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Robert Young – Advancement Center Presentations 2015

Robert Young (2015)
[WebRip 43 MP4s, 43 MP3s]



Each week Robert Young presents from his Advancement Center Live Internet Broadcasts that reach 19 countries presenting his teachings of the greater reality and how to make your reality work for you.After a NDE, near death experience, Bob Young, from Australia, experienced a complete shift of consciousness and realized there was much more to him, the world and reality. His car accident in 1986 left him brain damaged. That major event had abruptly changed his world. With his former life and self stripped way, he was no longer connected to his own past. Being deprived of logic and reason through a damaged frontal lobe, he was free to lift into a multi-dimensional reality where he was fully aware of being loved and looked after by a benevolent universe.In this state of self-evident clarity, his destiny was obvious: To hold that openness, creating a funnel into the physical, so others could vibrationally tune into creator source at the same level and our planet could heal through us.”The Universal You is multi-dimensional and that is the Real World.”Robert illustrates the invisible wiring between the two realities: the world of the creator, which is the real world; and physical reality, which is the play world. It is our will, focus and intention that keep our presence oscillating between these two. Our decision, like an A/B switch, literally flips us in-between. (He used to earn a living as an electrical engineer.)According to Robert, the real world’s energies are already here and we can feel them. “Simplicity is what characterizes the real world, which is a perfectly safe place. It is not a logical place and is hard to describe using linear, logical terms,” he continued. “It is a direct connection to the real world that solves all problems and throwing the switch is our spontaneous decision to do this.”According to Robert: “We directly step up to expanded awareness by consistently keeping 100% of our mind on source. If we decided to do that, we could drop a whole life instantly and still be ok. A calmness, a balance, a knowing happens at that level and everything becomes clear.”This kind of order is only found in the real world. The play world is full of static caused by linear thinking and disconnected people, robbing energy from each other instead of being fueled by something more. A new reality is built by many ascending, entering and then holding the energy of openness to that real world. That is our next step.A visualization exercise. We are asked to picture ourselves at various times and places and then, we shifted to another level, by allowing ourselves to be lifted. The decision of linking, with our full brain, is what brings about connection to the source. “It takes less than two tenths of a second, and it is really simple.”At this state of being, focused on higher self, the solution to any problem reveals itself automatically, and we are totally happy and comfortable. We know that we are safe and totally looked after by the creator. “At all times, think of me and nothing else,” was Robert’s healing mantra. He clung to that phrase as he leaned against the stability of the natural world physically, the love of those near and dear emotionally, and on total recall of his own origins of consciousness, spiritually. That single minded focus, with support from both worlds, helped him build a brand new life, which is totally flexible, fluid and free. The world is changing fast and this is not the time to allow yourself to be washed away by the wave of circumstances. Elevate your spirit and ride the wave as it builds to a new level of love and harmony. Join us in living the dream and making a difference.It is not by chance that you are where you are, doing what you are doing, and it is not by chance that you are the person you are today. Some force, some influence or some attraction has called upon you to proceed in the way you are proceeding at the present moment and this process will continue to occur for the remainder of your life.


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