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Michael Linenberger – The One Minute To-Do List – Quickly Get Your Chaos Completely Under Control (2nd Ed)




Click here TO JOIN THE MICHAEL LINENBERGER GB& GET THE COMPLETE VIDEO TRAINING SERIES OF HIS TIME MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES.Join While You Still Can As Spaces are Limited.This is by far one of the best time management “to do” list I have come across.  I highly recommend his methodology for time management. Click here to join the Michael Linenberger GB for the complete video series of his time management principles:*The One Minute To-Do List Complete Video Training*The Manage Your Now-Outlook Complete Video Training*The Manage Your Now-ToodleDo Complete Video Training*The One Minute Project Manager Complete Video TrainingQuote:Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?I bet you picked up this… because you are feeling overwhelmed—either a little or a lot. Perhaps you feel that tasks and e-mail are flying in too fast and productive work is getting buried under constant emergencies. Or maybe you are even feeling that your workday is completely out of control—that you are behind on everything and hopelessly overburdened. If any of this sounds like your situation—great!   Wait, why is that great? Because you’re going to be very happy with the amazingly rapid relief this will give to you. By reading only to the end of Chapter 1— just a few short pages away—you will gain significant order in your chaotic workday and enjoy a refreshing contrast with your present state. Then, by reading just a little further—through Chapter 3—you’ll have mastered a set of tools that will allow you to permanently get control of your workday. The rest will be icing on the cake—providing a complete system to keep you ahead of your busy workload in all situations.   By the way, don’t feel bad if you are feeling completely overwhelmed; you’re not alone. Nearly all busy people these days are overloaded with work. That’s especially true given all the e-mail we get and the additional work that brings. A recent Harris poll says 80 percent of people do not like their jobs. Most people say the problem is that they are overworked—that they have too much on their plate. So, it makes sense that you feel the same way.   But there is a solution. Tens of thousands of people have gained control by using the simple to-do list approach here, which I call the One Minute To-Do List, and the reports are outstanding. For example, Ted Sampson says that for the first time ever he can make sense of all the work he has—he says he can see his priorities clearly and he can now master what needs to get done. Amy Brown reports that her new One Minute To-Do List has saved her career because she is finally able to meet the expectations of her demanding boss. James Frederick says it has even saved his life. How? His health was deteriorating from the stress of being constantly behind at work; he says with the One Minute To-Do List in place, that stress is now gone. These are typical results people experience from adding the simple tool taught here.Why Most To-Do Lists Don’t WorkMany of us attempt to use a to-do list to try to get our chaos under control. We do that hoping to gain a sense of order—and, of course, we do it to try to get things done. Gaining a sense of order is something we all hope for. We think if we can just get a clear picture of our current responsibilities, then everything will calm down and make more sense. And we hope that doing that will give us a leg up on our work.   But most people fail when creating and using a to-do list. The list usually gets too big and unbearable, or it ends up focusing on the wrong things first. When we look at a poorly created list, it just adds stress to our day rather than solving it. Because of that, most people give up on using their lists—particularly ones they create on their computer or smartphone.   But a to-do list, if properly created, can really help solve this problem. It’s all aboutprioritizing  correctly— that’s what a good to-do list should do for you. But, surprisingly, almost none of them are able to help us prioritize our work correctly.   How come we fail at prioritizing?   First of all, it takes more than just making a list! You need to create a to-do list smartly. The knee-jerk approach—to simply list all your to-dos and put your most “important” tasks first—just doesn’t work anymore, not with the high volumes of work tasks we all have these days.   And if you try to find training on this topic, good luck! You’ll find that most to-do list and time management training is based on 50-year-old principles—ones that no longer work.   The core problem is that our ranking of high importance is too broad, so the list of high-priority items quickly gets way too big—everything looks important. Or that list seems to focus on the wrong things at the wrong times. We quickly give up with a sense that it just isn’t working. And so we fall right back into a sense of frustration, overwhelm, and even guilt—guilt for not being able to keep up.The Solution: The One Minute To-Do ListBut it doesn’t have to be that way. A to-do list, if done right, really can be the solution.   A good to-do list can show you what your most important next work to do is. A good to-do list approach will control the size of that list so you do not feel overwhelmed by it. A good to-do list system should help you do the work smartly and efficiently; it can make sure the work you do next is the right work. And it can truly get your workday under control.   You will learn a simple and very effective “one minute” to-do list system that does all that. It’s a to-do list that tells you clearly what you need to do next. It’s a to-do list that is easy to keep up to date. It’s a to-do list that won’t overwhelm you. It works just right, so you’ll feel in control and on top of your day.   Why do I call this a  “one minute” to-do list? Because it takes only one minute to get started with it—to get it populated for the first time. The result is an almost immediate sense of stress relief. It also takes only one minute to review the list each time you refer to it—to see exactly what’s pressing for the day and what isn’t.   The benefits of this one minute system are huge. Your sense of chaos at work goes away. You’ll get the right things done on time, and you won’t waste time on the wrong things. The One Minute To-Do List removes uncertainty about what you need to do, and helps you focus on the right things. You end up feeling—andbeing—in control.A Long-Proven SystemBy the way, this is a long-proven system—you can trust that you are using the best! The One Minute To-Do List is a simple version of the to-do list training given to tens of thousands of workers (just like you) who now have their workdays under control (just like you will!). The One Minute To-Do List is a quick implementation of a system called the Master Your Now! (MYN) system.


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