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Andrew Beatty – The Truth About Building Muscle

Andrew Beatty – The Truth About Building Muscle
[10 ebooks – PDF]

Description the “Holy Grail” Nutrient Timing Formula That Builds Mounds Of Rock Solid Muscle and Melts Pounds Of Ugly Body Fat Without Wasting Hours In The GymBest Part? This Little-Known Strategy, Discovered By Fed Up Pro Bodybuilder’s, Can Build Up To FIVE POUNDS of Jaw Dropping Muscle and Strip Inches of Ugly Fat In Just 30 Days!Did you know that how you are eating right now is actually forcing your body to store fat?  It’s slowing down your metabolism and crushing your muscle building potential. There are so many programs and diets out there that it’s impossible to figure out what to follow.  Which one will really get you that muscular, ripped body your deserve?  Which one will make girls froth at the mouth and guys envy you?  The simple truth is that for most guys, packing on muscle WITHOUT fat seems almost impossible.  UNLESS you use this one simple “trick” that I stumbled upon.There is a way to pack slabs of LEAN MUSCLE on to your body without eating bland, boring food all day long.    “Sell yourself short on nutrition and you’re selling yourself short on maximizing your physique development.”    Ernie TaylorEat More, Build More Muscle, Burn More FatYou’re Wasting Your Own TimeYou’re Wasting Your Own TimeHave you been training day in and day out but not seeing the results you deserve?Don’t you want to know the easiest and fastest way to pack on rock solid muscle?Don’t you want to speed up your fat loss and improve your health?Once you uncover the secret of how to eat at THE RIGHT TIMES you’ll almost instantly blast your muscle building potential and strip ugly fat from your body at the same time.What if I told you there was JUST ONE THING you were doing wrong?  This information is about to blow what you already thought about muscle building out of the water and force your body to pack on the rock solid muscle you’ve always wanted.You can make huge changes (pun intended) to your body even if you have been going to the gym for years.  This is not another supplement scam. I’m not selling you some fancy named supplement that promises you jacked muscles overnight. It’s so important that you understand this information.Alright, who the hell is this guy?I have to admit, this story is extremely EMBARRASSING to tell you.  However, I just have to tell you so that you understand that you too can change your life and become that guy at the gym.My name is Andrew Beatty, a personal trainer and strength coach.  I haven’t always had muscles.  I struggled for years as a fat kid.  No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t build muscle or burn fat.  At 9 years old I remember the most popular kid called ‘blimp’. I was fat.  I had no muscle and I sure as hell had no confidence.At 13 years old I rocked the nickname “Meaty Beatty”.  Just recently when I thought it was long behind me, we were having dinner and my brother quickly reminded everybody of my “meaty syndrome”. They had a nice laugh, but you know it still hurts me.  It still plays on my mind. It’s made me who I am today. I’m obsessed with building muscle and without fat.It’s forced me to learn as much as possible about food, nutrition, fitness and health.  It’s taken me seven years to figure out the best way to pack on rock hard muscle with absolutely no fat.  I want to share this with you because I understand your frustration.You’ve Got Too Many Options You’ve Got Too Many OptionsI know that it’s NOT YOUR FAULT.I struggled through my own body transformation and spent years trying to build muscle, testing everything and messing up a ton along the way.Finally, after seven years I’ve found the best way to build muscle and burn fat.I’ve discovered something startling about muscle building: you really are doing everything right.    You train right.    You eat clean.    You sleep right.Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  I know how you feel, I really do.  I spent years not having a clue; following plans my friends were doing, making up my own BS programs, reading “the next best thing” online trying to figure out where to go next. I’ve spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars buying products hoping one of them would finally work and get me the body I knew I deserved.Stop guessing.  I’ve worked so hard to find the best way to eat to get the most from your workouts.  Let me be your guinea pig.  With the right tools YOU too can build muscle, burn fat and be the envy of all your friends.    “One of the greatest experiences in life is achieving personal goals that others said would be, ‘impossible to attain.’ Be proud of your success and share your story with others.”    – Robert Cheeke, Discover My Proven System For Shocking Muscle GrowthBuilding muscle while losing fat is incredibly hard if you don’t know how.You Don’t Have To Be FrustratedYou Don’t Have To Be FrustratedI didn’t know how for years. I was randomly putting on muscle and I had to go to extreme lengths to lose fat. Muscle building was easy enough for me, but lean muscle WITHOUT FAT is what’s really difficult. I often worked out two to three times per day. This is NOT how you’ll do it.  Yep, you see that picture on your left? I kid you not, that’s pretty much how I looked as a kid.  I was frustrated.I’ve been your guinea pig for the past seven years.  I’ve always wanted the coveted, ripped, muscular look. It never made sense to me when people ‘in the know’ would say you can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. I hate being told I can’t do something.  Anybody that tells you different is scared you’re going to be successful, change your life and leave them in your wake.I’m tired of all the guessing games.  I’ve been thinking of ways for you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time ever since.I have tried and tested it with others. The results have been amazing. We are getting stronger, more muscular, and fitter all while getting more ripped. Who would have thought? Just look at Cross Fit athletes or MMA fighters and you know that IT IS POSSIBLE to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.WARNING:  STOP Reading Unless You Want To Know The Truth.You are about to discover my proven system for shocking muscle growth.  Working with dozens of clients has given me the opportunity to learn what works and what is just over-hyped nonsense. There are so many ideas, thoughts, programs and diet plans sprawling the Internet.  So, what’s your problem?  Pick one and change your body forever.  Here’s the problem: they don’t work for YOU.I’m on a mission; a mission to change your life. I want you to have your best body ever and never look back.  I’m talking about head spinning, attention demanding muscle that will put you in a league of your own in the gym.    STOP being scammed.    STOP buying over-hyped supplements.    STOP buying over-hyped products.    STOP buying “muscle building” foods.Most muscle building foods or muscle building supplements are actually causing you to store fat. That’s right, you’re storing fat and burning muscle. Is that something you want?To build ripped muscle you must start doing things differently. You must question the so-called authorities. You must question why your body hasn’t changed in years.I want to warn you; what you’re about to read is very controversial information. You’re about to go against the grain of the muscle building mainstream. This is not for you if you don’t like change.  Don’t read any further unless you want radical results. If you continue reading you’ll discover how the “muscle building” foods you thought would get you the body of a Greek God are actually making you fatter and slowing down your progress.Three Industry LIES Reveal Why You’re Getting Fatter & Not Building The Muscle You DeserveDo you struggle to build muscle and lose fat…are you being sabotaged by these common industry myths? Are you getting smaller, weaker and fatter?  These 3 reasons will reveal what you MUST NOT DO if you want to transform your body in to a lean, metabolic machine. Myth #1 Magazines Are There To Help Have you followed all the meal plans and workouts from magazines and not gotten anywhere? Do you really think it’s practical, sane or even productive to spend two to three hours at the gym five days per week? Do you really think eating 6 chicken breasts every day will move you closer to your goals? Maybe it will, but one thing’s for sure; you’ll go insane.If these magazines gave you meal plans and workouts that actually worked you’d never need to buy another copy. The editors are hired to sell magazines, NOT to get you a Herculean body. There are very few good publications nowadays. Industry has taken over. Their obsession with money overpowers their desire to help you get a head turning body. Instead they give you workouts they know you won’t be able to keep up for more than a week. They give you diet plans that literally cost you a small fortune. You’re not a professional bodybuilder. YOU JUST WANT a ripped, muscular body. Myth #2 You Need to Spend a Fortune on Supplements or Even Drugs to Build Muscle Fast Muscle magazines are just glorified catalogs for the supplement business. Who do you think pays for these publications? The supplement companies of course. Are you frustrated? You should be.You only need a handful of supplements, at most, to build a lean, muscular physique. Only 1% of supplements on the market actually do what they promise. The others literally suck money from your bank account. Their marketing is so hyped up that you wonder what YOU did wrong when the supplement doesn’t work. They make YOU feel guilty.Just take this supplement and you’ll look like The Rock in no time. You’ve been promised that before, right? I have and I didn’t get what I was promised. Damn, it frustrates me. These companies pour millions of dollars into marketing their products rather than actually developing a product that works. There are almost no regulations in the supplement industry. They can sell you whatever they want. They can fabricate their research. They can make up their success stories. They can pay high profile people to endorse them. They know you won’t get the results you’ve been longing for and they know you will continue to buy their products because, like me, you’re obsessed with finally having dense ripped muscle. They know that you want to ‘look like that guy’. Myth #3 Expecting Protein Shakes To Give You What You Want It takes years to build a ton of muscle. Just train hard, eat everything in sight and have tons of protein shakes. This could be the worst lie of all. It sets you up for failure. It forces you not to try as hard as you should. It gives you an excuse to slack off with your training, your nutrition and your muscle building lifestyle. Listen, you don’t need great genetics to build muscle quickly. Does it help? Of course it does; but it’s not essential.Just look at me. I had the worst kind of body and I still have the worst genetics on the planet; I was skinny fat. I worked hard for my body and if you’re reading this then you’ve been working hard too. But have you been working hard the wrong way?The media, the big food industry and the multinational supplement companies spend millions of dollars every year trying to convince you to buy the next over-hyped protein powder on the market if you want that elusive Herculean body.What If I told you protein shakes are overrated? What if I told you protein alone causes 38% LESS muscle growth than a carbohydrate and protein drink?(Reference: Miller, SL. Med Sci in Sports & Exercise: 449-455, 2003.)Don’t fall for the hype. It’s just another myth preventing you from getting the best possible resultsIn fact, the RIGHT combination of foods can actually help you build muscle and burn fat all at the same time. Recent research proves that combining carbohydrates with protein at very specific times of the day can accelerate muscle growth and boost your fat loss. (Reference: Ivy & Portman, Nutrient Timing, 2004.)    Scientific Advancements Prove It.    You Can Instantly Transform Your Diet To Build More Muscle and Burn More Fat by Breaking Free From The Industry Myths and Filling Your Body with the Right Foods at THE RIGHT TIMES.    (Reference: Miller et al. Med Sci in Sports & Exercise, 35:449-455, 2003)    – ,    You don’t need to follow a strict, complicated diet.    You don’t need to buy expensive groceries or supplements.    And you definitely don’t need to prepare a bunch of bland and boring chicken breasts.Discover How To Increase Your Muscle Growth By As Much As 70%Ask yourself; who told you that you need protein after the gym? Who told you to bench press, squat or run on a treadmill? NOBODY. You just thought it was the right thing, because, well, that’s what everybody else is doing.    I’m going to show you how to increase your muscle growth by up to 70%    I will teach you how you’re sabotaging your own goals by eating too much protein    I will teach you how strategically timing your meals and eating more sugar can help you lose fat and above all never be fat again.(Reference: Ivy & Portman, Nutrient Timing, 2004.) “You can’t over train, you can only under eat” Trey BrewerDid you ever notice that when you eat big meals you feel tired and groggy afterwards? The answer is simple; you’re eating at the wrong times.You’re going to wake up every morning feeling recharged and energized. Soon you’ll be asking your friends and colleagues what a mid-day slump even is.MAGIC PILLS, POTIONS AND POWDERS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR ADORNED BODY.The muscle-building and weight loss industries would rather you didn’t know about this no-nonsense, 100% science-based muscle building  fact. They want you to continue following the “conventional wisdom” that’s been keeping you fat, weak – and locked into their expensive pills, potions and memberships.Knowing the truth about how your own body works is going to free you from all that BS. Forget about your past failures and finally start achieving what YOU want.Do You Want To Be Ripped and MuscularDo You Want To Be Ripped and MuscularI guarantee you’ll quickly have the muscle-building and fat loss results you want as soon as you harness the power of your body’s natural functions.Do you want to workout harder?  I’ll reveal the two most potent vitamins that will make you a workout machine and eliminate muscle soreness so that you can workout harder and build more muscle.You know as well as everybody else, what others are doing usually is not the right thing. We are puppets, and feel compelled to do the same as everybody else. You must ask yourself; if you could go against the grain and do things different to everybody else but see better results, would you do it?“Sometime in Life , your situation will keep repeating itself until you learn your lesson”Do the richest people in the world do what everybody else does? No.Then why should you?    Have you bought the next best muscle building diet?    Have you bought every breakthrough muscle building supplement?    Have you paid for personal training before?Why has nothing changed?Why don’t you look like you deserve to look?Do you think it’s fair that you spend hours in the gym but you’re still not jacked?You want to be better than your friends.  It’s human nature.You Will Look Better Than Your Friends and they’ll beg for YOUR secret.It’s time for YOU to take the bull by the horns, pony up and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.You owe it to yourself to finally see the real muscle building results that you deserve.The truth is; if you’re anything like the people I’ve worked with, the last thing you want is another over hyped, full of crap supplement. What you need is the complete solution that works with you from the inside out and teaches you how to effortlessly optimize your workout efforts so that you can build dense muscle faster than ever before.Have you ever found that you eat and eat but the scales just won’t go up? This might sound strange, but you can have your best ever body without putting yourself on an extreme diet.  You don’t need to eat oatmeal, chicken breast and broccoli all day to build muscle fast.  You need a set approach that’s proven to work if you’re really going to turn heads with your new body.Most muscle building or fat burning programs only focus on gaining pounds on the scales. But they don’t pay attention to where those pounds are coming from. They’re happy to sacrifice lean metabolic muscle, performance and energy just to get the scales to move. That might seem rewarding in the short-term but it is a guaranteed way to ensure you revert back to your old soft, weak and skinny-fat body. Above all, YOU will be left disappointed.If you want to avoid the heartache of another failed plan, don’t fall into this trap that keeps you skinny, weak and flabby because the minute you stop you’ll end up back where you started, maybe even worse.  There have been times when I was working out and eating well but I still looked terrible.  I was so embarrassed in front of my friends.  After all, they were expecting me to be rocking up with a ripped, muscular body.I’ve got your answer.I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to eat and exactly how much you need to eat. This blueprint is designed with laser guided precision to get you the most muscle from your body in the least amount of time.Have you ever ate and trained like your life depended on it but you never got where you wanted to go?YOU ARE GOING TO SEE AND FEEL CHANGES FROM DAY ONE.I’m going to tell you exactly what to eat each day. Time is precious.  You’ll have no more excuses for not looking buff naked.Finally UNLEASH your body’s potential.When You Pick Up Your Muscle Building Package Today, Here’s What You’re Going To Learn:    The fastest way to build muscle and burn fat – Eat SMARTER    A completely science-based nutrient timing plan that will add pounds of muscle and shed fat from your frame – FASTER Muscle Growth.    The 3 unknown phases to explode your muscle growth – Say goodbye to the old you.    The solution to achieving your most muscular, ripped body ever. 99% of nutrition programs focus on eating more.. You’re going to eat at SPECIFIC TIMES to force insane muscle growth and fat loss – Never plateau again.This is your one chance. It’s NOT OK that you have to go through life just spinning your wheels all to end up back where you started.How much of your hard earned money have you wasted on supplements that do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING just because you’re frustrated at not getting results? I know.  I’ve been there.  I understand how you feel.You deserve to see progress from your efforts. I’m sick and tired of all the nonsense sprawling the Internet and you should be too. You can start these strategies right now.No waiting.No fluff.This is the best way to force your body into insane muscle growth, fat loss, and body shaping.This is THE ANSWER to all of your problems. No more fluffing around wondering what you should eat and when you should eat it. I’ve taken care of everything for you.Let’s face it…you want to look better.You want to turn heads. Some guys do it by wearing t-shirts 2 sizes too small or girls wear insanely tight yoga pants that fool the world into thinking they’re in good shape- I’m on to you people You don’t have to take these steps just to look good walking down the street. By implementing my strategies you’re going to unearth jealousy like you wouldn’t believe. YOU will be the person with the huge arms, the broad shoulders and the ripped abs.YOU will be the envy of your friends.YOU will be the one you never thought you could be.This is your chance to finally make a change. Get your copy today. This price is so low I ought to be locked up. Don’t leave yourself wondering what could have been.Are you ready to;    Get Jacked    Get Shirt Splitting Muscles    Blast Through Plateaus    Feel Amazing    Never Get Sick


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