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Healthy Heart Summit 2015 audios

Healthy Heart Summit 2015 audios
[Webrip – 32 mp3, 1rtf]


Schedule: DAY 1: Monday, July 13 – Welcome to The Healthy Heart Summit!   1. Mark Hyman, MD – Diabesity and Heart DiseaseWhat is diabesity?    Important tests to assess heart disease risk    Finding heart-friendly food on a budget!   2. Steven Masley, MD, FAHA, FAAFP, FACN, CNS – The Optimal Evaluation for Your HeartHow best to measure your heart health    What causes cardiovascular disease?    Lifestyle choices to help you to reverse heart disease!   3. Josh Axe, DC, CNS – The Best Food and Activity for Your HeartHow gut health impacts heart health    Exercises to help achieve optimal heart health    Best foods and supplements for your gut and heart   4. JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS – Sugar’s Contribution to Heart DiseaseWhere sugars hide in the foods you eat!    Understand the connection between sugar and heart disease    How to quickly lose weight and keep it off   5. Joel Kahn, MD – Early Prevention and Detection of Heart DiseaseSuggest testing for prevention of heart disease    Assessing arterial plaque growth    Is a vegan eating plan good for your heart?DAY 2: Tuesday, July 14 – Nutrients and fats essential for your heart!   1. William Davis, MD – The Impact of Wheat on Heart Disease and HealthIs wheat associated with heart disease?    How gut bacteria impacts cardiovascular risk    Do other grains affect heart health?   2. Sayer Ji, Founder of – Alternative Medicine and Heart HealthEvidence to support alternative medicine for heart disease    What foods are best for heart health?    Natural alternatives to NSAIDs, calcium pills and statin medications   3. Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD, FAIFST, FNSA – How Low Glycemic Intake Prevents Heart DiseaseWhat is the Glycemic Index and how does it impact your heart?    Why glycemic “load” is a better measure than glycemic “index”    Daily foods to choose (and avoid!)   4. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS – The Great Cholesterol MythTop tips for successful weight loss!    Which “Smart Fats” will prevent heart disease    What is the “Great Cholesterol Myth?”   5. Deanna Minich, PhD, MS, CNS, RYT – The Detox-Heart Disease ConnectionWhat nutrients are critical for the heart?    How do toxins in your food impact heart health?    Detoxing to remove toxins!DAY 3: Wednesday, July 15 – Heart health and testing!   1. Sara Gottfried, MD – Hormones, Weight and Heart DiseaseAbout hormone replacement therapy and cardiovascular disease    How gut flora impacts hormone balance    Balancing hormones to assist with weight loss    2. Stephen Sinatra, MD – Energy metabolism is Essential for Your HeartHow do you test for heart health?    Best supplements to treat heart disease    What is metabolic cardiology?    3. James Maskell, Founder of Revive Primary Care – Creating an Optimal Health Care System    Helping our current healthcare system change    Finding a doctor with a holistic, integrative practice    How to rebuild our healthcare system    4. Randy Hartnell, Founder of Vital Choice – Improving Your Heart Health with SeafoodHelping our current healthcare system change    Finding a doctor with a holistic, integrative practice    How to rebuild our healthcare system    5. Robert Eckel, MD, Past-President, American Heart Association – What is a Heart Healthy Lifestyle?The difference between wild and farmed seafood    Is mercury in seafood a concern?    How to choose the best seafood options!DAY 4: Thursday, July 16 – Protecting your heart!    1. Cynthia Pasquella, CCN – Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Help Prevent Cardiovascular DiseaseBuilding your self-esteem can help you eat better!    How to change what you eat to prevent cardiovascular disease    Favorite heart-friendly foods    2. David Perlmutter, MD – How Heart Health Impacts Your BrainThe connection between the heart and brain    Predicting heart disease and memory loss    The gut microbiome’s influence on heart and brain health    3. Anna Cabeca, DO – Sexual Function and Your HeartSex is great for heart health!    Improved circulation is great for your sex life!    Tips to improving sexual function    4. Tom Malterre, MS, CN – Is an Elimination Diet Right for Your Heart?Knowing the most allergenic foods!    How to follow an elimination diet    Hints for making an elimination diet easierDAY 5: Friday, July 17 – Live a de-stressed lifestyle!    1. Alan Christianson, NMD – Adrenal and the Heart’s Connection to the ThyroidHow stress and thyroid health impact your heart and weight    Tips for lowering your stress and losing weight    Tips for better sleep    2. Brenda Watson, CNC – A Healthy Gut for a Healthy HeartHow your gut health impacts heart health!    Preventing inflammation in your gut    Steps to improve both gut and heart health    3. Trudy Scott, CN – Anxiety, Depression and Heart DiseaseHow anxiety increases cardiovascular risk    Decrease anxiety symptoms and your heart benefits!    Which foods cause anxiety (and, which foods make it better!)    4. Douglas Schocken, MD, FACC, FAHA – Top Measures of Heart HealthHow aerobic activity and strength training impacts heart health    Tips for preventing cardiovascular disease    Are statin medications right for you?DAY 6: Saturday, July 18 – Family, snacking and your teeth!    1. Leanne Ely, CNC – Prevent Heart Disease Through Home CookingWhy ingredients matter–they’re what you eat!    Sample recipes that are good for your heart    Learn more about “Saving Dinner” Meals    2. Dewitt Wilkerson, DMD – How Dental Health and Sleep Apnea Impact Your Heart (Audio)Dental issues can impact cardiovascular disease!    The sleep apnea connection to heart disease    Steps to lower inflammation and reverse sleep apnea    3. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN – How Does Gluten Sensitivity Cause Heart DiseaseHow gluten is connected to heart disease    The right way to test for gluten sensitivities    Tips for avoiding gluten (that you might not have known!)    4. Susan Albers, PsyD – Mindful Eating for Your HeartThe importance of “mindful eating” for health    Tips for reducing stress    How often to eat chocolate, mandarin oranges and pistachios    5. James Porcelli, MD – What Testing to Have to Assess Heart HealthWhat should your medical history include?    What laboratory studies help to understand heart aging?    How to assess fitness and heart stamina?    How to measure arterial plaque?DAY 7: Sunday, July 19 – Protect your heart and gain more energy!    1. Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN – How to Give Yourself Energy All Day!Simple ways to improve your exercise routine    Tips for getting the most out of your exercising    Get the body you want and the energy you deserve!    2. Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC – How Holistic Health Can Prevent Heart DiseaseHolistic heart evaluation, what is it?    Managing stress for the purpose of preventing cardiovascular disease    What foods are healthy for your heart?    3. Erik Goldman, Editor in Chief for Holistic Primary Care – How to Find a Holistic DoctorHow healthcare has changed over 30 years    The difference between holistic and conventional medicine    Finding a holistic, functional medicine doctor    4. Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP – Balance Your Hormones and Protect Your HeartHow hormones and menopause impact heart health    The impact of food on hormones and menopause    Safe hormones for menopause and your heart!DAY 8: Monday, July 20 — ENCORE DAYThis is my personal recording of the summit directly to audio format using quality headphones and a special microphone fit into them, and it might be that some mp3 are not perfect as the stream was not that good. Also, the first two days have a lower volume than the rest. It took me a lot of time to make these, so enjoy!The only missing is Day 8 Encores, listed below in comments to save your ratio.A search for adishonerv69 will list you all my uploads.


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