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Kip Mazuy – Shakti Silence Meditation and Kundalini Awakening Music – Shaktipat GB

Kip Mazuy – Shakti Silence FLAC
[CDrip – 7 FLACs 2 PDF 1 JPG]



Bliss Music Shaktipat GB Silence is an almost silent CD that transmits Shakti Energy allowing you to easily experience deep states of meditation and bliss. It provides you with the energy that is necessary to awaken you into self realization andenlightenment.  But it now also comes with 2 CDs of meditation music that also transmit Shakti,allowing you to have the transmission whether you prefer to sit in silence or listen to music.What is Shakti Energy and why is it so important?Shakti energy is the energy vibration of unconditional peace, bliss and love.  It is this energy itselfwhich makes meditation happen.When one reaches the highest states of meditation, they naturally transmit Shakti Energy.  Whenyou sit with such an enlightened master, you feel this energy.  It makes you feel peaceful, blissfuland puts you into a state of meditation without any effort on your part at all.Just by sitting with such a Shakti Meditation Master repeatedly deepens your meditation, yourexperience of bliss and awareness.  It even has positive effects on your outer life.  It in itself willfast track your spiritual progress far more than years of meditation practice on your own.Shakti enhances any meditation technique or practice you might follow.  it allows you to takethose practices and go far deeper than you could just by practicing them on your own. Shakti is nothing new.  It has been the tried and true method for attaining enlightenment forthousands of years.  It is even documented in the Upanishads:    “The Supreme state of being established in one’s own real nature, whichis so difficult to attain by other means, is easily attained by the grace of anenlightened Siddha.”      (Yogashikha Upanishad, Written 800-1400 B.C.)After a profound spiritual awakening I was “shown” a way through using special audio equipmenthow to capture Shakti Energy and turn it into sound. Imagine sitting by a fire on a snowy Himalayan mountain top with your eyes closed.  Your SpiritualTeacher touches you on the head and suddenly you feel immense peace and bliss.  It is as thoughhe opens the door in you to incredible freedom…Now imagine sitting in the comforts of your own home, pushing play on your CDor mp3 player and experiencing the same peace & bliss. Imagine being able to utilize this same Shakti Energy in your meditations every day.What are the benefits of having a silent Shakti CD?First, you will notice there is something very unique about how Shakti Silence makes you feel. The Shakti is subtle yet very very powerful. Some claim Shakti Silence is the most powerfuland advanced out of all of my CDs for meditation and spiritual awakening. As it sounds like white noise, it allows you to meditate in silence without any music.  It allows youto meditate in a more zen style of meditation that helps you become accutely aware of yourthoughts and of awareness itself yet at the same time still receive the Shakti EnergyTransmission.  This can be really helpful to to discover the whole mechanics of mind and theessential silent awaress that is at its essence. This is what meditation and self realization is all about:  realizing the essence of your mind, whichis pure silent awareness.Many of you already know about Shakti Silence.  Shakti Silence is an almost silent CD thattransmits Shakti Energy allowing you to easily experience deep states of meditation and bliss. It provides you with the energy that is necessary to awaken you into self realization andenlightenment.  But it now also comes with 2 CDs of meditation music that also transmit Shakti,allowing you to have the transmission whether you prefer to sit in silence or listen to music.You could struggle on your own with meditation and never really taste the peace and blissthat is available, or you could make things incredibly easy simply by listening to a uniqueCD that washes you in the shakti energy of unconditional peace.The meditation music on Shakti Silence is also quite unique.  I’ve spent $10,000 on new audio equipment that allows me to turn Shakti into sound in much more modern ways than I could before.  The result is the sound quality is more lush in the music without compromising the Shakti Transmission.  Every sound you hear in this music is transmitting to you this shakti energy.There is a meditation musical track on Shakti Silence that is also quite special that needs mentioning:  “Lakota” is a meditation music track that transmits the energy of kundalini awakening directly to you.  It is incredibly intoxicating and incredibly powerful.  If you had good experiences with “Kundalini Kali” from my Pure CDs you will love this track.The Shakti Vibrations on “Mahadevi” help open the heart while “Formless” awakens the energy in the higher centers of the third eye & crown.”Realizing the Self:  Discovering the Key to Inner Bliss” E-book.I have completely re-written most of this book from the original version.  This book will beextremely helpful for anyone wanting to really dive deep into meditation and those who are seriousabout awakening into self realization.This is a hands on workbook designed to be used with the Shakti Sonice that comes with ShaktiSilence that can catapult you into advanced states of meditation.  It can give you the freedom toenjoy life from a completely new perception beyond the mind and body.Including Topics on:         How to directly experience oneness (non duality)How to enter witness consciousness & experience formlessness.How to transcend the personal ‘me’ and experience the level of nothingness, the experienceof pure peace.How Shakti relates to awareness and awakens you into Self Realization        The key to being blissful in your meditations and maintaining this bliss throughout your day.        How to experience the Self, the awareness beyond the mind and body.  Learn how thisallows               you access to incredible states of pleasurable peace & freedom.        Meditation techniques to help keep you resting in the Self        How to transcend the mind through self acceptance        Bonus chapters on directly experiencing the Self and Self Nurturance & Surrender


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