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John Malanca – The Sacred Plant – Healing Cancer Masterclass

The Sacred Plant – Healing Cancer Masterclass
[WebRips – 60 MP3 + 118 MP4, documents – 100 PDF]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!The Sacred Plant – Healing Cancer Masterclass [WebRips – 60 MP3 + 118 MP4, documents – 100 PDF]Please Note: This product contains the same content in several formats: MP3 audio, SD and HD videos, PDF (transcripts and key takeaways). The only exceptions are the third and fourth Q&A calls which aren’t available as HD videos. They are included in all other formats. There is no need to download everything unless you really want to.Product Page:…Description:Quote:Hi, I’m John Malanca, your host and advocate with The Sacred Plant.My journey started when my father-in-law, Stan, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the brain. He was considered incurable. And he was sent to hospice with 2 weeks to live.My wife Corinne and I were devastated. And desperate for something that would help Stan.We searched everywhere. We looked at both conventional and alternative cancer treatments. And tried everything we could to help Stan.Then we finally discovered the cancer-fighting powers of medical cannabis. We helped him start using it to treat his cancer. And thanks to this amazing plant, Stan is still alive today – 8 years later!As a Patient Advocate for the past eight years, I’ve consulted with hundreds of people struggling with cancer, pain, and other health challenges. I’ve worked with them and their family members, caretakers, and doctors…helping guide them on their healing journey.I also travel to cancer conventions and keep up with the latest findings about medical cannabis and cancer.Which leads me to something important I’ve learned…Read THIS before you self-medicate with medical cannabisOne of the biggest problems I see as a Patient Advocate is that while many people want to use medical cannabis to fight cancer… but they don’t know how to use it successfully.And they often make the mistake of self-medicating with medical cannabis.The truth is: using cannabis as a medicine is incredibly complex. It’s NOT a one-size-fits-all solution.Your treatment has to be tailored to your specific age, gender, medical history, current medications, and much more. And every cancer is different… so your type of cancer needs its own unique protocol.And what makes it all even more frustrating and confusing is that the “powers that be” don’t want you to know how to use it! Here’s why…Why it’s so hard to find out how to use medical cannabisLet’s face it… this problem starts at the top: the U.S. Government.Despite 33 states and the District of Columbia having passed broad-sweeping medical cannabis laws since 1996, the federal government refuses to budge on its view of cannabis as a Schedule I substance.According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Schedule I substances are “defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”That means they lump in this powerful healing plant with drugs like heroin, LSD, and ecstasy. This makes it illegal to do human clinical studies on cannabis – blocking scientists and doctors from doing life-saving research.Meanwhile, the same federal government which prohibits cannabis ALSO holds a patent on cannabis’ medical use!That’s right, it’s patent number 6,630,507.By holding this patent, the government can license the medical uses of cannabis to Big Pharma. So Big Pharma can patent and sell profitable drugs using it. All while the natural plant remains illegal as a medicine.And speaking of Big Pharma…As you may guess, a natural healing plant like cannabis puts Big Pharma’s huge profits at serious risk. Because one of Big Pharma’s biggest money-makers is cancer.The cancer industry is predicted by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics to make $147 BILLION this year alone. And the price of cancer drugs is at an all-time high. For example, one prostate cancer drug costs patients $129,000 a year!+Finally, your doctor may not be able to help youA recent study of 237 medical oncologists found that a whopping 80% of them recommend medical cannabis to their patients.But that’s where it ends. Because only 30% of those oncologists gave any guidance on how to use it.And if you do get a recommendation to use it, it will most likely be for your symptoms. Not as a treatment.Why? Most oncologists don’t know you can use it to fight cancer. They have no training or education about it as a treatment.And that won’t change anytime soon. That’s because the medical establishment is committed to treating cancer with current conventional treatments like chemo, surgery, and radiation. Plant medicine is dismissed by the medical establishment as quackery, in spite of the science that proves otherwise.This makes it difficult if not impossible to find a doctor who can help you use medical cannabis to effectively treat your cancer.And you’re left with no answers to your questions like…What’s the right dosage and the correct strain to use?How do I take medical cannabis correctly for my type of cancer?How can I use medical cannabis without getting high or tired?How do I use it to get relief from symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting?How do I combine it with treatments like chemotherapy for the best results?And much more.We’re here to get you answers to your questions… but not just from any so-called “expert”.Because treating cancer with medical cannabis is so complex, you NEED a doctor with expertise in medical cannabis to guide and advise you.While you may get advice from your local dispensary or a doctor who took an hour-long training session and considers himself an expert, it won’t be from a truly qualified resource. And – as a cancer patient –you can’t afford to waste time experimenting and making mistakes.That’s why we’re excited to introduce you to one of the most clinically knowledgeable physicians in the U.S. in the field of medical cannabis…Meet one of the world’s leading experts on how to use medical cannabisIn the brand new The Sacred Plant: Healing Cancer Masterclass, we’ve partnered with one of the world’s leading authorities on medical cannabis. His name is Dr. Allan Frankel, M.D.You may remember Dr. Frankel as one of the experts featured in The Sacred Plant “Healing Secrets Exposed” and “Healing Secrets Examined” docuseries.Dr. Frankel is an internal medical doctor with over 39 years of medical experience. He’s also the founder of the renowned medical cannabis clinic, GreenBridge Medical, in Santa Monica, CA.Like many doctors, Dr. Frankel was once a skeptic about medical cannabis. That is, until a personal health emergency changed everything in 1999.He developed a viral chest infection that went into his heart and experienced heart failure. He was given 6 months to live.Devastated and not wanting a heart transplant, he didn’t know where to turn. Then his friends suggested he try medical cannabis.In just three months —despite the “death sentence” his doctors gave him – he was entirely healed.Shocked by his own life-saving results, Dr. Frankel researched everything he could about medical cannabis. He discovered how science is proving that medical cannabis has incredible power to heal. And his new life mission was born.Since opening his medical cannabis clinic in 2006, he’s created the most cutting edge medical cannabis protocols for every type of condition and disease, including cancer.These cancer-fighting protocols can treat all types of cancer, including prostate cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer. Open and visible to PU+ as per new rules


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