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David Manning- Enough is Enough!

David Manning- Enough is Enough.mp3
[WebRip – 1 MP3]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! About authorThe natural multi-dimensional awareness that characterised his childhood has now emerged in a unique skill set enabling David to work with individuals and groups to create rapid dissolution of outmoded constructs, clearing space for the unfolding and integration of the new. Story Telling David has an ability to pull together strands of stories in individual and collective fields. He perceives the sticking points attached to these stories and helps unravel them so a new narrative can unfold. This is the sacred art of story telling. To remind the tribe of their origins and help open to emerging possibilities.Mysticism “Because you exist outside of time and space as well as within it, your ability to impact energy fields is not dependent on their apparent size. A human body, a continent or a planet, it makes no difference.” David has integrated this guidance well. It enables him to work with collective fields of energy, moving backwards and forwards in time to help unravel constructs, and the impact of events.Sacred Voice “I’m you in another lifetime.” This from a Native American shaman, the first of many multi-dimensional aspects to integrate about 17 years ago. Healing ceremonies began to be sung. There has been no formal training in sound work, but the sounds made have a profound impact. Many experience them as ancient, and deeply recognised at a cellular level. They remind all parts of the unified state. The work is simple, rapid and deeply transformational. Product InfoDecoding the Genetics of EnslavementDo you still find yourself bound by limiting behaviours, no matter how much spiritual work you do? Are you committed to the unfolding of consciousness within yourself and for others?Most of us are aware that off-planet beings genetically engineered humans to be workers.  If we look deeply, we find that we are hard-wired for slavery.  It’s woven into our genetics.  Our addictions, our wounds and identities, our fears and desires, the opinions of others—all of these things enslave us.  We unconsciously give our authority away.  Daily.  To money, debt, the corporate world, corrupt governing systems, religions, rules…This construct underpins the entire power dichotomy on the planet.  And, for eons, we have tirelessly played the polarity games of master/slave and victim/tyrant.But what if it’s time to walk off of that playing field?  What if the energies on the planet now support a release from bondage?  Are you ready to claim your inner authority?David Manning feels there is currently a more profound and ancient story emerging, one that reflects our Cosmic Nature, one that is embodied in the earliest levels of our genetic star-seeding. He has examined enslavement in many guises:  countless private sessions, cellular memories of genetic manipulation, inner research into the involvement of different races in history…  Over the past 10 years, his examination of the issue has intensified.  Now, it is front-and-centre.  Because the phenomenon of freedom from bondage is currently awakening from within.Using a powerful blend of story, sound, and energy work, David guides a process to dissolve the old conditioning that now begs to fall away.  This audio offers you the possibility to:•Release authority issues•Reframe addictive patterns•Drop exhausting resistance•Clear outmoded programming•Dissolve polarised states•Integrate Cosmic and multi-dimensional aspects•Experience greater freedomThe slave rebellion is happening now.  And it’s unstoppable!  Are you one of the human beings who is brave enough to snap the chains that bind you?  Are you ready to move beyond enslavement and explore what lies beyond?Product Page:


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