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Dr. William Horton – Ultimate Fatloss 4 U

Dr. William Horton – Ultimate Fat Loss 4 U
[WebRip(MP4) + Ebook(PDF) + Audio(MP3/M4A) + Notes(TXT)]



**** Exclusive **** This is the result of a Group Buysharing elsewhere will result in being banned!WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FAT HYPNOTISTS, NLPers, Nurses, and Nutritionists?”Who Else Wants to Get Lean, Stay Fit & Healthly, and Become An Example of What We Do?”And Then Use It To Increase Your Credibility, Help more People, and Increase Your Income as an Expert who Can Walk The Talk!…Without A lot of Stress and Anxiety!!Why is it important? You dream of being Thin and Healthy, you long to be a model of what we do,but We keep getting fatter and fatter. We eat right, exercise but we are stuck.Its not your fault, the things we have been told are lies and do not work. The stuff from the government, the food industry, and even most hypnosis trainer do not know, that is why there are so many fat professionals, hypnotists, nurses, nutritionists, and doctors?.You know there seem to be an industry and people who try everything to keep us fat and miserable.I am like you I gained weight, and worked out more, ate better, but got bigger, WHY? I had to find the answer so when I did I developed this for all of us.People look to hypnotists, NLPers, and other professionals to help them with a problems over 60% of the population has, WEIGHT & FAT. Yet many of us have fallen into the same old trap, we too are not the best examples of the power of what we do!People “judge” you on what they see first, what image to you project?It is funny and sad, those of us that can help others suffer from the same issues that many of our Clients Have! Explain a few common alternatives and common ways of thinking that don’t work, but should — don’t introduce your product yet, just explain the BAD ways of solving this problem!I was visiting a friend at the hospital and could not help but notice ALL the nurses were heavy, and the nutritionist was as wide as the hallway.And Then It Hit Me, Like a Bag of Fat!The Paradox of Knowledge    Many times learning and knowing something seems to stop us from using that knowledge.Remember the first time you experienced a profound change using a new found bit of information, the magic you felt?When was the last time you felt it?We think taking another class, learning a new diet, or a technique will help, but you end up analyzing it, and it may work for others, but not for you, who need it desperately!    We are not Immune, I had to lay on the bed to zip my pants !    Many of us  Want to Help People and our  skills do that, we help others ln many ways, yet many of us seem stuck. We want to be Living examples, we want to walk the talk, but we have fallen into the old traps. WE DREAM OF BEING THAT LEAN, HEALTHY Model for others, the person people admire.    What happened? It is not your fault, you have fallen into the same revolving door of lose weight, gain weight, just as the population, and IT IS A CAREFULLY PLANNED AND MANIPULATED PROGRAM that we all need help to break through. I know that you, like me, want to end this cycle for yourself and others, But the INFORMATION YOU NEED HAS BEEN HIDDEN FROM YOU, let me help you BECAUSE :    It Happened to ME, I also was doing what used to work, the things the “EXPERTS” were telling me and I could not fit in my favorite suit! Work out, martial arts, eat right (according to THEM) 189 pounds. WHY WHY WHY    It Started me on a journey and I discovered a conspiracy to get us and keep us fat, and WE were unwittingly helping them.    NOW 163 pounds, 11% Body Fat and feel better than I have in 20 Years. Lean mean Hypno Machine again. I did it and have helped hundreds of other professionals caught in the trap, let me help you!    Break the cycle and become a MODEL of success! Learn who the true enemies and manipulators are and how to defeat them.    Reveal to me YOUR real solution — the unique twist that makes you newsworthy and special.How to End that Feeling of being like a fraud “Forever”,and get that unstoppable confidence you desire.Introducing:Ultimate Fat Loss 4 UTo Break Free First we have to WAKE UP! I brought the same skills that broke the code of NLP to weight loss and IT TOTALLY SHARTERED MY OLD BELIEFS! IT CHANGED ME FOREVER!Week 1:Happiness or Pleasure, Why we are FAT!Why are we stuck, what is going on?• Learn How the food industry manipulates you (with the government and FDA)• Use your genetics in a new way• Look behind the curtian• Develop Your new idea!Quote:Hypnotist Loses 40 Painful PoundsI was stuck and getting bigger each year. I could not understand it, I have helped hundreds lose weight, but here I was and I was starting to feel like a fraud, I was ready to stop doing weight loss because I felt guilty that I was not walking the talk. This program helped me ways I never thought, I am back on track, dropped 40 pounds and have changed my entire outlook for my personal eating style!ThanksWeek 2:New Beliefs & The Ritual thatwill change you forever! Quote:”Nutritionist Changes Her Eating Behavior”    As a nutritionists I know a lot about food, eating, and what to do. It seemed like the more I learned the more confused I got and the more fat I packed on. The traditional methods I was taught were not only NOT WORKING, I was getting bigger. I needed a new way to do this. I stumbled across this from a friend and I was doubtful at first, but I had nothing to lose, and thank goodness I did it. I am experience a new lease on life and can’t wait to do more. I am also going to take his NLP class!Here  you’ll discover…• How to break Inflexible Thinking• Eating Behavior and Beliefs• Psychology of Possibilities• How to rest your thinking in 10 minutes a day.Module 3:A New Thin NewDevelop a New You, The you that you know you want to be and share with the world.• Stop thinking and Start Doing• Be Accountable• Let Go Of Childhood Lies & Dare to Be Different• Make it FunQuote: “Nurse Drops 20 Ugly Fat Pounds and Gains Unstoppable Confidence!    I have been a nurse for almost 20years, and I know what to do, eating and exercise, but I was not doing it, in fact I did everything I could the opposite. I “ONLY” put on 20 pounds but I felt horrible, no energy, no self confidence, no drive. I tried everything, then Dr. Horton showed me a new way that blew past my resistance and I am doing Great!Week 4:Weight Loss Warrior Your StoryBecome That Shinning Example of What We Do!    Become a Weight Loss Warrior    Fun And Focus    New Basics    Onward to A New Life    According to experts…    The Number of Fat Nurses is over 50%    Many Nutritionist’s Have Weight Problems    The Number of Overweight Hypnotists/NLP?    The People With The Answer’s Have The Problem!Week 5:Human Needs and YOUR TRIGGERSWhat are your human needsWhat Drives YouWhy your needs drive your triggersTake control of your needs and triggersWeek 6:Stop That Stubborn BlockYour Blocks are not what they seem, that is why you still have themHow to destroy that block forever Week 7:Primary QuestionYou have a “default” question that drives everything you is why you failTake charge of this inner driver Week 8:Commands, or Why Affirmations FailLearn why affirmations fail,A trick to fool your rejection of commandsHow to make a affirmation a COMMAND Week 9:Triad, Physical, Mental Loop!Why your State is controlled by your BodyHow to trick yourself into confidenceReset your Triad Week 10:Daily ChoicesEvery day you make 3 choices, subconsciouslyLearn what they areLearn to reset them Week 11:Magic ManifestingHow to use a long hidden mental trick for successDrive yourself to new success in every area Week 12:ReviewWrap up and onward….Uploader’s note: I skimmed through this as I was ripping it and it seems the videos are made live last winter and also included trance during the videos – which was also made an audio file from that (MP3 or M4A). Curious to go through this.All contributors who have paid have been whitelisted. Any problems or questions, PM me directly cuz I don’t check the comments section often.GB thread: Times:Contributors to Ultimate Fatloss 4 U: Ratio-FreeVIP+   –   TBAPU+    –   TBAUsers  –   10 years (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)


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