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Jenny Ngo – Energetic Prescription for Reclaiming Your Light – Entity Clearing GB

Jenny Ngo – Energetic Prescription for Reclaiming Your Light
[Webrip – 1 MP3 1 PDF]



Jenny Ngo – Entity Clearing GB this healing and clearing recorded call, you are given the key essential energetic ingredients as the roadmap or GPS guide to reclaiming your Light & living your Divine Life.Also includes a PDF of the shared pearls of wisdom.Roadmap or GPS guide to Reclaiming your Light & living your Divine Life 1. Be free or clear of negative entities. Negative entities can:1. Prevent success 2. Prevent healing progress 3. Create or recreate heart walls 4. Interfere or make it harder for your connection w/ Higher Self & Source 5. Release entities debris (curses/negative thoughts, energetic weapons/saboteurs, psychic traumas,etc) ​ 2. Be free of black magic,​ voodoo, vows, contracts not for your highest good/lineage affecting you 3.Reclaim your Light & Life!By making this declaration, That no one of NOT for my highest good can embody my bodies. This will greatly help! Deeply know that no one can harm us unless we allow it (knowingly or unknowingly). 4. Be free of heart walls 1. Heartwalls are energetic walls around the heart 2. Each layer of the heartwall is comprised of 1 trapped emotions or more 3. Negative dimensional beings or ETs can caused or put up heartwalls 4. Important to process your emotions. Don’t stuff it down, this will help you not formed heartwalls and/or cause other dis­eases in your body. 5. Have a strong energetic immune system a)Like our physical immune system, if our energetic immune system is strong, then we are not prone or susceptible to negative energies b) Life Force Energy (LFE)­ functioning at its highest possible level in all bodies, ultimately 100% c) Aura/Auric fields, repaired to 100% d) Overall energetic vibration is high (like love & happiness level….overwhelmed, guilt, shame,etc is very low on scale vibration. 6. Daily comprehensive energetic cleansing. ​Most of us weren’t taught to do regular energetic cleansing. We wash and cleanse our physical bodies like washing our hands, taking baths or showers, and brushing our teeth. We should be doing energetic cleansing as much as that or at least ⅓ of of this. With my  healing work it’s quick, easy and so comprehensive (clearing hearwalls, negative entities, raise LFE,  repair Auric fields, enhance your connection to God Source / Creator! Energetic cleansing further grounded and centered and hence raise your vibrations so that you are not susceptible to negative entities. 7. ​Connect to your inner Guidance and inner knowing to get your answers​ (Important note, must be free of negative entities otherwise can be misguided or get wrong answers especially w/ muscle testing). We are all intuitive, but often we don’t trust it. Guidance works with you to help you “know” whether this is a gut knowing or feeling, or you may hear or see. But above all, don’t compare yourself because  you are unique and each of us are at different level of growth. 8. Trust in the Higher Power, God Source/Divine. ​That you have always been loved, supported always even when you don’t think so. This loving and supporting connection is always here. You are a part of  the whole totality. Your Higher Self or God self is this, Peace and Love. Deeply know this. 9. There’s is NOT a magic wand to the healing journey. ​You need to do inner work to release the Negative energies “gunk buildups” or limitations accumulated over time this lifetime. For many of you, this lifetime along is quite a lot considering all the experiences you have been through growing up, your upbrings, your parents, siblings, partners,etc and this is not mentioning of the possibilities of past lives  and ancestral. You don’t have to know exactly what the “gunk” or negative limiting energies needed to be released. This is basically being with whatever comes up in your awareness like pain/discomfort, emotions, and/or  health challenges including physical, financial, etc. Because whatever you are currently still noticing or  experiencing in your life, then there are still a lot of “gunk” limiting energies needed to be released. These are still within you, hence you are vibrating or sending out similar frequencies hence attracting or  having these challenges or issues entirely at an unconscious level. When you are “ripe” or have done  your inner works, then you will have breakthroughs and this is where miraculous healing occur. True healing is when alignment meet God Source. 10. Let go of your stories….drop those baggages no longer serving you anymore! Guidance is telling me to share this with others, how much you heal or have improvements in your life is proportionate to how  much you are willing to “let go”! 11. Everything is inner work, in this essence, you are your own healer. Of course, we sometimes need  help from others to help propel us along the healing journey when we get stuck, including myself. We are humans. 12. Take responsibility, “owning or admit” ​we have a issue or problem. This is one of the first step, because if you don’t even know you have a problem, then you are more likely not going to take inspired  actions to changed it. For best results, you do your part, God Source will do theirs and the energy Healer. 13. Life and healing is a journey not the destination l​ike most of us feel in the beginning. The journey starts with the “first step”. 14. Live life with gratitude! ​Be grateful for what you currently have so that you get to have more things to be grateful for. This is the universal law. 15. Be happy, love and care for yourself! ​Do the things you love or enjoy doing more. The more you are able to do this, the more happier you are and essentially caring for yourself. You come first before  anyone else. This is not being selfish but caring and loving yourself so you are able to help others. But  like the analogy of airplane safety drill, you are instructed to put on the oxygen mask first. Plus, it does not cost anything to be happy, just a change in perspective. So choose to be happy NOW! 16. Fully experience our feelings or emotions. ​Feeling is Healing. But we often “stuff” it down inside. Then we wonder why we have issues? The more we resist, the more whatever you resist will persist 17. Be, Do & Have….​instead of thinking you need to ​have​ [whatever] first, then we can​ do​ the things we want, then we can finally be like happy, loved,etc Most of us got this backward. Want to have first,  then do, then be. Completion question: How would it feel right now if “this” is already complete and totally finished? Seeing the “end of the movie”, already done and completed. Be or bathe yourself  with these completion feelings within you. 18. Be present and conscious. ​Be in allowance and patience. When your “inner world” is lining up or comes into alignment so will your outer world or reality. 19. ​ ​Let go of your expectations. ​Take inspired actions but also be patience for the Right Divine Time to show up in your life. Healing occurs in layers, another level to clear/release. This is the process. 20. Acceptance and be okay with what is.​ From of this space of neutrality, then you transform and heal  if it is in your Divine Path or Highest Good. 21.​ ​Seeing Higher Perspective and knowing All Is Well.​ Whatever you have going on in your life, whether it be health, relationships, financial,etc seeing from the Higher Perspective that God Source is trying to get your attention to help remind or bring you into alignment (by giving you sign posts or messages) where we have been way out of alignments. These out of alignments are: a) Disconnection from God Source b) We don’t Trust or not Trust enough that God Source have our back c) We don’t feel the support from God Source d) We don’t feel the love that’s always here from God source 22.​ ​You are powerful and Divine. You are Creator or cocreator of your life. You have create or manifest all the wonderful things in your life. You can also “un­create”. 23. You don’t have to suffer. Suffering is a choice, no matter what may be going in your life.​ Where your attention goes, your intention goes. The choice is yours, so choose wisely 24.​ ​ Radial Forgiveness for self and others ● Forgive yourself for all the things you have done or should have done to others and/or yourself. ● Forgive all others that have caused you harmed or has hurted you this lifetimes of others lifetimes. Bc all is part of the Divine Play or plan for everyone’s soul’s highest evolution. There’s no one to blame, we all have been the victim, the perpetrator, and the rescuers ​25. ​ ​Always tell the Truth. ​This is respecting yourself and honoring yourself. Be your authentic self. And  shine your Light brightly 26.​ ​Live your life from the Heart Space or center.​ The more you can do this, the more your life will flow with ease, grace, and synchronicity. There will be less mind chatters or negative self­talks hence less in your head 27.​ ​ Remember to breathe especially when things get tough! ​The breathe is such a powerful tool and it’s free. Deep conscious breathing will take us out of our thinking mind; ground and centered us and bring us back to our Heart­space, our True Nature of calm, peace, and love.


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