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Derek Rydall – Law Of Emergence Home Study Course

Derek Rydall – Law Of Emergence
[6 mp3]


Description “It’s The End of Self-Improvement”If you’ve been struggling to fix, heal, or improve yourself or your life, STOP!Not only is it impossible to do, but the act of trying is making your problems worse…Dear Fellow TravelerLet me ask you a question: are you trying to improve yourself? If so, I have some good news and bad news for you. The bad news is, it’s impossible to do. The good news is — it’s because you’re already whole and complete.Over the last few decades, we’ve been bombarded with messages about how to improve ourselves and have it all, and rather than making our lives better, it has actually made many people feel more fearful and inadequate, and put the ultimate goal even further in the future.Look around you: are people happier than they were ten years ago?Are they more peaceful? Do their lives seem more on purpose? How about your life? And look at the world. Has all this self-improvement…improved things very much?Even all the emphasis on the law of attraction and manifesting a bigger, better life has only resulted in magnifying many of our problems.Sure, some people have bigger houses, but don’t feel anymore at home. Others have bigger paychecks, but are just broke at a higher income bracket.The problem is, when we seek to improve ourselves or attract more into our lives, we’re often doing it from a limited self-image. We’re starting off feeling broken, inadequate, or somehow less than whole and complete.And no matter what we do, that’s what we keep manifesting more of.But there’s another way, another law:THE LAW OF EMERGENCEThis law says that everything you could ever hope to be, do, and have is already in you, and when the conditions are right, it naturally emerges.Just as the oak is already in the acorn, and the acorn doesn’t have to go out and make something of itself, neither do you. And just as the acorn isn’t an incomplete oak, but is a perfect acorn, so too are you perfect exactly as you are.When you start from that as the premise of your life, then it’s not about getting something outside, but letting more of what’s inside come out.Your life becomes about growing from wholeness to greater wholeness, abundance to greater abundance, peace to greater peace.From that place, you can design a path for yourself, your business, or any project, and develop it with greater ease, joy, and fulfillment. This is what I call: EMERGINEERINGThis is engineering the full emergence of your life or any aspect of it.  And in this home study course, that’s what I’m going to help you do.But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself….Who Is Derek Rydall, anyway?After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ experience, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years –finally emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, a professional writer, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). He went on to train top executives at Fortune 500 companies (such as American Express, Disney, Carrier, Hartford Insurance, and CBS) in relationship and communication skills, coach thousands of writers, artists, and entertainment professionals on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and has worked with a diverse array of people around the planet, helping them live a more passionate, purposeful life. As a professional writer, Derek has ghostwritten six books and authored two of his own, the Amazon best-sellers “I Could’ve Written a Better Movie than that!” (Michael Wiese, March 2006) and “There’s No Business Like Soul Business: A Spiritual Path to Enlightened Screenwriting, Filmmaking, and Performing Arts” (Michael Wiese, Feb. 2007), which received rave reviews by top artists and entertainment professionals. He has sold or been hired to develop over 20 feature film screenplays and a dozen hours of TV (with studios such as Fox, Universal, Sony, MPCA, UA, Disney, Miramax, and indy producers), and has been hired to rewrite or consult on more scripts, treatments, and books than he can keep track of. As a licensed spiritual therapist and teacher, Derek has held leadership positions at Agape International Spiritual Center, (home of Michael Beckwith of The Secret) one of the nation’s largest and fastest growing spiritual communities with over 10,000 members and a worldwide network. He has been a star speaker at top writing and entertainment expos, led sold-out writing and personal development courses at The Learning Annex and in Europe, and continues to coach, motivate, and inspire thousands of individuals through his own communities at and Derek has written articles for various online and offline magazines and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs.His networks, contacts, and reach is broad and diverse, enabling him to touch tens of thousands with his mission to remind individuals of their true potential and inspire them to take their craft, career, and consciousness to a whole new level.Married for 15 years to a woman who has taught him to love, with two children who have taught him to listen, and a cat and chiweiner (part chihuahua, part dachshund) who have taught him to lighten up — Derek has learned how to ground his theories in everyday reality. And with an extra vertebrae, he has also learned how to bend over backwards when needed!The Law of Emergence is not just a novel departure from what fills most self-help and success programs…This is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of what is often taughtMuch of what we use to grow ourselves, our businesses, our families, and our organizations to the next level are artifacts of an old evolutionary paradigm based in duality, scarcity, and a Newtonian model of cause and effect – all of which have been shattered by discoveries in quantum physics, cutting-edge brain science, and mind-body medicine.Even many sincere spiritual teachings of the ‘new age,’ when not combined with an understanding of this law, often lead to just ‘spiritual materialism’ — causing the same stress, struggle, fear, and failure that so many people suffer from. The reason is that the majority of what we’re taught directs us away from our real Self, the source of all our power.The obsessive drive to ‘improve’ ourselves not only takes us further from true fulfillment, and covers up our original perfection, it ingrains many of us with a sense that we’re more broken than when we began.The very act of trying to improve ourselves often carries with it a seed of inadequacy that can grow into a larger feeling of lack, requiring greater attempts at self-improvement.It’s like trying to dig yourself out of a hole –It just keeps getting deeper and deeper.Haven’t you noticed that the more you work at most of these manifestation and self-improvement programs, the more exhausted and frustrated you get?What’s more, as I’ve already talked about, even when these traditional manifestation methods seem to work, they often only magnify our problems.If you’re ready to engineer the full emergence of your life, get started NOW!Here’s what some people have said about this work:INERNALLY, I FEEL QUITE DIFFERENT! MY EMOTIONAL EQUILIBRIUM IS UNLIKE ANYTHING I’VE EVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE“I purchased the teleclass recordings about a month ago, and wanted to share with you the huge shift my life has taken.  Internally, I feel quite different. My emotional equilibrium is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. One process was particularly powerful. When you asked “what must be let go” to fulfill my vision, it was the very work I have been doing and trying to build as my career for the last 18 years. So, I am building a studio in my backyard. I trusted I would come up with the money – $5000- and let go of the “how.” And as soon as I made the decision to build my studio, I was offered an opportunity to work with a company and start their Northern California business. When the woman told me I would make $5000 a month working the weekends, I had to laugh. They are providing me with everything – equipment, marketing material, a new I-pad, training – all the “how” I need. Every time I feel that old fear, I just ask for the “how” to be revealed and move forward. My studio is going up on Monday. The amount of information you covered in each class was amazing and well delivered.   Having the recordings to go back to time and again has been very helpful. To say I am grateful for your work is an understatement. I haven’t even begun to touch on all the synchronicities and clarity that have come forth these last few weeks.  As I’m sure you know, it is difficult to articulate that kind of grace.Julie NovakCaliforniaDEREK WILL HELP YOU TAP INTO YOUR TRUE POWERAND FULFILL YOUR HIGHER PURPOSE!“Derek not only breaks down all the “rules” of the Hollywood game — so that you know how it’s played and don’t get kicked down the field — he also lays out the spiritual truths that will help you transcend them, tap into your true power, and fulfill your higher purpose!” — Mark Harris, Producer, Crash (Academy Award for Best Picture)Mark HarrisPRODUCERCrash (Academy Award for Best Picture)I HAD A HUGE BREAKTHROUGH AFTER TAKING YOURLAW OF EMERGENCE ECOURSE “I had a huge breakthrough lately after taking your Law of Emergence ecourse. I realized for the first time in a very visceral way just how difficult I have been making my life when it can actually be much more direct and simple. I’ve been punishing myself for sins imagined, or accepted from others or just coerced into believing I had made and deserved retribution for. What a crock! I realized how much I’ve been paying for others need to dump and evade responsibility for their lives. What a joy to feel ready to just live and feel and be! And not to keep making myself miserable over things long gone or misdirected.Thank you, thank you, thank you!”Scott “TOM” DennisYou have to develop ‘Mercedes Consciousness’For example, I once knew a guy who used the law of attraction to manifest a Mercedes. “Wow, this stuff really works!” he declared, an instant convert. Two weeks later he lamented that the Mercedes was in the shop – for the third time – and he had spent the last few days trying to pray his way out of the mess he had attracted himself into!The problem was that he manifested a Mercedes, but didn’t develop ‘Mercedes Consciousness.’He changed the world but remained the same.This is a common limitation of many sincere prosperity teachings still rooted in a dualistic, Newtonian model of life; one that often leads to ‘spiritual materialism’ and causes the same stress, struggle, and fear people are trying to heal.As I’ll demonstrate, when you use the law of attraction (or any manifestation technique), your desire manifests at the level of your current self-image – including your limited perceptions, fears, and past traumas – which often causes you to create things that perpetuate your old problems rather than improve them. The Law of Emergence will unleash your imprisoned potential. Unlike the law of attraction, The Law of Emergence is about becoming (or rather ‘revealing’) more of who you really are, unleashing your infinite, often imprisoned, potential – the perfect pattern imprinted in you. This is not just a different spin on the success teachings already out there. As I’ve already stated, this is 180 degrees in the opposite direction of what is often taught – and it’s supported by scientific research and ancient spiritual texts. When you tap into the seed of potential within you – which I’ll show you how to do — and cultivate the inner conditions for its growth, no matter what limitations appear ‘out there,’ the destiny for which you were born — the greatness already in us — will emerge as naturally as the oak rises from the acorn.This isn’t hype, this is law. We need only look to nature for clues about how we’re really meant to grow. Does the acorn have to improve itself in order to become an oak? Does the caterpillar have to improve itself to become a butterfly? If the acorn could improve itself, it might become a better acorn, a stronger acorn – the best nut in the forest — but it would never become what it really is. The caterpillar, through self improvement, might become a leaner, more beautiful caterpillar — but it would never fulfill its destiny to spread its wings and fly. Here’s a little-known but serious secret: The repression of this authentic Self is at the root of the discontent most people feel and the aggression that wreaks havoc on our planet.A Revolutionary Principle Fully Revealed for the First TimeThe Law of Emergence: A Revolutionary Principle for Achieving Your Full Potential, is the first program to fully explain this evolutionary process.  It will free you from the need to look outside for answers and authorities, from trying to add something to yourself, fill up places you perceive are empty, or even ‘attract’ things to you.It will reveal the secret of your true power, the fundamental principle great mystics have tried to teach, but that has been largely lost; a principle great leaders in every field have utilized to create masterpieces, build empires, and ignite revolutionary forces that have propelled society forward, yet it has rarely been understood or easily repeated.With mounting unemployment, home loss, and a collapsing economy, many of our external structures of security seem to be crumbling. Now, more than ever, people are looking for answers, looking for a way to stabilize their life and achieve a level of freedom from outside sources.This program will show you how to find the solid ground and abundance you seek, in the only place the world can never touch – within yourself.Here’s what you get:95-Page PDF eBookPowerpacked with 12 Detailed Chapters outling the foundation of The Law of EmergenceQ and A Exercises to Unlock what is holding you backLaw of Emergence Exercises to unlock your full potential5 Audio Training Classes  (mp3) Plus Bonus AudioIncludes over 10 hours of lessons, tips, strategies, transformational exercises, and guided meditations that can instantly re-pattern your neural network and change your subjective beliefs.  At a time when so many are living a prodigal life, feeling cut adrift, fearful, and spiritually impoverished, The Law of Emergence will bring you home again, where you will find peace, renewal, and the inspiration to fulfill the great purpose for which you were born. So what will you specifically learn in this home study course, which includes the audio programs, ebook, and personal coaching session: Part One, The Principles of EmergenceDefine The Law of Emergence, The Emerging Universe, and the Ecology of Consciousness, busting the myth of cause & effect, exposing the unattractive side of the law of attraction, and helping you become rooted in the realization that everything you need is already within.Explain how rather than living in a material world, you are part of a quantum field, a realm of perfect ideas wanting to be bornDescribe how consciousness operates, how everything is happening in consciousness, how all problems stem from consciousness, and how consciousness is where you must cultivate the conditions for the seed of your potential to unfold.Reveal how problems, external obstacles and crises, are actually ‘evolutionary catalysts’ – making everything you experience potential fertilizer for your growth.Part Two, The Conditions for EmergenceGuide you to Discover your Destiny, Become the Change you want to see in the world, and Die Every Day so that your greater Self may be continuously born.Provide exercises, meditations, and daily practices for tapping into your higher purpose, creating the fertile inner conditions for its emergence, and moving through the resistance and sometimes painful process of real change.Re-define the nature of ‘vision’ (showing how it is not something in the future but a glimpse of a Greater Reality seeking to express), guide you to live now as if you are the person you always dreamed of being, and help you see the ways you are sabotaging your success – all preparing the seed of your potential for unprecedented growth.Part Three, Accelerating Your EmergenceExplore how to Take Effortless Action, how to become part of the Conspiracy of Good, and help you see how your Darkness is the Light in Potential.Look at the process of quantum planning, the power of ‘growing with the flow’, and the inner impulse always pushing us higher.Dive deeper into the nature of problems as the seeds of greater solutions, unwrap the gift of suffering, and disclose the secret of your shadow.Learn how to let the crises crack open your shell and accelerate your progress, how to build your soul’s stamina, and why Self Love is your greatest strength.Part Four, Living On The Emerging EdgeLearn how to Stay Rooted as you rise, how to be an Evolutionary Revolutionary, and how to Become Immortal.Delve into the practice of living in the world but not of it, why you must never judge by appearances, and how you must stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.How to align with the ‘evolutionary edge’ in order to become deeply congruent and unstoppable, how to live as a true visionary, and how to see the world as ‘falling together’ rather than falling apart.Discuss what it means to live a life that leaves a legacy, to live a life more about service than self, and why you can never outgive God.Learn how to cultivate a 100 year plan so that your personal vision is aligned with the Grand Vision, gaining access to the full force of nature, and creating the fertile soil for generations to come.Is that enough?  If not, then during our private one-on-one coaching session, I’ll help you take these ideas and insights and apply them to a specific area you’re working on – and take your life to the next level.


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