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Brad Gouthro – Live Lean Afterburn (7 Ebooks – Pdf’s)

Brad Gouthro – Live Lean Afterburn

Description Out Why 98.7% of Workout Programs Fail YOU & the…1 UNIQUE WORKOUT SECRET To Live Lean 365 Days a Year…To Burn More Calories Up To 48 Hours AFTER Your Workout (Even While You Sleep).Our 60 Day 100% Money Back GuaranteeI Guarantee By Following The Exact Workouts In Live Lean Afterburn You’ll Be Living Lean Too Or I’ll Give You All Your Money Back.Maximize The Afterburn Effect Article by Brad Gouthro, PTS & NWSafterburn effectHi, I’m Brad Gouthro and this is my training partner, Carolyn Hoops    Find out why your workout programs are designed to slow your results and essentially FAIL you from reaching your goals.    Learn about the 1 UNIQUE WORKOUT SECRET used by only a small percentage of people who LIVE LEAN 365 days a year.    Discover how to burn crazy amounts of calories WHILE YOU SLEEP.    You’ll quickly see that IT IS POSSIBLE to re-compose your stubborn body fat into lean, sexy and aesthetically pleasing muscle.From the desk of Brad GouthroDear Friend,Are you one of the many people that puts in their time at the gym but don’t see the results you deserve? Maybe you’re not losing fat or maybe when you do lose fat, it’s not being replaced with lean muscle. Regardless of what it is, more time spent in the gym DOES NOT equate to better results.  That’s just not how the body works.There’s a specific reason why your workout programs are not providing results…afterburn effect…and I’m going to share why most (maybe all) of the workout programs you’ve purchased (or got out of a magazine) have failed you.The information has worked for me and my clients in living lean 365 days a year.This information includes how your conventional workout programs are sabotaging your calorie burning potential. The unique workouts I design have a direct impact on helping your body burn calories WAY MORE EFFECTIVELY, for up to 48 hours after your workout. Essentially you’ll be burning MORE calories, even while you sleep. Conventional workouts rarely take advantage of these design principles.These unique workout design principles are one of the most effective ways for people to Live Lean 365 days a year.But before we get into discussing those design principles, I need to clear something up…afterburn effectI feel really bad about all the misleading information in the fitness industry today. It’s no wonder 70% of the population in North America is overweight.What’s even more concerning is this misleading information is coming from sources that profit from the world being overweight.Due to this misleading information coming from “credible” sources, most people follow the advice and NEVER get the results they work for. This leads to people quitting and feelings of letdown (not only letting down themselves, but also family and friends). Does this sound familiar?If so, I want to help you overcome all this.If you’re ready to put in the work and discover a unique way to workout that is proven to bring lasting results…then you’re ready for what I’m about to reveal.    All workouts, regardless of how effective they are, burn calories. Burning calories during your workout help put your body in a calorie deficit. This calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume) leads to fat burning. This is important to understand (which I’m sure most of you do)..BUT not all types of workouts are effective in creating the best overall/total calorie burn inside and outside of the gym. This leads me to the second part of this equation.    Don’t just focus solely on the calories burned DURING your workout. Focus on total overall calorie burning (during + after). Conventional workouts tend to be designed to focus on burning calories only during your workout. The workouts in Live Lean Afterburn are strategically designed to burn calories during your workout and a whole lot more AFTER your workout (even while you sleep).afterburn effectUnfortunately since fitness is such a hot topic, everyone, regardless of education or real life results has an opinion. Most times these opinions are formed from what people read in a magazine or website that makes it’s money off selling ads to fat loss supplement companies.Remember, the weight loss industry is HUGE! And they profit from HUGE people. So, like I said, although all workouts do burn calories, most are doomed to fail you due to poor workout program design. Thus you put in the work but don’t get good results…so you quit. So lets reverse this. Let me help you burn way more calories, more effectively, and help you live lean 365 days a year…The 1 UNIQUE WORKOUT SECRET: To Burn More Calories While You Sleep & Live Lean 365 Days A YearLets talk about this “1 Unique Workout Secret”. Or more specifically what is it and how can you use it to live lean faster?I guarantee you…If you incorporate this 1 unique workout secret into your workouts, you will be on the fast track to living the lean lifestyle.To get faster results (and you will get them), you need to up the intensity and put in the extra effort. But the great thing is, this 1 unique workout secret is flexible, so you can suit it to your fitness level, if needed. What is it?afterburn effectBurn More Fat While You SleepMy specialized Live Lean Afterburn workout program is designed to help you live lean by burning MORE calories AFTER exercise, thus burning MORE body fat, while you SLEEP.It takes a certain type of workout to maximize the afterburn effect. Slow steady pace cardio is NOT one of them.Why does long, slow (boring) cardio not work?afterburn effectIt’s simple. Long, slow (boring) cardio DOES NOT effectively ignite the afterburn effect. Yes you may burn more calories DURING the workout but you’re not burning as many TOTAL calories when you add in the afterburn effect.Anaerobic exercise burns more total calories (during and after workout) than aerobic exercise. The afterburn effect is all about intensity. Doing brief, intense bursts of strength, speed, and power related work releases a large amount of free fatty acids that are broken down from fat stores inside the muscle. This will burn even more fat! The more intense the workout, the greater the afterburn effect.afterburn effectDo the right types of exercises with the right amount of intensity.Specific exercises combined with the right amount of intensity create a reaction in your body called the afterburn effect.This reaction causes the body to burn calories more effectively for up to 48 hours. This is why the headline “Burn More Fat While You Sleep” is actually true.The afterburn effect is also known as EPOC. EPOC stands for Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption.Lets simply break down the verbiage of the EPOC acronym:E = ExcessP = Post-exerciseOC = Oxygen Consumption.After (“post-exercise”) an intense workout (the cause of “excess” “oxygen consumption”) the body experiences an increase in the afterburn effect.The afterburn effect causes an increase in metabolic functioning. The higher your metabolism, the more calories burned. The more calories burned, the more fat burned. The more fat burned…the faster you’re on the track to LIVING LEAN!afterburn effectAnd that’s exactly what the LIVE LEAN AFTERBURN workout does.The Live Lean Afterburn workout program combines 7 different training stylesto maximize the afterburn effect and calorie burn while still building muscle. With all variety, it’s going to keep you engaged the entire 12 weeks. This way you will never get bored of the same old program design. You know the ones…lift weight for 12 reps, rest 60 sec, repeat 3 more times.These training styles include:    Circuit Training    Strength Training    Descending Pyramid Training    Complex Training    HIIT Cardio Training (the type that doesn’t require more than 30 mins!!)    metabolic Finishers    TabataEach training style is designed to:afterburn effectExercise Selection:The majority of the exercises in this program are compound movements that pull in multiple muscle groups. Think of it this way…The more muscles you incorporate, the more work you’re doing, thus, the more calories you’re burning.afterburn effect Workout Design Variables – Rest/Reps/SetThe Live Lean Afterburn workout design variables have been strategically designed to induce the most effective afterburn.Each training style focuses on a different rest/rep/set range. All the guesswork has been removed. Just follow the printable workout sheets.The goal is to keep the intensity high. However, stay within your fitness level. If you need more time to recover between sets, take it. The program is flexible that way.afterburn effectIt works.Following a strategically designed workout program that fits with your goals of living lean will provide results.    I’ve seen the best body re-composition results (getting and staying athletically lean and muscular) for myself and from my clients    The Afterburn Effect style of training focuses on training large muscle groups for strength, speed, and power. This format is going to help you burn the most calories AND build lean muscle!    You’ll never get bored with the workouts as they constantly change one day to the next.I want YOU to become my next SUCCESS STORY.I want YOU to experience all the positive physical, mental, and emotional changes that many others are experiencing everyday by following my live lean philosophies.Of course, I know my philosophies work as I live my message of living lean 365 days a year.afterburn effectBut as you can from my before and after pictures, I wasn’t born with good fitness genetics.afterburn effectafterburn effectBut don’t trust me. Just check out what my other clients think of my teaching methods and philosophies on living lean.afterburn effect“I lost 5 kg in 2 months & now live lean…”Robin B., GermanyRobin B social med“I am currently at 16% body fat and loving it….”Khrystal., CanadaKhrystal SS“Your advice and motivation has made such a difference in my pursuit of living lean…”Ben H., UKBen H SS“I have lost 70 lbs…”Jason H., USJason H SS“I was able to cut 30 pounds in less than 3 months!…”Andrew S., CanadaAndrew S SS“I was 210 lbs, I’m now 178 lbs…”Blaise S., USBlaise Sardanelli SS“30 days after committing to Live Lean…”Stephane J., CanadaStephane J SS“It’s amazing the things you can achieve…”Detrick C., USDetrick C SS“I have gone from a 42/44 waist down to a 34…”Hector F., USHector F SS“I just turned 60 and still have a 4 pack…”Joe K., USJoe K SS“I made myself a promise to change…”Johan B., DenmarkJohan B SS“Now after my 45th birthday my fitness progression continues…”Lisa M., CanadaLisa McMaster SS“I’ve dropped 180 pounds in the last year and absolutely loving this lifestyle man…”Rick W., USRick W SS“It is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying life…”Michela L., CanadaMichaela SS“I have dropped 10kgs and I am now at less than 12% body fat. This would not have been possible without Brad…”Dave P., UKDave P SS“I lost a total of 43 lbs since May 29th (2.5 months) and I am still losing…”Helen-Marie, USHelen-Marie Rivera SS“…have to say it has truly changed my life…”Sam I., MalaysiaSam I SS“I was 195 lbs, I’m now 166 lbs…”Otto S., Costa RicaOtto SSLive Lean Afterburn is YOUR PROGRAM to Live The Lean Lifestyle 365 days. Living lean = lean, sexy, and aesthetically eye pleasing muscle that all guys and girls want.If for some reason, this program is not right for you, you’ll get a 60 day money back guarantee. Full refund, no questions asked.Living lean is simple, IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IT.Let me show you…welcome to:Live Lean AfterburnThe Complete 7 Component Live Lean Afterburn System:afterburn effectComponent #1: The Live Lean Afterburn Workout Manual ($297 Value) -This complete workout manual includes the specifics of how and why the workout program design principles used in Live Lean Afterburn is scientifically proven to help you burn WAY MORE calories up to 48 hours after your workout (even while you sleep).For a specific and detailed 12 week workout plan like this from me, I would typically bill out clients at least $247.  So when I say I’m giving you a $247 value, well, that’s what you’re getting.afterburn effectComponent #2: The Live Lean Afterburn Workout Log Sheets ($47 Value) -Keeping track of your workouts is critical. How else will you know if you’re progressing and making improvements with your lifts? Unfortunately, this can often be a pain in the butt and time consuming.Not anymore. I’ve designed user friendly workout log sheets that you can simply print off and take to the gym with you. No more guess work as every workout sheet tells you the exercise, the reps, the rest periods, and gives you a place to record the weights/reps lifted.Just print it off and bring it to the gym. Beauty!afterburn effectComponent #3: The Live Lean Afterburn Workout Schedule ($47 value) -I wanted to create a system that is easy to follow. To help with this, I’ve broken out each day during the 12 week program so you’ll know exactly which workout to do and when you can rest. Everything is done for you. You just have to put in the work.afterburn effectComponent #4: The Live Lean Afterburn Supplement Guide ($47 Value) -I always get asked about supplements. Which ones are worth it and which ones are junk. Understanding this can save you a lot of money and it’s my job to save you money.Supplements are NOT required to do this program. BUT there are a few that I do recommend for FASTER results. I’ve outlined those few key supplements to help you get to your goals faster, in this guide.afterburn effectComponent #5: The Live Lean Afterburn Grocery List Of Approved Foods ($47 Value) -I’ve always been known as saying, “Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym”. Eat the right types of food is so important in getting results FASTER.Unfortunately many people are confused by all the “low calorie” “low fat” pre-packaged foods created by marketers. I take away all the confusion and guesswork. Next time you’re in the grocery store, stick to this comprehensive grocery list for the majority of your foods and you’ll be living lean quicker than ever!afterburn effectComponent #6: The Live Lean Afterburn Quick Start Guide List ($37 Value) -Let me help you get “your ducks in a row” before you take this live lean journey with me. Simply go through this quick start guide list so you ensure you start the program with everything ready to go.Go through the list, tick off the items, and then you’re ready to begin.afterburn effectComponent #7: The Live Lean Afterburn Exercise Video Demo Database ($47 Value) -BRAND NEW to Live Lean Afterburn is this Exercise Video Demo Database showing you how to do every single exercise in the workout program. I decided pictures are just not enough. You’ll stream over 75 HD workout videos for instant access to the proper form for each exercise.I want to make living lean accessible and affordable for everyone.  With that said, I’m offering you the complete 6 component Live Lean Afterburn system (a $569 value) today for a single, one-time discounted payment of:$67 Click Here To Save Big Time!Warning: Live Lean Afterburn is not a quick fix or magic pill to lose weight. If you are not ready to work for your results, please do not buy this program.What If Live Lean Afterburn Doesn’t Work For Me?I know this workouts provide results. My body and all my client’s body’s are real life examples that this program works…if you put in the effort.


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