiritual journey up to and since my first ‘awakening’ in 1996 on a seven day silent retreat. This will show the main influences that moulded my spiritual journey up to this point and the unfoldment that has occurred since then, so that the reader can understand the basis of my ‘pointers to awakening’ which constitute my books on the subject.One other thing that makes this book unique is that it is the first that contains all of the various practices that I have developed, and use(d), over the last eighteen years, to identify with Pure Awareness, thus overcoming anxiety and suffering. Starting with the very first simple self-inquiry, which reveals that one is Awareness, given in Simply Free to Be. This was then expanded into a more exhaustive Investigation of Experience which is a more thorough and cogent version, containing further explanation and evidence concerning one’s true identity. Next was the realization, and explanation, of the fact that our mind/bodies are Instruments of The Absolute, that is the Pure Awareness, through which It can experience, know, and enjoy Its physical manifestation – the universe. From this came a practice for experiencing this in both ways – as Awareness enjoying physical experience and as the mind/body getting to ‘know’ more about Awareness, in Love Loving Itself.Another practice that I recommend is relaxing into and contemplating ‘awareness of Awareness’ for at least 20 minutes, three times a day. The ‘ways into’ this can be by investigation, as given above, or by instant ‘seeing’ and realizing that there is nothing one needs to achieve, find or get (in this) as one already is Awareness! For this approach see Three Phases of Liberation . Also one can practice ‘short moments of Awareness’ which can lead to this (awareness of Awareness) becoming the background from which one experiences life. This can be found in Free Will, Depression & The State of The Planet. Another practice that I find to be very useful, as a preliminary, is to sit admiring the beauty of nature and reading inspiring writings, Rumi is a particular favourite, before relaxation into, or contemplation on, Awareness. For an example of this approach see The Beloved. This process often evokes feelings of awe, wonder and gratitude which are all great ways ‘into’ awareness of Awareness .Finally, for the more traditionally minded, I have included a chapter on Breath Awareness Meditation, focussing on Tibetan Buddhism, as espoused by Sogyal Rinpoche, and Zen as taught by Shunryu Suzuki. I sometimes use meditation as a method to reveal the ‘nothingness’ in which the object of meditation is noticed and the ‘awareness’ by which this noticing takes place. For, this ‘aware nothingness’ or ‘formless awareness’ is what we all essentially are (and everything is) at the deepest level                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


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