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Elma Mayer – Enhance Your Senses and Intuition

Elma Mayer – Enhance Your Senses
[Webrip – 26 MP3s 26 TXT 1 PDF 1 PNG]



Elma Mayer Enhance Your Senses and Intuition GBGB thread: Your Senses: 12x Power Alignment Fast Zaps… for your Hearing, Vision, Touch, Taste, Smell, Spiritual Senses, Embodied Awareness, & much more!Audio 1: Center Your Senses  (8:47)Alignments in this audio include – but are not limited to:– Centering, Calibrating to Zero, and preparing to shift energy– Disentangling the fields of your perceptual habits and momentum, and re-morphing them into the highest expression of what you want.– Align with the clearest perceptions possible.– Expand your awareness – beyond what you can perceive locally.Audio 2: Enhance your Hearing  (8:48)Alignments in this audio include – but are not limited to:Hearing loss, tinnitus, noise hypersensitivity, overwhelm, stuffy ears, comprehension difficulty, and needing to shout “EH? What’s that? I can’t hear you!” at loud restaurants or parties.Align your brain, nervous system, entangled body parts, energy centers, biofield, ancestral fields, environment, and any resonances that distort your hearing.Plus… Alignment for your specific hearing issue… whatever it may be.Audio 3: Enhance your Vision  (8:58)Alignments in this audio include – but are not limited to:“Aging” vision, visual acuity, floaters, light sensitivity, night vision, reading comprehension,  how your eyes feel (dry, itchy, burning, gritty, pressure, heavy, tired, etc). Also, spiritual vision and inner vision, and your vision of the future.Reintegrate your entire body and mind to support your vision.Plus…  your specific eye issues.Audio 4: Enhance your Touch, Taste, Smell, Etc…  (8:59)Somatic sensations of your skin and the outside of your body, inner sensations, smell, taste, hunger and satiation, sex, pleasure, pressure, temperature, balance, movement & stillness, spatial orientation, the passage of time, sensing energy, sensing spiritual oneness…And lots more… including FEELING GOOD!Plus… Whatever you want to heal in the sensory realm.Audio 5: Embody Your Awareness – 6th Sense & Beyond (8:59)Embody your Infinite Self’s awareness – ground your enhanced senses INTO your physical body.Align your eyes, ears, and other sensory body parts with expanded sense perception (ESP). Balance them… to avoid both hypersensitivity, and dulled senses.Integrate all your senses with each other, with their highest expression of your life… and with Clarity, Knowingness, Intuition, Awakened Awareness and Evolving Expansion into WholenessThese are 2016 updates of the Activate Your Intuition healing that came as a bonusActivate your Intuition: AUDIO 1 – Transcending TrustAs you listen, you will energetically activate your next level of intuitive ability… whether you are just becoming aware, or you are already highly intuitive. Expand your existing abilities. Trust what you perceive. Know the difference between your intuition and your mind chatter.Activate your Intuition: AUDIO 2 – ESP ActivationIn Now Healing, “ESP” stands for Enhanced Sense Perception – because “Extra-sensory” is a misnomer. These are not “extra” senses (outside of “normal”). They are regular, garden-variety, everyday, senses that we all possess – even though there’s no obvious sensory organ associated with them. But there’s no obvious organ associated with our sense of time passing, or our sense of direction – yet we are all pretty good at those! Whether it’s clairvoyance, visualization, knowingness, or sensing energy with your body or mind… you can activate it, right now! What aspect of “ESP” (Enhanced Sense Perception) do you want to improve? Transform your intention as you listen.Activate your Intuition: AUDIO 3 – Negative Energy ReleaseAre you hypersensitive to other people’s energy? Do you feel you need psychic protection? Whatever your specific issue, you will get a Negative Energy Clearing as you listen. In this audio, you will Disentangle any psychic resonance (or fear of it) that is distorting your energy field. “Negative” energy is another misnomer. It’s your reaction to it that is the real issue. Even so-called “positive” thoughts and expectations can distort your field, if you are over-attached to them. It’s not about bad or good, it’s about what disconnects you from Wholeness. Now Healing treats all energy, both “positive” and “negative,” the same way – it’s all just energy. Learn how to stay Centered, so  “negative” energy cannot affect you.Activate your Intuition: AUDIO 4 – Guidance from Your Highest SelfAre you connected to your inner guidance? How about your “outer” guidance from your angels and guides? What would you like to improve? From daily decision-making, to knowing your life purpose, to acting in Alignment with it… get ready to upgrade your guidance now! As you listen, you will amplify your Alignment with your highest source of guidance, instantly.Activate your Intuition: AUDIO 5 – Read the Energy of People & PlacesWhat aspect of sensing energy do you want to improve? Reading energy is not just about muscle testing, seeing auras or chakras, sensing qi or feng shui energies. You have an innate ability to sense energy, that is unique to you. Activate it now! Rather than trying to read energy the way that others do, Align with your highest expression of sensing it. You will actually upgrade your abilities as you listen.


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