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Nassim Haramein – Resonance Academy – Delegate Level 1

Nassim Haramein – Resonance Academy – Delegate Level 1
[8 PDFs + 87 MP4s]



**** Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!Exploring the Connected Universe Delegate Level 1A cutting edge interactive course Exploring the Connected Universeto better our planet through you.Engage with 9 leading faculty members and shift the current paradigm.Embark on a mind-bending journey, connect with 2,000 other travelersand apply this knowledge to transform yourself and our world.This course will TRANSFORM your reality and make you EMPOWERED, CONNECTED and KNOWLEDGEABLE to POSITIVELY IMPACT CHANGE!I have done thirty years of research and – together with a team of brilliant scientists – developed a unified field theory. My mission and the mission of the Resonance Academy is to get this information out to everyone, regardless of their educational background. After 7 plus years of traveling and teaching worldwide, I knew there had to be a better way to offer this information. The Resonance Academy is now 3 years in the making and, after a hugely successful pilot program with over 1,500 students, spanning 33 countries across the globe, can now finally offer an online learning experience worthy of this important information.The Delegate level 1 course Exploring the Connected Universe is a comprehensive, self-paced online multimedia course packed with 30 years of research and the latest information on this topic. This material will literally transform the way you look at the world.We have scientifically proven that we are all connected at the most fundamental level of space time. Students will explore this information by journeying through 6 modules. We will look at what brought science to where it is, what unified physics means, where the seeds of this information were planted and, finally, what this means to us right now!Join me, the faculty and the growing number of people from around the globe who have integrated this life-changing information.Nassim Haramein, Director, The Resonance Project FoundationThe Delegate Level 1 Program Includes ALL of this:    Six complete modules each with numerous hours of thoroughly researched and incredibly potent information.    Rich online course material – including written content, video, audio, presentations, animations and more.    Monthly LIVE sessions with Nassim and other faculty. All the LIVE sessions are recorded and transcribed so you can listen as your schedule allows.Course Material – Full Listing Here…Module 1This module explores how humans have viewed the world at different points in history, and distinguishes between two types of worldviews: disconnected and connected.1.1 Introduction to Worldview Shift1.2 Two Worldview Lenses1.3 The Disconnected Worldview1.4 Shifting Our Worldview1.5 Roots of Unified Physics and a Connection Worldview1.6 Implications of a Connected Worldview1.7 SummaryModule 2This module covers the innovative thinkers throughout history that have challenged current worldviews and pioneered new ways of thinking. It explores their processes, methods and insights.2.1 Introduction to Thinking Differently2.2 The Courage to Be Bold2.3 Different Thinkers: Root of Scientific Ideas, For Better or Worse2.4 Nassim’s Personal Story of Thinking Differently2.5 Principles of Thinking Differently2.6 Changing Course; From 2D Isolation to Holographic Wholeness2.7 SummaryModule 3This module reviews the history of modern physics, and the major breakthroughs in thinking that have shaped our society, technology, and modern perception of reality. It also explores some of the assumptions inherent in many modern physics theories, and uncovers major problems with current leading theories in physics.3.1 Introduction3.2 Reductionism3.3 Closed Systems3.4 Einstein and The Relativity Revolution3.5 Quantum Theory3.6 The Standard Model3.7 Summary of Modern PhysicsModule 4The New Views of Today. A connected Universe. Action and reactions across the universe. All things are communicating in a connected view and world view.4.1 Introduction to Unified Physics4.2 Space4.3 Quantum Gravity4.4 The Confining Force4.5 The Connected Universe4.6 Geometry and Spin4.7 SummaryModule 5This module looks at the roots of Unified Physics in ancient cultures all over the world. Discover keys that suggest a global civilization not currently covered in our academic history books, and the advanced technologies and knowledge they may have held.5.1 Patterns, Symbols and Buckminster Fuller5.2 The Tetrahedral Structure of Space5.3 All-Space Sphere Packing5.4 Signs from Ancient Times5.5 Journey of the Ark5.6 SummaryModule 6This module takes us to the cutting edge of technology and consciousness, and beyond. Explore the powerful implications of applied Unified Physics, and discover the potential future of human life in the cosmos.6.1 Energy Generation and Gravity Control6.2 ARK™ Crystal6.3 Biology and Awareness6.4 The Bright Future of Humanity6.5 Summary & Course CompletionIntroduction video your world will change after completing the Delegate Level 1 Course…    You’ll gain clarity and understanding of concepts that you may have felt were too complex in the past.    You won’t feel alone anymore. You’ll be joining a growing community of tens of thousands of other like-minded individuals to connect with.    You’ll discover advanced physics in a way that will make it easy for you to explain it to other people.    You’ll learn how to articulate holistic strategies and responses that are scientifically sound and credible.    You’ll learn how to integrate ancient teachings with today’s latest discoveries.    You’ll learn how to use technology beneficially.    You’ll discover the scientific proof that we are all connected.    You’ll have a deeper awareness of your own effect on the Universe, and much more!Here’s what other Academy students are saying…The greatest outcome received was knowing that I’m not alone on this Earth. I mean I’ve really known that for a long time as I’ve been fortunate enough to attract like-minded folks throughout my life. But truly awake and aware people can be few and far between at times. So connecting with you all and 1500 or so others throughout the world is refreshing to say the least! This course recharged my motivation and determination to create the world we can all imagine.K. Sharp, Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaThe experience was enlightening as to how a course can be presented and a joy to experience. We have a different and hopeful perspective on everything.P. Sodo, Hudson, Quebec, CanadaGreatest outcome was increased awareness of our connectedness, new friendships, belief in the possibility to change the direction of humanity.D. Hunter, Los Gatos, CaliforniaLearn and get connected at your own pace, in your own time, on your favorite device.A better, more connected world is waiting! Join thousands of courageous, smart and aware people just like you who are ready to shift the current paradigm!


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