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Leo Gura – The Ultimate Life Purpose Course

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course – Videos
[Webrip – 91 MP4, 12 PDf’s, 3 PNG’s, 1 PSD, 3 JPG’s & 11 MP3’s]



**** Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!After  lot of EFFORTS this exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Actualized Advanced Personal Development GBThis GB is CLOSED – Gura – The Ultimate Life Purpose CourseWebsite: Ultimate Life Purpose CourseFed up?Dread work?Feeling uninspired?Stuck in a meaningless job?Not realizing your full potential?Wish you could get paid to do your art?Not sure how to turn your passion into a career?Stop tolerating bullshit!Stop wasting your life.I can help you find your life’s purpose.Hey, I’m Leo.I know how frustrating it is to sense that you could be doing more with yourself but just don’t know how.It took me 10 years of trial & error and groping around in the dark before I discovered the principles by which one creates a purposeful, passionate life.I’m not just talking about outward “success”. I’m talking about inner meaning — loving your work, waking up excited!Let’s get real. Look around you. How many people do you know who are living their dream career? Not just a cushy career, but a life calling which impacts the world in a meaningful way and produces that sense of deep satisfaction and love for life!Very very few people. Why? Because the principles by which such a life is created are largely unknown, not taught to us in school, and time-consuming and expensive to discover on your own.I’ve spent the last 10 years actively trying to figure this out for myself until I finally did. Then I spent the last 3 years actively trying to deliver this information to people like you via my Youtube channel, my website, and one-on-one coaching.And now… finally… I’m excited to make this info available as a comprehensive online course!Who Is This Course Good For?    Professionals considering a career change    Aspiring entrepreneurs    Seasoned entrepreneurs seeking more meaning    Aspiring artists & creatives    Those stuck in wage slavery    Those stuck in a rut or funk    Those going through a mid-life crisis    Those lost in life, wandering aimlessly    High school and college students    Self-help junkies    Aspiring leaders who want to change the world    Those frustrated with inconsistent motivation    Stay-at-home-mom’s re-entering the workforceWell-ResearchedLife purpose strategies gathered from world-class experts.I spent years reading books and taking notes on the best advice on life purpose that exists. This course is full of insights from exceptional people:    Self-made millionaires    Marketing experts    Best-selling authors    Entrepreneurs    Academics & PhD’s    Psychology researchers    Self-help gurus    Spiritual gurus    Coaches & therapists    Visionary creatives & artists    World leadersWhat You’ll Learn    The vision for living a purposeful life    35+ Core Concepts    How to discover your top 10 values in life    How to unwire toxic & negative values    How to discover your top 5 strengths    How to find your Zone of Genius    What your impact in the world should be    How to create a powerful vision    How to identify & deal with your top fears    How to unwire your top limiting beliefs    How to start taking action    How to find your niche in the marketplace    How to program your subconscious mind    How to do research into your field    How to build strong habits    How to set goals    Critical books for you to read    How to stay on track with your life purpose    How to inspire yourself    Answers to all the most common questionsWhat You’ll Leave With    An authentic life purpose    A vision for your life    Accurate understanding of your top desires, values, passions, and strengths    Awareness of your deepest fears, limiting beliefs, and obstacles    A roadmap for how to stay on purpose    A set of action steps    Powerful book list    Motivation to change your life    Answers to all the most common questions    Years & $1000’s saved off your searchFull Lesson Plan    01 – Introduction (23:13)    02 – Getting Started (49:03)    03 – The Power of Vision (20:15)    04 – Getting In Touch With Your Higher Self (51:03)    05 – Intro To Core Concepts (7:09)    06 – Vision (19:43)    07 – Hero’s Journey (29:07)    08 – 100% Responsibility (17:15)    09 – Mastery (32:56)    10 – 10,000 Hour Rule (22:43)    11 – Competitor vs Creator (20:40)    12 – 100% Commitment (17:34)    13 – Flow (18:54)    14 – Signature Strengths (9:05)    15 – Follow Your Bliss (26:42)    16 – Detachment From Outcome (21:25)    17 – Contribution (25:06)    18 – Accept The Cost (18:04)    19 – Law Of Attraction (11:29)    20 – Intrinsic Motivation (15:50)    21 – Failure Is Good (24:08)    22 – Power Of The Subconscious Mind (24:21)    23 – Limiting Beliefs (15:53)    24 – Zone Of Genius (16:21)    25 – Social Conditioning (22:07)    26 – Talent Is A Myth (15:36)    27 – Find Your Medium (10:33)    28 – Life Calling (14:34)    29 – Accept Drudgery (16:02)    30 – Unhook From Money (17:25)    31 – Stop Dabbling (12:36)    32 – The Creative Process (17:24)    33 – Career Capital (12:11)    34 – The Purple Cow (19:47)    35 – Authentic Self (17:11)    36 – Resistance (18:13)    37 – Fear & Comfort Zone (30:09)    38 – Feed Your Muse (20:23)    39 – Higher-Consciousness Values (7:50)    40 – Patience (20:18)    41 – Values Assessment Intro (19:53)    42 – Values Pass #01: Most Meaningful Things (8:21)    43 – Values Pass #02: Tabula Rasa (7:41)    44 – Values Pass #03: Master Values List (6:47)    45 – Values Pass #04: Toxic Values (8:52)    46 – Values Pass #05: Value Definitions (7:56)    47 – Values Pass #06: Congruence Ratings (2:37)    48 – Values Pass #07: 10/10 (9:36)    49 – Values Pass #08: Prioritizing Values (8:25)    50 – Values Pass #09: Positive vs Negative Values (14:34)    51 – Values Pass #10: Negative Themes (10:53)    52 – Negative Values Release (51:57)    53 – Values Pass #11: Final Adjustments (4:25)    54 – Values Conclusion (13:09)    55 – Strengths Assessment Intro (5:34)    56 – Strengths Assessment Conclusion (16:03)    57 – Life Purpose Assessment (17:38)    58 – Life Purpose Exercise #1 (16:34)    59 – Life Purpose Exercise #2 (11:00)    60 – Life Purpose Exercise #3 (11:00)    61 – Life Purpose Exercise #4 (9:00)    62 – Life Purpose Exercise #5 (25:29)    63 – Life Purpose Exercise #6 (17:45)    64 – Life Purpose Exercise #7 (7:18)    65 – What Is Life Purpose (11:15)    66 – The Big Leap Process (25:42)    67 – Impact Statement (11:51)    68 – Life Purpose Examples (17:01)    69 – Bringing It All Together (9:56)    70 – The Me Sheet (11:00)    71 – Creating Your Vision (16:14)    72 – Vision Board (12:15)    73 – How To Make It Real (9:53)    74 – Dealing With Fear (22:14)    75 – Releasing Your Greatest Fear (31:40)    76 – Limiting Beliefs (29:35)    77 – Going From Abstract To Concrete (31:43)    78 – Smooth Transitioning (9:56)    79 – Programming The Subconscious Mind (19:30)    80 – The Importance of Research (28:52)    81 – How To Build Skills (18:06)    82 – Making Small Bets (20:43)    83 – Finding Your Niche (34:08)    84 – Building Powerful Habits (25:02)    85 – Eliminating Negative Habits (13:27)    86 – 1 Year Goals (17:53)    87 – Conclusion (14:50)    88 – Reading List    89 – FAQ Part 1 (56:23)    90 – FAQ Part 2 (58:35)


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