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Elma Mayer – Healing Helix

Elma Mayer – Healing Helix
[Webrip – 2 mp3s, 2 pdfs]



**** elib Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!———————————————————————————————-The Healing Helix NEW EVENT:  Intensive Morphic Healingfor the Six Most Important Parts of your LifeLearn how to heal your WHOLE Life – all at once. The Healing Helix is a new Now Healing technique that will blow your mind… and integrate your Life! The Healing HelixHeal your WHOLE Life – with 6 Essential IntegrationsDo you think you have “several specific, separate” problems?  For example, your:• Knees• Knowledge gaps in making money doing what you love• Knack for attracting wacky womenAnd if you could only just solve those few things, everything would be fine?But deep down… your evolved self knows that it’s not enough to work on one or two specific problems. That’s so old-paradigm! You know that “fixing problems” is a game of whack-a-mole. New ones keep popping up.You need a NEW way to heal. Instead of fixing specific issues… Heal the BIG PICTURE of your life. It’s not just “holistic”… it’s The Healing Helix – a mind-blowing new technique that will…Integrate the 6 Most Important Parts of your life. That way, your specific problems will automatically Align with Wholeness – and that’s what healing is all about. What are The 6 Essential Integrations? These six PARTS of your life must ALL work together as a WHOLE:• Health – your body, energy, vitality, resilience to stress, automatic self-healing ability, and simply feeling good!• Wealth – your ability to receive the abundance of the universe, income, money, material things, safety, security, gifts, talents• Wisdom – your higher knowing, spiritual awareness, perspective, mind, memory, mood, emotional balance, confidence, self-trust• People – your relationships, love, romance, family, ancestors, community, fame, reputation, and resonance with others• Places – your home, sleep environment, workplace, birthplace, geopathic stress, feng shui, relationship to earth, and the cosmos• Flow – your personality, patterns, purpose, life’s work, success, creativity, motivation, fulfillment, and evolutionWhen you Integrate All 6, your Life is Powerfully CongruentYour whole life flows beautifully – in a Healing Helix!You are “in the vortex” – where Wholeness happens automatically. You create your highest health and happiness. But… when these 6 Parts of your Life are NOT Integrated…You Disintegrate! That’s when you experience suffering, stuckness, stiffness, stress, self-sabotage…And those are just some of the S’s! There’s more…Do you have any of these Signs of Lack of Integration? Is your Life…(More than one may apply!) • Stagnant or Stuck?  Your procrastination, confusion, doubt, chronic pain or inability to heal from illness… can be caused by a blockage or disconnect between any of the six life areas of The Healing Helix.• Chaotic or Out-of-Control? Any trauma, drama, upset, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, hypersensitivity, feeling scattered, losing things, mental loops, arguments, control issues, debt, over-spending, or body aches and pains that move around… can be caused by distortion, noise, or negative influence between the six integrations.• Limited or Lacking? A lack of freedom and enjoyment, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, thinking small, depression, arthritis, stiffness, lack of mobility, inability to take action – not to mention low income, inability to find a good job… can be caused by patterns of entanglement between the six areas.• Looping or Repeating Layers of Learning? The same problems keep showing up in new ways. You attract the same kind of love partner again and again. You find yourself having the same arguments with different people. Chronic pain or illness, or “if it’s not one thing it’s another” syndrome.• Painful or Problematic? Your hurts, injuries, physical illnesses, emotional wounds – they don’t just “live” in your body or mind. They can sabotage your finances, family, fun, and future.• Almost Perfect?!?  If your life is mostly pretty wonderful, but you’d still like to tweak a few areas, or take a leap into your next level of evolution… this program is a super-easy way to get it all together and integrated.• A Combination of All of the Above? This one is most likely to be true! Sometimes your life feels pretty darn great. Other times, you wonder why there’s stress, stiffness, stuckness, or self-sabotage – in the same old areas.Have you “Tried Everything?”You’ve probably done lots of healing work directly on your specific problem(s). But if it didn’t really “work”… then you need to try something new!The Healing Helix is Different. It’s a top-down approach, unlike most others. Most healing modalities dig into the specifics. But they neglect something just as vital: the over-arching top-down zoomed-out view.In The Healing Helix, we heal both the big picture and the small specifics.Because you need to Align the large categories of your life – and most importantly, their entanglements.If you limit your healing to limited, single areas –  like emotions, beliefs, biology, structure, energy, stress, toxins etc – then you’ll get limited results. It’s not about healing just one part of your life.It’s about ALL the parts, and how they interconnect with each other and your whole life. Because ALL SIX Essential Life Areas need to be congruent with each other.Experience “Cosmic Congruency”When all six “Essential Integrations” happen…You’ll get huge shifts… from this brand new “divine download” that I’m receiving just for you! I tune in to give you exactly what you need – and what you are ready for – on your evolutionary path.You will learn how to tap into the amazing morphic field of The Healing Helix, and you’ll do it the easy way – the Now Healing way! It sounds complex, but it’s truly simple. And it gives you automatic healing. Best of all, you will be able to “take it with you” and apply it to anything that you want to heal!We will activate The Healing Helix’s automatic healing power – and “install it” into ALL parts of your life… to integrate your “parts” into the highest Whole. And we do this energetically and morphically. No need to visualize sacred geometry, or wear it as a piece of jewelry, or even know what it is! WHY are “The Six Integrations” Essential?To create the highest expression of your life, there are six main areas that need to be integrated. (There are lots of other areas too… but they will come into Alignment much more easily IF you do these six first!)These six areas of life must all be energetically congruent (Aligned) with each other. If they are not… they wreak havoc on each other – usually without your knowledge!How does Lack of Integration do Damage?Lack of integration between the 6 most important parts of your life creates distortion between those parts.Distortion and disconnects cause trouble because they are…1. Hidden! Most of us have at least a few – and we don’t even know it.2. Entangled! Everything affects everything else – whether we know it or not.Here are just a few examples (out of zillions of possibilities) of how some of these 6 areas can be entangled to wreak havoc:• PLACES and HEALTH. Your home’s energies (or its “morphic memory” of past event) may be creating a subtle but destructive resonance with your health. If a previous resident had health problems, the “energy” may be secretly stuck in your home.• PEOPLE, WEALTH, WISDOM. Your unresolved resentment about your father’s relationship to your older brother can block your income “vortex”– unconsciously. No matter how hard you try, how many long hours you work, how many advanced degrees you pursue to improve your employment chances… your buried “father issues” resonate with your relationships with all of your bosses – so your job security is always shaky.• HEALTH, WEALTH, FLOW, PEOPLE. Aches and pains cause you to miss work, lose income, be grumpy, irritable, and stressed about your future. You feel like your “lowest” self, your thoughts and expectations are negative, you blame yourself, and you are afraid that you are driving away your loved ones because of your irritability.In The Healing Helix, we will clean up all the energies and entanglements between all these life areas… to free up your Whole life.The Healing Helix’s totally unique approach harnesses “flower power” (the Flower of Life)… in a brand new, unique technique that I received as a download from spirit.I will show you how to take this cosmic pattern of creation, and quickly activate it with Instant Morphic Healing techniques. This allows fast healing – and manifestation – for your WHOLE life.HOW can this Possibly Work on All Six Life Areas?By plugging into the power of two deep universal patterns:The Helix (Spiral) and The Flower of Life Heal the FLOW of your Life… with the Flower of Life. This healing is powered by two huge universal morphic fields of healing with sacred geometry. This has manifested into a brand new Morphic Healing Method called The Healing Helix.I’ve “downloaded” and developed a unique way to apply Instant Morphic Healing to Sacred Geometry.These deep universal patterns power ALL Life.  Let’s Align them to energize yours!These two incredibly powerful morphic fields give you literally trillions of shifts that ripple out into all of reality.Your WHOLE life – and its fractal parts – get a cosmic reset and re-Centering… beyond your conscious mind’s awareness, and beyond your intentions. (But no worries, your intentions will Align too!)Bonus: The Seven Transformations – 7 hours of audios plus 81-pg PDFThe Seven Transformations:Space, Time & the ElementsThis Bonus will enhance your experience of The Healing Helix. In The Healing Helix, we integrate the six essential life areas. In The Seven Transformations, we Align seven additional fields that are absolutely vital to your WHOLE life. Read about these seven fields below…Each of these Seven Transformations are powerful morphic healing fields… universal energies that already exist. It’s easy to tap into them.You’ll discover exactly how to allow your flow towards Wholeness… for automatic, universal healing.The bonus can be found at: Healing Helix… The bottom line is:• You will connect with me LIVE on the call (or in the Replay, where the healing is always active). After the, call I will do individual remote healing on YOUR specific issue. This is a RARE opportunity to get direct healing from me!• Get Personalized Healing for your specific issues. We will do many powerful, intensive Morphic Healing Alignment for your specific healing intentions – whatever they may be.• More importantly, we Align your Whole Life – your Health, Wealth, Wisdom, People, Places and Flow• Listen to the replays whenever you like. Apply the healing to different issues. The healing is always active in the replays.• And best of all, you’ll learn unique techniques for healing, that you can use on anything. You can “do it yourself” based on what you’ll learn.To Heal your “Specific” Problems, Heal the big picture of your life!Because the specific issues you experience usually have huge, hidden entanglements – in many different areas. INTEGRATION of all these areas is vital, so that the various parts of your life support each other, rather than distort each other.Top-down Alignment of your life is absolutely essential. Yet, it is often ignored by most other methods.If you’ve tried everything……and you’re still experiencing limitation, stuckness or chaos… then it’s time to Integrate your Life.Heal the parts as you integrate the WHOLE.Join me, and upgrade your Whole Life – powered by the sacred, universal fields of The Healing Helix. will be a bonus Q&A call. This will we uploaded as soon as possible after the call.


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