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Richard Dotts – Getting Into Manifestation Zone: A Radical Way to Manifest 24×7

Richard Dotts – Getting Into Manifestation Zone
[eBooks – 1 MOBI + 1 EPUB + 1 AZW]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Richard Dotts – Getting Into Manifestation Zone: A Radical Way to Manifest 24×7  [eBooks – 1 MOBI + 1 EPUB + 1 AZW]Product Page: the power and consistency of these Universal Laws, why is it that some people still struggle to apply them in their daily lives?Why can it sometimes be difficult to apply these manifestation techniques in a way that yields consistent results… every single time, no matter what we ask for?If these Universal Laws are as “precise” as the laws of physics, then shouldn’t they work one hundred percent of the time without fail for every single person on this planet?If you have asked these questions at some point in your spiritual journey, you’re in for a real treat. Join bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts as he returns with his latest and most anticipated book for this year, Getting Into Manifestation Zone – A Radical Way to Manifest 24/7 .In Getting Into Manifestation Zone, Dotts puts forth the radical premise that our results are inconsistent not because these Universal Laws do not work reliably all of the time. Rather, it is because these Universal Laws are unseen, and most people do not have an accurate conceptual representation of how they work. As a result, an individual can live his entire life not understanding the powerful nature of these unseen spiritual forces and how to tap into them.The solution then, according to Dotts, is to conceptualize these Universal Laws in a way such that they become visible to us. In his usual trademark style, Richard walks readers through a radical framework that allows us to clearly visualize the inner workings of these Universal Laws. More importantly, Richard shows everyone how to know where they stand in relation to these Universal Laws, and hence “foresee” the future they are about to create.As Richard explains, an accurate visualization of these Universal Laws is the first step. When we have an accurate framework through which to perceive these Laws, we turn these ethereal and unseen forces into something tangible and instantly perceivable by our senses. By cultivating a moment-to-moment awareness of where we stand in relation to these Universal Laws, we are able to focus our energies and manipulate these unseen forces in a precise manner that yields results every single time.In Getting Into Manifestation Zone, Richard presents a completely new framework for manifestations that allows one to accurately visualize these spiritual principles for themselves. Once an understanding and internalization of this framework is complete, the reader is taken through a series of exercises based on this framework to create an alternate reality for himself.The framework also answers many age-old questions about applying these spiritual techniques to create physical manifestations, such as:Why is it that most people find it so difficult to create a new, desired reality? (The framework explains why most people perpetuate their existing realities by default, unless they know the right way to “break out” of this unconscious way of living.)How did the spiritual masters throughout the ages create seeming miracles and manifestations out of thin air? (The framework explains how they are able to do so by immersing themselves entirely in the spiritual dimension and staying there.)How can YOU spend most of your time in the spiritual dimension, and yet function effectively as a physical being in this modern world?And more…**OPEN TO ALL


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