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Jessica Corbin – How To Stress Less To Weight Less In The New Year

Jessica Corbin – How To Stress Less To Weight Less In The New Year.mp4
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Class OverviewIf you feel like you might be a victim of your hurry and worry lifestyle, the good news is there is no need to fret. There are some easy solutions you can implement right away to curb your stress andYour ProfessorJessica Corbin is an integrated fitness expert dedicated to creating practices and products to optimize your body, mind & spirit through exercise.How To Stress Less To Weight Less In The New YearIf you feel like you are doing everything right in regards to your diet and exercise, but you still aren’t losing the weight LISTEN UP!!! There is a real chance are doing too much, rather than not enough. More specifically, I would put money down that you are over-stressing your system which has caused your body to make adaptations that are intended to maintain your survival by storing fat. This a highly sophisticated and time tested mechanism that alters metabolism when the “fight or flight” response is triggered and it could be the culprit to why you aren’t losing weight. Stress could be the number one offender why you aren’t losing weight, along with its main accomplice called cortisol.If you feel like you might be a victim of your hurry and worry lifestyle, the good news is there is no need to fret. There are some easy solutions you can implement right away to curb your stress and melt off excess weight. The Top 10 Big Ideas1. Stop Worrying About Weight LossWorry is just another form of stress that increases the production of cortisol, which is the exact thing we don’t want to do. In exchange, I want you to focus on stress reduction as being THE goal. Take all the energy you have put into worrying about calories, getting on the scale and obsessing about exercise to just do the steps below. 2. Meditate To Melt The Pounds AwayThe stress reduction benefits of meditation has been highly documented. Recently at a study conducted at the CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER in Los Angeles concluded that a form of meditation called “Transcendental Meditation” reduces hypertension, obesity, and diabetes in patients with coronary heart disease. This study of 103 people with coronary heart disease found that individuals practicing Transcendental Meditation for four months had significantly lower blood pressure; improved blood glucose and insulin levels (which signify reduced insulin resistance); and more stable functioning of the autonomic nervous system compared to controls. 3. Turn Around Those Toxic ThoughtsToxic thoughts are like belly buttons. We all got em’. But, what separates positive people from negative people is the amount a person believes their own toxic thoughts. So instead of buying into the bologna that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, capable enough, turn those negative thoughts into allies. How? It’s easy. First, have the courage to identify and articulate the toxic belief you have about yourself, a situation, or another person. Second, re-phrase that toxic belief into the positive inverse of the initial statement. And finally, repeat the newly claimed positive affirmation over and over again until you feel it to be true. It might take some effort but it works. Just remember what Henry Ford says, “ Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”4. Stress-Filled FoodsThere are a variety of foods that can stress and inflame your system which causes you to bloat, harbor water weight, and create a host of allergic reactions. These foods include processed and refined foods, high sodium food, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. While experimenting with the Stress Less to Weight Less plan, try on an anti-inflammatory diet that promotes organic vegetables and fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and fish. I would also recommend getting blood work done to see what specific foods you are reactive too in effort to decrease the inflammatory response reactive foods can have on one’s immune system and cortisol response. 5. Exercise At The Appropriate IntensityMost people know that exercise is an integral component to weight loss. However, most people do not know that exercise is a form of stress. In order for the body to get stronger, we have to stress the body just enough so the body adapts to higher degrees of functionality and performance. But, if you over-stress your body on a regular basis, you are setting yourself up for not only physical injury, but metabolic and endocrine dysfunction. One of the best ways to monitor your stress level is by taking a daily Heart Rate Variability (HRV) reading. I have created a fitness technology called Vitness Rx that assesses HRV and gives you exercise prescriptions so you can time your training to perfection. 6. Hug It OutNever underestimate the power of touch when talking about stress reduction. According to Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of the University of Miami Medical School’s Touch Research Institute, ”The gentle pressure of a hug can stimulate nerve endings under the skin that send calming messages to the brain and slow the release of cortisol.” Hugging increases our sense of connectedness, which releases endorphins, the chemicals that counteract stress and depression. 7. Accepting “What Is”One of the most powerful stress busting techniques is dropping into a deeper acceptance of what is happening that is outside our control. Many times, stress eating occurs when we try to control a situation that is, in fact, out of our control. In times like this it is good to remember the Serenity Prayer and take enjoyment in releasing the “things you cannot change.”8. Sleep Your Stress AwaySleep is so important to help your body regenerate, rebuild and restore. If sleep is hard to come by for you the trick is to not solely to focus on the sleep at night, but also the stress you are exposing yourself to during the day. Make sure to try all the tips above, as well as engaging in the activities that help to balance you out. These can include, taking a walk with friends, prayer, journaling, making a To-Do list or helping others. Moderating your stress levels during the day in additional to practicing good sleep hygiene (dark bedroom, cool temperature, no electronics, don’t exercise right before bed) should make for a rest-filled slumber. 9. Gratitude: The Magic BulletThe science that continues to come out about gratitude blows my mind and heart open. The physiological benefits are so tremendous that gratitude seems like a magic bullet to health and vitality. Check out some of these stats. Practicing gratitude can increase happiness by 25%, improve immune function AND increase the amount of time a person dedicates to exercise by 18%. So, if you need extra motivation with your fitness, its time to get grateful! 10. The Power of NOMany of you are stressed out because you are overextended and therefore experience overwhelm on the regular. For all the people that can identify with this, it is time to get to know the power of “NO”. I often spend time coaching clients on the importance of putting themselves first. A hard concept and value to enact, especially for Moms who have grown accustomed to putting the family’s needs above their own. But, we all must realize that we are no good to other when we are out of touch with our own health, passions, and vitality. It takes courage to set boundaries with others. But when you do, you set yourself free to be better for yourself and all those around you.


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