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Simply Abundant Summit

Simply Abundant Summit
[26 FLVs, 33 MP3s, 1 MP4, 3 PDFs, 1 HTML file set]



                              Allyson Chavez presents                          The Simply Abundant Summit                          24 Experts Share Simple Secrets                           to Living a Life of Abundance                  Welcome to the Simply Abundant SummitThere have been times in my life when I’ve wondered how to take all of the abundance that life has to offer, and that I see all around me, and bring it into my own life. I wondered how and why it seemed so easy for others and so difficult for me. So I decided to ask some experts to share some simple tips, techniques and tools that they have used. And I am going to share what they told me with you.You are invited to participate in this virtual summit that brings together more than 21 experts to share information and their experiences with creating and living a life of abundance. These interviews will contain simple easy tips that you can put to use immediately in your daily life.           Take a peek at what these experts share with us:Nikkea B. Devida shares:         •  how your beliefs create your results         •  how to know if you have limiting beliefs         •  the difference between the conscious and the subconscious mind         •  what your subconscious thermostat is and how to reprogram it using The Accelerated Change Template             (ACT) Belief Change System         •  how to effective set goals for the subconscious mind, not the conscious mind and more!Simon Jordan shares:         •  simple, fun ideas to keep your vision in front of you         •  how anger is a great catalyst to positive change         •  how his 4 step system catapults you into results         •  what to do with victim energy         •  how important it is to always move toward your vision—whatever direction that takes youDebbi Dachinger shares:         •  how to walk through fear when it’s time to expand         •  tools to put fear in its place—away from you         •  that following where your heart leads you is crucial to being happySheevaun Moran shares:         •  how to create a void so that the energy of abundance can go in that direction         •  how spending money strategically actually attracts more money         •  the strategic nature of energyWendy Kay shares:         •  how coaching gives you a different perspective and makes goal achievement easier         •  how easy and natural changing directions can be         •  how powerful we are in our ability to choose fear or joy         •  how important and easy it is to find your passionKarim Hajee shares:         •  how important it is to trust the process         •  to do things just for the fun of it         •  how fun the journey really is         •  that sacrifice, in the right perspective, yields huge dividends and more!Carolyn Cooper shares:         •  the powerful vibration of gratitude         •  a simple yet powerful exercise to release limiting beliefs, anxiety, blocks, etc.         •  how our ancestors play a much bigger role in our emotions and beliefs than you thinkMarilyn Suttle shares:         •  the important part risk plays in our growth         •  the difference between risk and danger         •  how to let go of your balloon of resistance so you can embrace the success waiting beyond it         •  a simple, profound exercise that shifts your mindset instantlyJeneth Blackert shares:         •  how changing our beliefs is as simple as a choice         •  how choices immediately shift our energy         •  how destructive self-doubt really is         •  how you really are in the driver’s seat to your destinyDr. Joe Rubino shares:         •  how to release addictions to anger, fear or sadness         •  the role self-esteem plays in attracting abundance and happiness         •  what an upset journal is         •  simple steps to release the past, embrace your values, and step into visionMarnie Pehrson shares:         •  what power and money leaks are and how to plug them up         •  how to tap into your Higher Power and connect with God         •  how vital letting go and trusting are to your success         •  and much, much more!Lisa Barnett shares:         •  what Akashic records are and what they’re used for         •  how easy it is to heal from our childhood, societal and limiting beliefs         •  how to find our soul’s purpose in this life         •  how to experience Akashic energyKaren Curry shares:         •  what Human Design is         •  the 5 energy types and how they work         •  what the 5 energy types look like in real life         •  how Human Design identifies how you operate and gives you a simple plan to easily            manifest abundance in all its formsDr. Steve G. Jones shares:         •  his surprising definition of what power truly is         •  simple techniques to get you to power         •  how to easily bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious minds using hypnosis         •  and much, much moreNan Akasha shares:         •  what really holds women back         •  how we are programmed for failure but our blueprint is one of success         •  how to resolve the conflict between our programming and our blueprint         •  how to identify and remove blocks to successKelly Canull shares:         •  the 4 A’s to embrace abundance         •  the powerful tool of breathing deep         •  what focusing on the “now” feels like         •  what releasing anxiety feels like—and how easy it is to doJanis Pettit shares:         •  the critical components of inner work and outer work for business success         •  her meditation to open up business creativity         •  The importance of having a coach to skip the wheel spinning and catapult you to successDaniel Gutierrez shares:         •  Why we don’t want transformation in our lives         •  How trusting in the process is crucial to success         •  How simple games like the Penny Game opens you up to greater abundanceRoberta Mittman shares:         •  why abundant health is the foundation to all other forms of abundance         •  why knowing your “why” is crucial to your health goals         •  visuals of proper portion sizesLisa Mininni shares:         •  how working in alignment with who you are is not work at all         •  how to find out how you’re hard wired and work with that in business instead of against it         •  why systemizing your business sets you up for continual successKelly King Anderson shares:         •  The importance of anchoring in your faith when you step out of fear         •  Symbols in our lives that remind us to stay strong         •  A great visualization technique to clear away emotional, mental or spiritual blocksDebra Poneman shares:         •  the literal power of our words to help or hurt         •  the power of appreciation         •  the simplicity of appreciation exercises to open you up to abundanceMeg Benedicte shares:         •  what the energy vortex is and what it can do for us when we understand how it works         •  the difference between our ego-driven confidence and our soul-based confidence         •  that living in abundance is easily achieved when we’re aligned mentally, emotionally,             physically and spiritually         •  the role the heart plays in living an abundant lifeChristopher Tims shares:         •  why vision boards tend to hold you back from achieving your goals         •  the profound changes that come from simply looking up         •  how to connect to the abundance that is already in youAllyson Chavez shares:         •  her journey through the darkness of despair to the light of abundance         •  how energy work can fast track you from pain and fear to relief and courage         •  the dramatic effect FEELING grateful will have on your ability to manifest more abundanceabout your host Allyson ChavezWith a background in Direct Sales, one would hardly think that energy healing was an intuitive jump for me. But jump I did, in a leap of faith that landed me directly on the SimplyHealed™ path.After successfully ignoring my inner voice for years, she just would not be silent any longer. It took too much effort to live a life not authentic to my higher self, and one day I decided to do it: I took an online course called SimplyHealed™ see where this “energy business” would take me. After four of the most spiritually enlightening days, and my own personal “awakening,” I knew this was my path.How would I make this path a reality? How would I get clients in this new social era that, frankly, scared the bejeebers out of me? I had no idea. But thankfully, I learned that the “cursed hows” (as Mike Dooley affectionately refers to them) are none of my business, and I only needed to follow where inspired action would lead me.So here I am, creating my first-ever website, learning how to make videos and post them on YouTube, creating a FaceBook fan page, all with no help from my children! So, though I may seem a little technologically green, or rough around the edges, I can sure help your energy shift into higher vibrations and hopefully inspire you to live the life your Higher Self wants as well!Audios and videos made available in separate folders if you only wish to download just the audio or just the video.


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