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Raphael Cushnir – The Vulnerability Project

Raphael Cushnir – The Vulnerability Project
[6 MP3s, 20 PDF]



Raphael Cushnir is a leading voice in the world of emotional connection and present moment awareness. He has shared his unique approach to personal and professional development with millions of readers in O, The Oprah Magazine, Beliefnet, Spirituality and Health, Psychology Today, and The Huffington Post. He is the author of six books, lectures worldwide, and is a faculty member of the Esalen Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. In addition, he coaches individuals and teams at Fortune 100 companies, governments, religious organizations, and leading non-profits. Raphael’s own heart was opened by an experience of profound grief.———————————————-The Vulnerability Project: Six Weeks To A Truer YouThe Vulnerability Project is a unique program designed to help you access your own authentic truth and power like never before.•An Online Experience of Revealing and Healing•Access the Power of Emotional Connection•Attune to Yourself and Others in a Safe, Supportive Way•Awaken New Dimensions of Freedom and PossibilityWeek 1 Week OneRelearning the Language of Your BodyExpansion – Experience the state of optimal well-being and peak performanceContraction – Learn how to notice and track what blocks expansionResistance – Discover the debilitating result of prolonged contractionAcceptance – Cultivate a flowing “Yes” to all of life Week 2 Week TwoRetraining Your Evolutionary BrainThe Glitch – Recognize why vulnerability is so challenging for everyoneThe Narcissism of the Neo Cortex – Use new awareness to humble your “thinker”Surfing Your Emotions – Rewire your mind to promote vulnerabilityDis-believing – Detach from the internal “verdicts” that sabotage emotional surfing Week 3 Week ThreeThe Practice of a LifetimePracticing with Right Now – Tune deeply into your internal realmPracticing with Core Emotions – Get to the source of lingering issuesPracticing with Ingrained Habits – Disassemble negative patterns from the inside outPracticing to Break Free – Bring new flow where you’re most “stuck” Week 4 Week FourVulnerability as the Source of True PowerWhat Gets in the Way – Remove obstacles to radical openingWhat Tips the Scales – Unlock even the most stubborn resistanceThe Anatomy of Reactivity – Defuse and then use your “triggers”The Gift of Difficult People – Reveal yourself in the behavior of your nemesis Week 5 Week FiveVulnerability as the One True HealerAddictions and Compulsions – Resolve them with self-acceptanceDepression and Anxiety – Give yourself what you’ve always neededShiva and Shakti – Understand the dance of awareness and experienceJudgments and Opinions – Sail through them to the field of “I am” Week 6 Week SixYour Heart’s Desire – Listen to Your Own EssenceFrom Essence to Intention – Construct your life vision one moment at a timeThy Will Not My Will – Surrender the timing and the outcomeThe Peace That Surpasseth Understanding – experience vulnerability as love itself


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