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Michael Stanborough – Direct Release Myofascial Technique

[8 AVI, 1 PDF]


Myofascial release is a collection of manual techniques for stretching the fascia with the aim to balance the body. Fascia is located between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and bone, it is a seamless web of connective tissue that covers and connects the muscles, organs, and skeletal structures in our body. Injuries, stress, trauma, and poor posture can cause restriction to fascia, and the goal of myofascial release is to release fascia restriction and restore its tissue. Direct method of Myofascial Release (MFR) was originally developed by Dr. Ida Rolf, the creator of Rolfing®, and now Michael Stanborough makes it accessible to all groups of therapists: massage, physio and occupational therapists, osteopaths and chiropractors. Michael brings the techniques of Myofascial Release into this series of educational DVDs, to assist you in expanding your skills as a professional body-worker.This DVD series focuses on the techniques, each technique emphasises the most basic elements of relevant information for the client, for the therapist, for the actual performance of the technique, and to methods of incorporating client movement. The commentaries are informative, thoughtful, and practical. It is designed for intermediate-advanced body-workers having basic Myofascial Release training.This series contains abundant of techniques described in detail, so that with time, practice, and experience, you can master direct MFR. It is an excellent educational resource and also can be used as companion to Michael’s book Direct Release Myofascial Technique.Key Features:- Detail Myofascial release techniques- Myofascial relation of skeletal landmarks- Movement cues- Imagery for release- Pediatric supplement on each DVDDirect Release Myofascial Technique – The Lower extremity (Feet) – Running time: 45 minsFeet and ankles are frequently injured resulting in chronic soft tissue and articular restrictions. Therapists are beginning to appreciate that these restrictions influence the overall well being of the body, especially the pelvis and the Sacro-Iliac Joints. By systematically clearing the soft tissue restrictions and then mobilising the major joints of the ankle it is possible to significantly alter not only ankle function but also the entire action of the legs and pelvis. This DVD covers techniques for: Ankle Retinaculum, Tensor Fascia Lata, Anterior Compartment, Posterior Compartment Plantar Myofascia, Retinaculum, Talus, Calcaneus, Mobilizing the Calcaneus, and Fibula.Direct Release Myofascial Technique – The Thigh – Running time: 50 minsThe DVD for the thigh covers all its aspects: anterior; posterior; lateral and medial. Interestingly, all of these aspects have one or more tonic muscles within them. These postural, slow twitch muscles are frequently fibrous, short and tensioned. They require Direct Release Myofascial Technique to be effectively treated. Michael shows a variety of approaches to achieving the long lasting release that therapists are looking for. Features include highly acclaimed approaches to the ITB and tensor fascia lata that won’t make your clients sweat bullets! This DVD also covers techniques for: Ilium, Tensor Fascia Lata, Greater Trochanter, Hamstring: Medial & Lateral, Adductors: Posterior & Inner Aspect, and the Anterior Thigh.Direct Release Myofascial Technique – The Pelvis – Running time: 55 minsDr. Ida Rolf considered the pelvis to the keystone of good structure. In this DVD, Michael guides the viewer through a range of releases that will assist in creating pelvic mobility and stability. Features of the DVD include low force approaches to the psoas and techniques for influencing the pelvic floor via the obturator muscles, Gluteal Fascia at the Sacrum, Sacrotuberous Ligament, Piriformis, Abdominal Wall, Suspensory Ligament of Bladder, and Pelvic Traction.Direct Release Myofascial Technique – The Cervical Region – Running time: 60 minsPain and stiffness in the cervical region are common presentations of clients seeking soft tissue therapy. This DVD details Direct Release Myofascial Techniques for the anterior, lateral and posterior regions of the cervical spine. Attention is given to treating the deep anterior muscles that are frequently damaged in whiplash injuries but seldom receive any effective treatment. Viewers will also be presented with approaches to restoring cervical lordosis via low force soft tissue techniques and imagery. Techniques covered are: Mastoid Process, Scalenes, First Rib, Infrahyoid region, Suprahyoid region, Deep Anterior, Cervical Curve, and Atlanto-occipital Region.Direct Release Myofascial Technique – The Trunk – Running time: 155 minsThe Trunk represents the whole area between the pelvis and neck, includes the back, lateral and front side. The first part of this series covers the Back (1 hr 23 mins). First working on the big muscles across the entire back, as well as smaller muscles that attach and working on the vertebrae. It includes a shot gun technique for releasing most shoulder and back muscles: Erector spinae, Trapezius, and Levator Scapula. These powerful techniques are supplemented with a number of highly effective prone releases. This DVD also covers Upper & Lower Back treatment. It considers coordinative movement of the body with gravity, especially effective on releasing strain on smaller muscles on the vertebrae that may contribute to back pain.The second part covers the Lateral & Anterior Aspects (1 hr 12 Mins). It shows you how to really release tight pecs. You’ll be able to make real inroads into all the problems that condition is associated with – stiff shoulders, poor breathing and hunched backs. Freeing the breathing is probably the single most important release there is – this DVD shows you how to predictably get this release to occur. Lateral side includes techniques for: Lateral Ribs, Teres Major, Functional Release. Anterior part includes: Superficial Front (Rectus Abdominus), Respiratory Diaphragm (for freeing the breathing), Pectoralis major and minor, and Deep Front.Direct Release Myofascial Technique – Intra-Oral, Head & Face – Running time: 45 minsTMJ is one of the most complex joint in the body, it is also the most used joint in our body, its dysfunction and pain are common conditions and are frequently present in clients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and cervical whiplash. If you’re not resolving headaches and stiff necks as much as you and your clients would like it’s probably because you’re not working with the myofascia of the TMJ. The lateral pterygoids, temporalis and masseter are a trinity of tightness in many people.With frequent references to the skeleton to insure palpatory accuracy, this DVD guides the viewer through a range of releases suitable for the face and intra-oral structures. Attention is given to locating and treating the highly important Lateral pterygoids as well as the deep portion of the masseter at the insertion on the mandible. Techniques for the floor of the mouth and the tongue are also shown. You will be delighted at how much further you can go to resolve headaches, whiplash and of course, TMJ tension, when you learn how to work with skill and precision inside the mouth. Other techniques include: Zygomatic Arch, Temporalis, Procerus, Maxilla, Mandible, Floor of Mouth, and Palatine Fascia.Direct Release Myofascial Technique – The Upper Extremity – Running time: 66 minsCarpal tunnel is an epidemic. Over 50% of our clients report symptoms – some of them are sub-clinical while many report a range of serious symptoms. Impingement of the nerves in the arm can occur at a number of sites – this DVD starts at the axilla and progresses distally through all of the major sites where compression and restrictions can occur. There is detailed work for the hand including the palmar fascia and the flexor retinaculum. It covers effective techniques for the shoulder joints: mobilising the Coracoid process, releasing Pectoralis Minor, Subscapularis, Latisimus Dorsi. Then the arms: Triceps, Deltoids, Biceps. Working with the soft tissue is an essential component of working with carpal tunnel and all peripheral neuropathies. This DVD will make you an expert at dealing with this disabling


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