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Jared Weiner – Operation knee on Belly

Jared Weiner – Operation knee on Belly
[3 AVIs, 15 M4Vs]


Here’s just a taste of what you’re about to experience with “Operation: Knee On Belly”:    How To Get The “Knee On Belly” Position. (In Tournaments And Matches, This Is A Great Way To Score Some “Cheap” Points And Also Set Up A Ton Of Submissions And Other Scoring Opportunities.)    The mandatory main points of the knee-on-belly position (how to not only get to Knee-On-Belly, you’ll be able to control it and keep the position as long as you’d like to)    How to unleash crushing pressure on your opponent (when your opponent can’t breathe, it’ll force him to make a mistake… your opponent will actually have to move “the wrong ways” just to relieve all that uncomfortable pressure)    How to lock your opponent down in side-control so you can easily get the Knee On Belly position… and also how to lock ‘em down from Knee On Belly so you can easily get the mounted position.    You’ll learn where to apply your pressure when you setup the Knee On Belly so you can easily establish it and immediately begin stealing your opponent’s airCave in your opponent’s chest with piercing, lung-pinching pressure!    Discover the “Do’s & Don’ts” of the knee-on-belly position so you can keep your control, keep your crippling pressure and keep your opponent from escaping    How to make your opponent so uncomfortable, he’ll literally “give you” submissions that he doesn’t even realize he’s being setup for (these tips will not only increase the amount of submissions you’ll catch, it’ll make it so much easier to finish)    Learn a key balance drill (this should be a part of your training regimen from white belt to black belt … and if it’s not a part of yours right now, you absolutely “must have it”)    How to get proper Knee On Belly positioning down so you can be in complete control no matter how or where your opponent tries to move    Learn why the knee on belly position isn’t “just your knee” (and when you learn how to take advantage of this principle, you’ll be able to dominate your opponent’s entire body)Flatten ‘em like a Flapjack!    The best ways to “grind” your knee into your opponent’s stomach and ribs to leave him grimacing in excruciating pain    How to hold your opponent down – and keep him down – using just your shin/knee    Learn a “balancing game” you can play with your partner to make mastering the Knee On Belly more interesting and fun    Learn these 4 choking grips that will allow you to control your opponent’s entire body: 1) Choking grips, 2) Crushing grips, 3) Pant grips, 4) Belt grips    How Knee On Belly isn’t “just about the belly” (you’ll see how the Knee On Belly is a “complete control position” when you know the offensive transitions and attacks presented in this course)Bully your opponents with Bone-Crushing Brutality!    How to take your opponent’s air away so he forgets about “everything else” and starts making mistakes that leave him vulnerable to your attacks and submissions    How To Effectively Mount Your Opponent From The Knee On Belly. (This Basic Skill Can Be The Difference Between Scoring BIG Points In A Match And Going Home A Loser.)    Learn A Slick Way To “Knee Slide” And Secure The Mounted Position. (Most grapplers make HUGE mistakes by trying to either go for the mount too early or going for it without utilizing the proper technique; don’t let this mistake happen to you!)    How to lock down and load up “smash pressure” on your opponent (this is the kind of pressure that sends the competition into “panic mode”, making it easy for you to transition to your submission attacks)    How to establish a tight and nasty cross-side position that will allow you to easily transition to Knee On BellyLeave ‘em gasping for oxygen!    How and where to grip your opponent (along with leg and foot placement) so you take away his defenses and escapes    How to apply crippling pressure to your opponent’s face, arm and chest making it close to impossible for him to move    How to get the mount when your opponent tries to push your knee away (this is a common defense to the knee on belly position – but ineffective against someone who knows what they’re doing – once you learn this trick you’ll demolish anyone who makes this same, common defensive mistake)    Learn the common mistakes people make when transitioning from Knee On Belly to mount so you can make sure not to make those same mistakes    How to catch a triangle choke submission when your opponent attempts a common defense to the Knee On Belly positionYour body’s an engine… your knee is the fireplug… and you’re gonna light ‘em up!    Learn the “Immobilization Grips” that will make your opponent feel like he’s trapped in a straight-jacket (while being suffocated at the same time)    How to trap your opponent’s arm from the cross-side position in order to transition to Knee On Belly and secure a super-tight triangle choke that you can finish from top or bottom    Learn the common mistakes people make when going for the triangle from Knee On Belly (avoiding these mistakes will enable you to snap that triangle on quicker and tighter so you can finish the fight faster)    Major mistakes when going for the triangle that allows the bottom person to scramble away (you absolutely “must know” these key points so you can secure the submission finish every time)    3 major things to remember when shooting the triangle choke from the Knee On BellyStrangle ‘em and Mangle ‘em!    4 “finishing counters” for when your opponent tries to grab or hook your foot from the Knee On Belly    Common mistakes to avoid and the “little details” that make hitting the “slide-through triangle” from Knee On Belly more effective and allowing you to secure the submission faster    How to attack from the “Reverse Knee On Belly” position (you’ll learn control positions and also submissions to finish the fight/match)Make your opponent’s head turn as red as Rudolph The Reindeer’s nose as he struggles for oxygen!    Learn a variation of the Knee On Belly position that puts crushing pressure on your opponent’s sternum and chest (this will be excruciatingly painful for your opponents, opening them up for a variety of submission holds)    How to secure the “mounted triangle” from the Reverse Knee On Belly (you’ll be able to finish with the choke from top, arm-lock, wrist-lock, or you can roll through to finish the triangle from the bottom)    Understand the common mistakes of Reverse Knee On Belly that will better secure your submission holds and also create way more pressure – and pain – to your opponents leaving them helplessHave your opponents wincing in pain until they’re forced to submit!    Learn the “fine details” of the X-Choke from Knee On Belly (most grapplers screw this choke up and most times it takes them a really long time to figure it out – but you’ll learn exactly how to make this choke tight right away without wasting energy and burning out your grip)    How To Correctly Use The “Cross Choke” From Knee On Belly – which 99 out of 100 grapplers do so incorrectly it just ends up tiring out their forearms and grip, making them utterly useless for the rest of the match putting them at major risk (instead of providing the fight-ending certainty you can have doing it right!)    How to create excruciating pressure with your knee as you slowly “grind” it into your opponent’s core (this kind of pressure will make even the most highly conditioned athletes get tired fast)    Key points on the X-Choke from Knee On Belly that’ll help you get the tap quickly so you don’t wear out your forearms and grip strength (there are major technique pointers that will help you secure the choke quickly without tiring out your arms and grip)Make ‘em grunt and groan as they try – and fail – to escape your relentless pressure!    Learn the best angles to position your body on top of your opponent to keep your balance and feel strong, safe and secure on top    Learn the common mistakes with the X-Choke from Knee On Belly (learning this choke by “trial and error” can be very frustrating and exhausting IF you don’t know these fine details)    How to properly transition from Knee On Belly to mount (this equates to big time points in matches and tournaments)    A Super-Fast Gi Choke Called The “Baseball Bat Choke” That, Once You Understand The Grips, You’ll Be Able To Snap It On FAST And Also Catch It From Many Different Angles.    How to finish the baseball choke quickly and make your choke tighter so the bottom person can’t move to defend the chokeSmash ‘em into Smithereens!    How to use your opponent’s own gi against him by tying up one side of his upper body so you can easily obtain Knee On Belly and also leave him completely vulnerable to a vicious choke    How to make your opponent pay for trying to relieve your pressure when he uses his arm as a frame against your neck (dealing with that “frame” defense can by annoying, but once you learn this technique you’ll be fired up every time your opponent tries to make that frame because you’ll be able to tie up the entire one side of his body and snap on a nasty choke)    Learn the fine details of putting on pressure and tying up your opponent before you transition to the Knee On Belly position    How to take away your opponent’s whole arm – he literally will not be able to do anything with it at all once you lock it up – you’ll literally be fighting a “one-armed man”. (It makes a whole lot of transitions and attacks a lot easier when your opponent only has one arm – when you take away a whole side of your opponent, your chances of getting what you want and even finishing the fight go up exponentially.)    What to do when your opponent is bugging you by jamming his forearm into your neck (and how to punish him so that he’ll never attempt it again)Make Your Opponent Feel Like You Are Clinging To Him Like Duct Tape!    Learn an amazingly tight and brutal choke called the “Rope Grip Baseball Bat Choke” setup from the Knee On Belly    Learn another choke you can set up with your opponent’s own gi (it’s not a simple “lapel” choke like you may be thinking – this one’s different – and meaner!)    How to get a lot more leverage by finishing chokes from the Knee On Belly position (leverage is one of the major keys to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, especially for “lighter” or “smaller” grapplers who have to face bigger, stronger opponents – the more leverage you can get, the better)    Lock Up Your Opponent’s Neck Like A Vice With A Vicious Gi Choke You Can Set Up From Knee On Belly    Discover The Infamous “Brabo Choke” That Is So Tight Your Opponent’s Head Will Feel Like It’s About To Pop Off! (This choke has been used by Team Lloyd Irvin competitors to dominate at all levels in competition.)    How you can take advantage of your opponent doing “the right thing” by knowing where to apply pressure and how and where to moveAttack ‘em with Attitude!    An Unbelievably Devastating Arm Lock You Can Pull Off When Your Opponent Attempts To Block And Defend Your Brabo Choke    4 variations of the brabo choke you can setup from Knee On Belly, depending on how your partner reacts (and how you can see what his reaction is probably gonna be before your opponent does)    The key “gripping points” needed to better setup your Brabo Choke for a quicker finish    Learn the common mistakes of the Brabo Choke from the Knee On Belly so you will never make them (you can also use this as a “checklist” to make sure you’re hitting every crucial detail of this submission choke)    A choke from the Knee On Belly so nasty and painful, you might just be considered a “bully” by your competitorsMake ‘em never wanna set foot on a grappling mat with you ever again!    Learn one of the best “go-to submissions” for when your opponent turns away and “shells up” (because of the pressure of the Knee On Belly, sometimes opponents feel so vulnerable they’ll just try to stay tight and curl up in a ball and hope you don’t submit them – but you’ll make ‘em pay with this devastating choke)    Learn a common defensive mistake the bottom person makes when trying to defend Knee On Belly that you can exploit and use it to set up the Kimura arm lock    Discover the vital technique points of how to secure the Kimura arm lock from the Knee On Belly (some grapplers when first learning this move, get off to a good start but can’t end up finishing because they “miss” these crucial points that make all the difference)    How to keep your opponent from grabbing his belt, gi or pants to make it harder for you to finish the Kimura    How to keep from getting rolled by just one simple adjustment that gives you more leverage, more pressure and more balance to keep your base so your opponent won’t be able to roll you overGive Your Opponents That Horrible “Helpless” Feeling As They Are Getting Squashed Underneath You, Unable To Move Or Even Breathe!    Learn an amazingly fast arm-lock you can catch as soon as your opponent goes for one of the most common defenses to the Knee On Belly (and pick up some important tips that make submission way tighter and doesn’t give your opponent any space to slip his arm out – this leaves you with a tight grip and the perfect angle to finish the armlock)    Learn the common mistakes made when going for the arm lock from Knee On Belly along with the crucial elements you must know to make sure the arm lock is tight and your opponent’s arm can’t slip out    How to keep your opponent from “bridging out” of the arm lock when you hit it from the Knee On Belly (doing this one little thing will shut down your opponent’s bridge defense completely)    Learn the intricate details to the “Arm Crush Arm-bar” from the Knee On Belly (tons of grapplers make little mistakes when trying to finish this move – these mistakes could easily be avoided and you’ll learn them in this course)    A Subtle But Key Position To Prevent You From Getting Rolled While You’re Taking Away Your Opponent’s Air With Your Knee Pressure.Grind ‘em down until they beg for mercy!    Learn How To Lock Up Your Opponent’s Arm From The Knee On Belly Quickly So He’s Almost Tapping Before You Even Put Any Pressure On.    The proper “control points” for the Knee On Belly (it’s vital to have proper foot and hand placement when working from Knee On Belly so your opponent can’t off balance you)    How to “trap” your opponent’s arms and force him to get into the wrong positions (these setups are brutal and your opponent will be wincing in pain from your pressure even before you slap on the submission)    Learn An Easy Set-Up For The Triangle Choke That You Can Master Very Fast – in a matter of weeks or even days. (You’ll be able to snap the Triangle Choke on so quick your opponent will be left bewildered – after he taps out in submission!)    An “Instant Armbar” From The “Knee On Belly” Position. (This is a move that you can catch very high level grapplers with. It’s a quick one!)Force Your Opponents Into A “Vicious Cycle Of Discomfort and Agony” By Screwing Up Their Breathing and Nerves!    How To Do The “Omoplata” From The Knee On Belly. (This move from the Knee On Belly can be done by anyone regardless of body-type. It’s a great submission as well as a slick set-up for sweeps.)    How To Correctly Apply A Vicious Variation Of The “Ezekial Choke” From The Knee On Belly. (Many grapplers will not respect this choke – mainly because most don’t know how to do it right – until it’s too late and they are either tapping like crazy or passing out, drooling all over their gi like a 6-month-old baby.)    How to make your opponent carry literally all your weight when you’re attacking from the Knee On Belly position (this will wear down your opponent, tiring out his arms, his legs, his core and his lungs)    Discover the more important “positional principles” when you’re holding position for control or attacking from the Knee On Belly that will make it difficult for your opponent to defend    Learn Leverage Secrets (which many time aren’t taught to beginners) That Multiply Every Pound Of Your Weight, Pressure and Strength Ten Times, Giving You “Godzilla” Advantages Against Even A Much-Heavier Opponent! (This is what grappling and BJJ is all about!)    A transitional move you can use from the Knee On Belly against grapplers who have a really strong bridge (for example, wrestlers have powerful and explosive bridges, but now you can neutralize their strength and use it against them to improve your position from Knee On Belly and set up more submissions)Punish ‘em with powerful, pounding, pain-inducing pressure!    How to get a quick and slick arm-bar when your opponent defends by grabbing or hooking your leg that’s on his belly    Learn the big mistakes you must avoid when “sliding” into the arm lock from Knee On Belly (avoiding these mistakes will ensure you get the tap every time)    How to position your body so you can increase the efficiency of your Knee On Belly control holds, transitions and submission attacks    How and where to apply weight and pressure on top when your opponent puts his hands in “the right place” (you’ll be able to pin down your opponent and block his defenses to make it easier to get your opponent tired and catch submissions)    Why you should never ever give your opponent any space to move (unless you’re using it to your advantage to set him up for a sweep or submission – the great thing about this course is that you’ll learn how your opponent will try to move so that you’ll be at least one step ahead the whole match)Send Your Opponents Into “Panic Mode” Making It Easy For You To Exploit Their Mistakes!    Learn a crushing, devastatingly tight arm lock from the Knee On Belly while setting up a Brabo Choke you can use when your opponent tries a common defense to the move (this turns into a “double attack” because you can set up both an arm lock and a choke at the same time and go for whichever one you choose)    The “cutter” armbar from the Knee On Belly that causes an “instant tap” (this one is painful and comes on quick; and the best thing is, it’s simple to do)    Learn how to finish the “Bicep Slicer” from the Knee On Belly (this is one of the most painful BJJ moves there is because the opponent literally feels like he’s getting his bicep sliced in half causing a quick tap – or scream)    Learn the “Rolling Omoplata Shoulder Lock” you can hit from the Knee On BellyEnjoy hearing the lamentations of your opponent’s friends, family and teammates on the sidelines as you torture and crush the competition with your belly-burdening heaviness!    Learn the intricacies that’ll keep your opponent from slipping out and escaping your submissions while you try to finish so that you can get the tap every time    How to “get heavy” on your opponents and apply lung-collapsing pressure that forces them to either give up or make a horrible mistake that ultimately leads to the submissionMake Your Opponents “Freak Out,” Get Tired or just plain Tap Out From The Pressure!    Discover the crucial key points for the Knee-On-Belly position that will make your opponent unable to breathe (you’ll have to see when you watch it… even the most experienced grapplers won’t be able to get enough air into their lungs… and when you can’t breathe, you make mistakes… making it easy for you to snatch up a submission)    And More…


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