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Christopher Hills – Energy, Matter and Form.PDF

Christopher Hills – Energy, Matter and Form.PDF
[1 eBook – PDF]


GreetingsEnergy, Matter and FormContentCHAPTER ONE               WHO ARE  WE?  Energy Systems  and the Human Body – Energy Fields and Life -Our “Bioenergy  Body”- A Phantom Revealed- A Cancer Detector?­Acupuncture Research- We Are LightCHAPTER TWO              OUR  RAINBOW  BODY  OF  LIGHT The Etheric Aura – The Center Concept – The Chakra Energy Centers- The Physiology of the Chakras-Health and Eye Light­ Seven Colors and Sellen Levels of Consciousness- RedPhysical Level– Orange Social Level- Yellow Intellectual  Lellel­ Green Security  Lellel — BlueConceptual  Level- Indigo Intuitive Lellel- Violet Imaginative Level- What Lies Beyond?­ ExperimentSection – Sensing the Etheric Aura -An Aura Detector- Sensing the Chakras- The Aura Pendulum -The Spectrum  Mirror Pendulum – ConcentrationCHAPTER THREE        HERE  COMES  THE  SUN       Life Energy -Frana- Qi or Chi– The Fifth Element:  Life The Sun is on Fire- Our Body is on Fire-We Breathe Fire– Our Blood is on Fire- Our Cells are on Fire– How We Breathe Fire- We Are GiantElectromagnets– A Symbol  of Life’s Fire­ We Are Dynamos- The Fire This Time- Kundalini: The SunWithin – The Kundalini Roomph  Coil– Sellen Stages of Growth -Nuclear Evolution  –Experiment Section -Balancing the Breath of Life- The Abdominal  Lift-Breathing Exercises- Rumf Roomplz  Yoga- Centering- Shutting  Off the Senses­ References  forSection OneSECTION TWO: MIND  AND MATTER  by Phil AllenINTRODUCTIONCHAPTER FOUR          SEEING THROUGH MATTERThe Changing World View in Physics – Relatillity — SubatomicPhysics– The Ideal I- Radiational Paraphysics: Supersensonics-The Open Mind–  Cyclops: The Ideal Eye- How We Seesychoptics­Our Mind’s Eye- Our Mental Blinders- Experiment Section-Mirror GazingCHAPTER   FIVE            SEEING  THROUGH MINDPsi Communication- Parapsychology- Extrasensory  Perception­ Psychokinesis- Breathing and Telepathy- Telepathy and the Weather- Psi Plasma- Psychotronics- Holography- The Holo­ graphic Brain Model-The Holographic Body Model-The Biologogram- Gravity and Space/Time- The Black Hole­The Superuniverse — Superspace – Consciousness and Reality -Direct Perception- At the Zero Point- Experiment Section-­A Psychotronic  Energy Detector- Telepathy  Experiences -The Merkhet and Osiris PendulumsCHAPTER  SIX                SUPERSEEINGThe World Culture -Planetary Being- The Evolution  ofConsciousness – The Psychosphere – Our Planetary NervousSystem  – Communicating With Light- The Plasma Crystal Screen -The Computer  World Brain – The Holographic Imagination -A New Language – Psychosociology –Nature’s Model of theNucleus:The  Living Center- The Positive Center Principle ofCreative Conflict – World Government  -Manna from Heaven -The Peaceful Center- A Constitution for World Peace -The World Peace Center- References  for Section  TwoSECTION THREE: VIBRATION  AND FORM    INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER  SEVEN         THE VOICE OF CREATIONVibration and Form – Vibrating Forms- Our Vibrating Consciousness -Sounds of Rebirth – The Breathof Union – Healing With Sound- Seeing Sound- Making a Chladni Plate – Create Forms With Your Stereo- Crystal Oscillations­Defying Gravity– Liquid Forms- Moving Sculptures-Seeing Speed and Wavelength -Energy, Vibration and FormCHAPTER  EIGHT          RAYS OF  LIFEThe Great Pyramid–  Pyramid Energy – The Ray of Life and Death – The Amazing Coffer- A New Orderfor a New Age­ Experiment Section- Excessive Claims– Building a Pyramid­ Mummifying Food-Sharpening Razor Blades – Test Your Plants- A Cure for Negative GreenCHAPTER  NINE             CREATIVE IMAGINGReal Images- Wholistic Health- Magic– How Do We Know?­ Time is Not Real – The Inner Seer -Learning a New Language -­ A Question of Blindness -Distant Seeing- A Clear Mind–The Power of Inner Sleep- Dorje:A Symbolic Gateway toHealth – Using the Gate- A wakening Our Inner Vision -The Magic Mirror of LifeCHAPTER  TEN               SUPERSENSINGRadiesthesia: The  Supersense- Concentration  and Receptivity­ Our Fantastic Antenna- The Yes and Noof It- Aura Balancing­ Construct a Simple Pendulum – Tuning Your Pendulum – Learning Its Language-The Dowser’s Rod- Mapping Energy Fields­ Building a Vocabulary- Electricity  and Magnetism- Symbolsare Maps- Colors of Life- Beyond  Our SensesCHAPTER  ELEVEN       THE HEALER  WITHINOur Vibrating Signatures -A Diagnostic Breakthrough -­ Healing Vibrations- The First Broadcaster-The Stick Pad­ Color Healing- Tuning In — Radionics Works WithoutElectrical Circuits – The Real Circuit is in Our Consciousness -Consciousness Makes the Circuits Work- Belief Systems­Believing is Healing -Belief  Systems and the Levels ofConsciousness -The Healer Within -Radionic Broadcasting­Fail-Safe Broadcasters – The Square Balance Equalizer-The Magnetron – The Ultimate Instrument – References  forSection  ThreeEPILOGUE           TOWARD A SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS


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