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Entheos Academy – How to Disarm Your Fears in Preparation for an Ecstatic Birth with Sheila Kamara Hay

How to Disarm Your Fears in Preparation for an Ecstatic Birth.mp4
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Class OverviewAs you prepare to birth your child, it is 100% natural to experience fear. Your fears live in your body. In this class you will learn how to disarm your fears so the birth process can flow smoothly. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorSheila Kamara Hay is a writer, Ecstatic Birth advocate and super-mama to her 3 little ones. She researches ways on how a woman can enjoy childbirth and makes that information accessible to as many women as possible.How to Disarm Your Fears in Preparation for an Ecstatic BirthChildbirth is a huge transition point in a woman’s life and can bring up a lot of anxiety. It is 100% natural and totally ok to have fears. However, you don’t want your fears running the show at your child’s birth. Fear is the #1 factor causing pain and interventions during childbirth, thereby inhibiting women from enjoying their birth experiences on physical and emotional levels. In this class you will learn how to identify and disarm your fears ahead of your birth, so that the entire process of labor and birth can flow as smoothly as possible. You will also learn strategies for handling any fears that arise during birth. This powerful inner work opens the doorway to having an Ecstatic Birth experience. When love and relaxation dominate during labor and delivery, the intensity of birth sensation can feel deeply pleasurable.  The Top 10 Big Ideas1Your Fears Live In Your Body We hold all kinds of emotions and memories in the physical layers of our bodies. When we give birth, our bodies are flooded with massive amounts of energy which serves as a giant wave that blows through everything. There is nowhere to hide in birth. Fears that may have long been buried in the body can surface and disrupt the flow of labor. The more suppressed the fear is the more invested the body is in fighting the energy flow of birth in order to keep that fear/ memory suppressed. This all happens at a very primal level.Becoming conscious of our fears and working through them prior to birth, is powerful birth prep and paves the way for a deep surrender to the energy flow in birth. e of all- surrender. There is only so much you can control. It is time to put yourself into the hands of something larger than you. You have done your part, now you just have to trust that however it unfolds it is absolutely perfect. Affirmations can be very helpful in supporting us to let go, trust, and surrender to the process of giving birth. 2Fear Causes Pain Women who are fearful of the birth process, or of the emotions the birth process is bringing up, will resist the process of labor on a primal level. Fear and resistance block the energy flow during birth, causing tension in the body, and increasing the sensation of pain. For many women this can lead to a difficult delivery, including the need for interventions. When fear is the dominating emotion during birth, the intensity of sensation consistently manifests as pain.3Be Honest With Yourself Most women are afraid to look at their fears, worried that if they acknowledge their existence, they may grow in intensity. In reality the opposite is true- issues we avoid become much scarier than those we face. Some women fear physical aspects of the birth itself.  Others fear what it means to become a mother and what ripples that may cause in their lives. Most women have fears on both the physical and emotional levels. The first step in disarming your fears is being brutally honest with yourself and looking your fears in the eye. 4Bring Consciousness to Each Fear Opening the door to acknowledging your fears can feel quite overwhelming. Rather than trying to tackle them all at one, pick the one fear that feels the most dominant, the most conscious in your being at the moment. Once you have identified it, really look at it from all angles. This is the first step towards consciousness. Then set the intention to release this fear (and all that doesn’t serve your highest good) and the universe will swing into motion, opening the path, bringing forth the resources to enable you to do so. 5The Reins Are in Your Hands What is the likelihood that your fear will come to fruition? Do your research. Educate yourself. The more you know, the more you can protect yourself. What are the main factors in causing that possibility to become a reality? What, if anything, can you do about preventing that? Plan your birth consciously armed with all this information. You are your own biggest advocate and creatrix. Own that and hold onto those reins. No one will navigate and create for your dreams like you can.6Create Pillars for Support Seeking support is not a sign of weakness, rather it is proof of the desire to be as strong as possible. There is no need to be alone in your quest for a great birth experience. Talk to your partner, your practitioner, your friends and loved ones about your fears. Seek out a support team that enables you to feel safe. Too many women dream about having an ecstatic birth despite their birth team. This is a recipe for disappointment. Choose the more effective route- surround yourself with people that can be your pillars, that support you when you feel unable to support yourself, people that will make you stronger. 7What if Your Fear Comes to Fruition? Most of us live with the mentality “That is not going to happen to me.” Well, what if it does? Is there anyway you can be okay with that? How? What will it take to get yourself to that place? This is your gold. Do whatever it takes. If you can honestly ask yourself this question and truly be at peace with the answer you give, then you have done your inner work. The goal is to knock down our fears off their looming pedestals to be just what they are- an undesired outcome that we can deal with, if need be. They are so much less powerful that way, don’t you think? 8Use Life as Birth Prep Birth mirrors life. Watch yourself on a day to day basis. How do you handle your fears in life? Become aware of your patterns. Use your day to day life as a huge dress rehearsal for birth. Practice the behavior and patterns you want to bring into your birth. The tools that work best for moving through fears in the moment are available to us every day- sounding, breathing, support, movement, expression. Use them. Create a new way of being for yourself and they will become second nature to you as you give birth to your child. 9Death is Imminent As birth approaches it can sometimes feel very intense to the expectant mother, like death is looming in the forefront. Instead of casting these emotions aside as silly, take a moment to acknowledge that every birth is a portal, consistently transforming us beyond what we already know. There is a part of us that dies with every birth, most intensely for the first time mother. You are always saying goodbye to life as you know it. If you are excited about this change, great. If not, keep asking yourself- what will it take to get yourself to a place of positive anticipation for this change? Do whatever it takes to get you there. The more you are aligned going into the birth, the more you will be able to boogie with whatever comes up. 10Surrender If you have moved through the first nine big ideas, you have done some major inner work and I applaud your ferocity. Now I will ask you to do the hardest piece of all- surrender. There is only so much you can control. It is time to put yourself into the hands of something larger than you. You have done your part, now you just have to trust that however it unfolds it is absolutely perfect. Affirmations can be very helpful in supporting us to let go, trust, and surrender to the process of giving birth.


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