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Sound Healing Center – Schumann Resonance Frequencies

Sound Healing Center – Schumann Resonance Frequencies
[WebRip – 1 WAV, 1 MP3]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Product InfoSchumann Resonance Frequencies The Schumann Resonance is a frequency in our atmosphere that is triggered by lightning. The frequency averages 7.83 cycles per second, and it entrains our brain into a brainwave state right between Theta and Alpha. Since it has been humming in our atmosphere for millions of years it is a frequency that we actually need. Astronauts actually received this frequency electromagnetically whenever in outer space. The problem is that this frequency is obscured by the electromagnetism in a city. This CD contains the Schumann Frequency as binaural beat frequencies for maximum effect. There is no music on this CD! The frequencies are played on a carrier frequency of 62.64 hertz — the same note as the Schumann frequency at a higher octave. We also include binaural beats in Delta and Deep Delta (Epsilon) also tuned to the Schumann frequency to bring you into a deep state of meditation.SOUND HEALING AUDIO PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES USED IN THE MUSIC The sounds and the music in each CD are based on ancient and modern science from the field of Sound Healing and Therapy, and from information and research at the Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco. Special attention has been paid to the creation of each of the Sounds used in each song. The Sounds are as powerful as the music itself. When listening to headphones the effect is enhanced. Includes the following Sound Healing music production techniques:Use of Intention It has now been proven scientifically that Intention is effective. It has also been shown that Intention gets embedded in the music and is then transmitted through to the listener during playback. The Intention of each song was held consistently through the entire recording process — during composition, performance, recording and mixing.Full Frequency Range of Sounds As shown by the research of Alfred Tomatis, every frequency is a nutrient. Therefore, we use the full frequency range of sounds – including very large amounts of bass for grounding, and often an abundant amount of high frequencies for connecting to spirit.Sounds with Healing Harmonic Structures Based on years of experience and research on the physics of sound, we have chosen sounds (natural to electronic) that are known to have specific effects on a person physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These sounds have been tailored to specifically fit the the particular intention of the song.Tempos Set to the Breath Most songs have a basic tempo that is set to a really slow breath. Since the chords often follow the in and out breath they entrain your breath into a deeper state of relaxation. You can also consciously breathe along with most of the songs.Binaural Beats Most of the music includes Binaural Beat Frequencies to entrain the brain into a variety of brainwave states. Two frequencies are embedded in the music and the difference between the two notes creates a 3rd frequency which is below our normal hearing level. This 3rd frequency entrains your brain into delta (deep sleep or meditation), theta (creative day dreaming), or alpha (relaxed awareness). When you listen on headphones you get the extra added benefit of brain synchronization — connecting the left and right brain through the Corpus Callosum. Through a special process the binaural beats are created so they are perfectly in tune with the key of the song.Peaceful Endings One of the most important aspects of Sound Healing is when the sound or music ends — leaving you in a place of perfect peace. Many techniques and extreme care have been taken to create endings that leave you in this precious state of peace.Other Sound Healing Music Production Techniques Other techniques based on Frequency, Timbre, Musical Intervals, Modes, Repetition vs. Change, and Energy Flow have been incorporated into each song. David Gibson is the author of “The Art of Producing,” and the #1 selling book in the field of Audio Recording, “The Art of Mixing.” Many techniques from his books have also been incorporated into the music.Sound Holograms Many of the songs are Sound Holograms where every component within the music and recording are speaking to each other mathematically. For example, the tempo mathematically fits the key of the song. The binaural beats are also a multiple or perfect fraction (1/2, 1/2, 1/2…) of the pitch and tempo. The tempo of the breath incorporated into the chord changes is also a perfection subdivision of the tempo, pitch and binaural beats. All of this helps to synchronize the breath, heart, and brain.Product Page:


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