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10Lifestyle – Lifestyle Over Pickup –

Webinar – Lifestyle Over Pickup.mp4
[Webrip – 1 MP4]



Product link: [url][/url] Men Over 18 Still Chasing Women Into The 21st CenturyIf You Don’t Understand“Lifestyle Over Pickup”NowYou’ll Hate Yourself LaterHere’s The Startling Case Study That Will Explode Your Current ParadigmIt’s My Gift To You…I’ll Prove To You “Lifestyle Over Pickup”Is 100% Guaranteed The FutureAre you sick of chasing women day in and day out? Watching endless dating advice and seeing little or no results?It doesn’t matter if you go out 3, 4 or 7 days a week. Ask anyone who desires women and they’ll tell you the countless hours spent chasing women just isn’t delivering the impact they once thought.And if you too are “burning” time chasing women day, night, online. You’re likely feeling the squeeze of consistent dry spells. And you’re not alone…FACT: Less Than 4% Of Men Understand “Lifestyle Over Pickup”And this 4% isn’t something I made up…it isn’t even my research (Link)That’s right…according to bloggers on NY “High End” Nightlife, on average only 4% of civilians are allowed entry. I can assure you during that time period less than 1% of that 4% or men….…This is because the modern man is fixated on women to the point that they neglect their overall lifestyle and any interests or desires they have beyond women.(And you can google that club’s name including “cafe” part of the club in your search. Then look at the 1st picture…How’d a regular guy like me, end up in a place like that!?)Now do you see why I’m Hammering “Lifestyle Over Pickup”?And this is completely intentional!!You didn’t do anything wrong…The culture amongst “the men” who know hordes of women is that…“Men Must Pay!!”High End Nightclubs make the “general population” of men pay $1k+ bottle service and $300+ bar tab minimums just to be in proximity of attractive women.Enter Me Producing “Lifestyle Over Pickup” WebinarNow, if you want this paradigm shift…It’s going to cost you.(But don’t worry…as you’ll soon see it doesn’t cost very much, and if you do it right you can create an impact in your social life, sex life and overall lifestyle for the rest of your time on earth.“)So how do you attain these changes?Is there a system or “hack” that will detox you from your current belief-traps you were never even aware of?Giving you an “edge” to enjoy the women and lifestyle you deserve?There is, and that’s exactly what this page is all about…The Ultimate “Detox” From Mainstream & Dating Industry DogmaFor years, I’ve been low-key enjoying the connections I’d made back when I was building my lifestyle all while indulging in a vibrant sex life. So when I see “4% Civilian” I crack up as I’m not rich, famous nor connected to anyone due to school or work.So rather than panic, I got to work exploring and investigating 10Lifestyle…In addition to being apart of an array of social circles and connected with every high end nightclub within that time period, I started to witness patterns and lessons as to why “men must pay”. I consulted with every nightlife superconnector I knew to get an idea of the ideal formula and what made an “insider” different from what was called “general population”.When I was finished, instead of continually repeating myself about this radical NEW perspective to those who inquired…I started asking each person 6 potential “red flag” questions…Like a doctor pinpointing key symptoms…Each person always had 1 or more red flags, which made me understand why people living female abundant lifestyles held the terms “men must pay”In This 2.5 Hour Case StudyI disclose my whole journey as to how I became an “insider”    I give detailed backstory of the “tipping points” that lead me towards “lifestyle over pickup”    I fully disclosed WHY I turned my back on the “Dating Community”    I REVEAL personal breakthroughs that shifted my perspective forever    I HAMMER out the 6 mind-blowing “red flags” & why it isn’t your fault for being unaware    I RELEASE the floodgates about the origins of the 10Lifestyle “Process”    I DELIVER the powerful lessons I learnt on this “explorative” journey    I GIFT you 1 challenging question to ponder as you embark on revolutionizing your lifestylePersonally, I wouldn’t suggest “going it alone” gambling on luck to gain this shift in perspective as I’ve provided you with a step by step case study to liberate you from the creed you’ve been sipping all your life.And this is especially true if you have other interests beyond women.I mean it… Don’t Go Out Until You Watch This Case Study Have you ever heard the expression    “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result” The same applies here!At 10Lifestyle, I’ve already done all the hard work, made all the mistakes and figured out the ideal perspective (along with common belief traps) to enable your lifestyle flourish forever. And believe me, I made lots of mistakes, fell into a couple belief-traps along the way……And I “explore” reality & life for a living!!That’s why I’m so careful to document WHAT WORKS into simple, easy to follow roadmaps so everyone on the 10Lifestyle forum can duplicate these results and beyond across a vast amount of social realms.In the past this paradigm shift was mine alone, but now I’m making it available to the publicSo now you don’t have to go at it alone!Normally this talk would cost $150/hr through skype coaching, but for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to this webinar for just $10.Yep…$10.Literally, you can have pay for reduced cover charge to a club this Friday night or you can:    Awaken your “fascinating man” potential with a simple paradigm shift    Dissolve The 6 “Red Flags” that hinders your own lifestyle    Go out and begin socially dominating and having a positive impact world    Embark on your personal journey, discovering your hidden magnetic presence    Unlock A “Doorway” that will change your life experiences forever and can never be stripped away from youThe choice is yours…Click the “Buy Now” button and indulge in the lifestyle you deserve today…


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