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Kenji Kumara – Journey to your home world

Kenji Kumara – Journey To Your Home World
[1 MP3]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!I got this program by my self, and of course, I would like to share it here. Nothing goes outside here. OK?Kenji Kumara – Journey to your home world Kenji is in private practice and is a contemporary energy medicine specialist (CAM), metaphysical technician, trans-dimensional visionary and inspirational teaching channel for ascended energies. He travels to teach anywhere.He serves as a messenger, catalyst, awakener, facilitator and networker for transformation beyond healingHis gift, Quantum Lightweaving, is a next step in planetary evolution, spiritual awakening and emergence, and serves as a Bridger between worldsThe power of this gift comes through the presence of Grace and embodies the oneness of Love and Compassion, surrender, receiving and stillnessThe purpose of the work is awakened in-light-in-men-t in everyday livingThe goal of the work is bringing souls into the unified field of many possibilitiesThe scope of the work is training the young quantum leader-generation of Indigos, Goldens and Crystal young adultsThe cumulative and on-going effects of the work are embodied christed awareness in simplicityThe work is offered on many dimensional levels and is received according to the trust and belief of the recipientThe work is given for all EternityPart 3/4 of “The Energy Series”Recorded October 21, 2012 in Seattle, WA.1 Audio File43 MinutesTake a journey to your home world (your favorite place in all of Creation) with your guide.  Once in your home world, you will have access to your own Light codes and special knowledge about the consensus reality that exists here on Earth.  You will gather and bring back information about your soul’s purpose, your destiny.  You may receive special knowledge about how to heal the physical body or even receive gifts, such as Light Language.  You will also receive an awareness of how you have given your power away, and then learn how to reclaim it.  You will return with a special gift from your home world, bringing back your vibrational home world energies, which will be available in a storage area for retrieval, as needed.  The journey is complete when you share some of your home world vibrations as a gift to the Earth to be shared with all.  This amazing voyage is an advanced activation that will take you deep into the Quantum.Program site:…


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