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SubliminalShop – Stop Smoking Forever Version 5.0

SubliminalShop Stop Smoking Forever 5.0
[7CDs – MP3s] [1PDF]



Make sure you read the PDF with the instructions on it first. Quote:Stop Smoking Forever Version 5.0 is the first program to ever be released built in 5th Generation subliminal build technology.  It was originally supposed to be released at $500.00 a copy, but I decided to release it at this introductory price for the time being instead.  How long will it remain at this price?  I haven’t decided.5th Generation subliminal build technology was specifically created and designed to deal with the most difficult subjects you can use a subliminal for, with smoking cessation being one of them.  While Version 4.0 works well for most people (and is still available, for a limited time), Version 5.0 was designed and created to deal successfully with even the most difficult and resistant cases, all while making it absolutely effortless to quit.  Yes, that’s right – I said effortless.This new build technology makes use of some recent breakthroughs in my research and experimentation into how the brain, mind and body work and interact with subliminal suggestions.  It also takes advantage of some extremely important breakthroughs arising from my research and experimentation into what the subconscious mind can actually do, as compared to what is commonly believed to be possible.  To say that the results of that research stunned me would be an understatement; I literally could not believe my eyes for the first three weeks of experimenting.  But the results held, and have shown their worth.  The results speak for themselves.  5th Generation subliminal build technology isn’t just the most powerful and effective subliminal build technology in the entire world – it is literally the most powerful, effective and advanced subliminal build and scripting technology possible.  So what makes this the most powerful, effective and advanced subliminal build and scripting technology possible? The fact that it can literally scale to any level of power, and in fact can scale far past the limits of the human nervous system to actually be able to handle.  This program is therefore designed not just to be safe, effective and useful, but to function at the very limits of peak effectiveness for the human nervous system.  In other words, if I made it any more powerful than it is, your body could not handle such massive data inputs well, and the results would actually begin to deteriorate, instead of improving further.To give you some idea how truly powerful this program is, consider the average subliminal you can buy elsewhere to be the standard, and as such, it would be 1x power.  By this measurement, my 1st Gen programs were 1x.  2nd Gen was 3x.  3rd Gen was 7x. 4th Gen is 14x.  And 5th Generation?  5th Generation is a nearly unimaginable 128x!  Yes, that’s right – it’s one hundred twenty-eight times more powerful than the average subliminal anyone else offers.  5th Generation build technology isn’t just unmatched in power… it’s literally miles beyond anything else on the market.  There is simply no comparison!  It’s more than nine times more powerful than even the famous mind-bendingly powerful 4th Generation build technology! I was actually worried that it might not be safe to make programs this powerful, at first.And how did I manage to accomplish this incredible feat?  Simple.  Not only do I constantly research and develop how to make my programs better, but I think outside the box when I do it, and I test them under conditions others don’t.  The results are incomparable. Even the next best thing, multi-session hypnosis, only achieves a 66% success rate.  It’s not even close.  Of course, building a program this powerful and complex takes a rather ridiculous amount of time, work and skill – which is much of why this program is so expensive.  (Part of it is that it is also specifically designed to work for smokers of the new electronic cigarettes as well as “real” cigarettes.  This is one of the first programs to be specifically designed to deal with smoking electronic cigarettes also.) Not only can you get this technology nowhere else, but this program took me almost 60 (sixty!) times longer to build than the previous version did.This program is designed to be so easy to use that you might not even believe it could work, if it weren’t for the price tag.  It’s designed to be nearly effortless to use, and to trigger smoking cessation automatically, and without effort on your part.  You can actually keep smoking while using the program!The end result is that as long as you don’t intentionally resist the program, you simply stop smoking without trying, without effort, without cravings, without irritability, without frustration.  But 5th Generation technology is also designed to deal with resistance.  However, if you’re resisting, you really don’t want to stop smoking in the first place, and while the program is designed to help you prepare and be ready to quit if you aren’t already, it is possible (under certain circumstances) for one rare personality type to resist the program.  I estimate, based on past results, tests and experiments, that more than 95% of people who use Stop Smoking Forever Version 5.0 will succeed in quitting as long as they use the program according to the directions.Some of you reading this are long time “quitters”.  You have tried to quit many, many times.  You may have tried everything you can think of.  You may have even tried other subliminals. If you’re reading this, you obviously have not succeeded in actually quitting.  Even for you, who have tried to quit and failed so many times that you don’t even believe you actually can quit anymore — according to the results of my tests and experiments, about 75% of you should also successfully quit forever using this program.Remember, this program isn’t just designed to help you quit easily and successfully – it’s designed to help you quit easily and successfully, forever.Most people who use this program quit smoking automatically and without effort – sometimes to the point that they literally don’t even realize they have quit for a few hours or days! – within 2 to 8 weeks of starting the program.  Because it is a gentle, gradual thing, you may notice that you’re smoking less and less, and you may notice that cigarettes become less and less interesting to you, but you won’t have stress over it.  Because the program slowly but surely weans you off by turning off your mind’s and body’s dependence on and desire for nicotine, it usually happens without any effort at all.  Some people who are eager to quit may find that they become able to stop with willpower before the program finishes turning off the response, but it will catch up within a week or two.Smoking cessation doesn’t have to be difficult.  All you need to do is use the right tool for the job.  After all, you wouldn’t try to cut a loaf of bread with a hammer, would you?  Of course not.  And you wouldn’t use a wrench, or a screwdriver or a bubble level or a T-square to do it either.  You’d use a knife – and a sharp one, at that.  But if you did try to use those other tools, and didn’t realize that they were not the right tools for the job – would you conclude that it’s difficult to cut bread?  Probably.  And that’s the same thing that’s happening here.  It’s not hard to quit, unless you use the wrong method.  (Or, for that one rare personality type, you choose to fight the program with everything you’ve got!)This is the right method.  The right tool for the job.  And with it, not only can you quit, but you can quit permanently – and without even trying.Without cravings, or irritability, or loss of concentration, or distraction, without stress, and – because the process is so gentle, gradual and stress-free – in most cases, without even weight gain.  Ironic, isn’t it?  I created the most powerful subliminal technology in the world in order to build a subliminal program that tackles such a serious task, but works gently and gradually.But whether you want to quit using the best, easiest, most powerful and most stress free method you can get, or you have tried everything else and failed, if you really, truly want to quit, this is how you do it.Let me make something very clear, right here and now.  There are only two reasons that you could possibly still be smoking after using this program:You resisted it.  Successfully resisting one of my 5th Generation subliminal programs – consciously or subconsciously – is not something many people will be able to do (no matter how hard they try); but it can be done by that one rare personality type I mentioned earlier.  Common reasons for resistance include an inability to accept the idea that it actually is effortless to quit through using this program (after having spent years being bombarded and brainwashed with the false idea that it is and must be difficult), and misunderstanding the program’s guidance as “being told what to do”.  The program isn’t telling you what to do, it is guiding you to your own goal!  It will guide you to your goal effortlessly, if you let it, but you have to cooperate and allow it to do so.  For most people, it is easy to allow the program to guide them effortlessly to their goal, no matter how skeptical or unwilling they may be when they start the program.  For a few, it can require a specific decision to open their minds and cooperate.You didn’t use it according to the instructions.  Whether on purpose, or as a form of self sabotage (so you can continue smoking), using the program according to the instructions is what makes it effective.  That’s why I wrote and included the instructions!


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