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Master Fong – Wing Chun

Master Fong – Wing Chun
[VHSRip – 7 DVD – 7 AVI]


Recorded: 1987The history of Wing Chun has been passed from teacher to student verbally rather than through documentation, making it difficult to confirm or clarify the differing accounts of Wing Chun’s creation. Some have sought to apply the methods of higher criticism to the oral histories of Wing Chun and other Chinese martial arts.[1] Others have attempted to discern the origins of Wing Chun by determining the specific purpose of its techniques.Wing Chun started to appear in independent third-party documentation during the era of the Wing Chun master Leung Jan, making the subsequent history of Wing Chun and its divergence into branches more amenable to documentary verification.It is believed that a man had been a spectator to a fight between a snake and a white crane and, from this fight, combined with his knowledge of Shaolin kung fu, he developed the key elements that is known as the Wing Chun kung fu. Over time, more famous names such as Yip Man and Bruce Lee made the martial art known worldwide.Augustine Fong (Fong Chi Wing)Primary Lineage: Historical Ancestors > Yat Chum > Cheung Ng (Tan Sao Ng) > Leung Yee Tai > Dr. Leung Jan (Leung Tak Wing) > Chan Wah Shun > Ip Man 葉問 (Yip Gai-Man) > Ho Kam Ming 何金銘 > Augustine Fong (Fong Chi Wing)With over thirty-seven years of experience in the art, Master Fong is considered by the Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun Association in Hong Kong to be among the most skillful Wing Chun masters in the world…


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