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Mind Power Mp3 – Yoga For All

Yoga For All
[2 MP3s, 2 PDFs]


SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDYoga For All by Mind Power Mp3[MP3, PDF]How would you like to learn yoga in just 10 minutes a day?I know it seems hard to believe. I mean, to be able to learn an ancient technique that will lower your blood pressure, increase your flexibility and bring you true peace of mind in such a short space of time… and that will reduce weight, cure sleep problems and bring you the strong, lithe body you have always wanted without any effort… not to mention its anti-aging benefits that include increased bone density, smoother, clearer skin and a biological age way lower than your actual one.I realize this all seems to be too good to be true at first… Until, that is, you know the facts:    Stress Relief – Yoga helps reduce the effects of stress on your body by encouraging relaxation and lowering damaging cortisol levels.    Pain Relief – Practised daily, yoga can help relieve aches and pains. Many sufferers of serious diseases have reported less pain after daily practice of yoga asanas and/or meditation.    Improved Breathing – Yoga teaches you to take deeper, slower breaths which help increase lung function and also trigger the body’s relaxation response.This is one of the most powerful benefits of yoga for many people.    Increased Flexibility- Levels of flexibility increase with regular practice of yoga which lengthens your muscles, ligaments and tendons.    Increased Strength – The yoga asanas or postures utilize all the muscles in your body, helping to increase overall body strength. These exercises also  strengthen your muscles close to the bones which in turn helps support your skeletal system.    Weight Loss – Yoga not only helps reduce weight painlessly through exercise but it also lowers the levels of cortisol in your body which results in lower fat levels, particularly on the belly.    Improved Circulation – Yoga improves circulation which, in turn, lowers blood pressure and pulse rate.    Cardiovascular Conditioning – Even the gentlest forms of yoga will help lower your resting heart rate and increase your overall endurance by increasing the amount of oxygen you take in.    Improved Concentration & Focus – Yoga improves coordination, memory, reflexes and concentration, all of which have a hugely positive impact on your daily life.    Inner Peace – Perhaps the greatest benefit of all. This is one of the main reasons people practice yoga and meditation and the effects can be profound and life-changing.Along the way, you will learn how and why yoga and meditation work so well with chapters on such fascinating subjects as:    Yoga For Healing – Learn How To Tap Into The Profound Healing Power Of Yoga    Ujjayi Or The Special Yogic Breath – The Secret Source Of Prana Or Life Energy    The Energizing Breath – The Breath That Will Revitalize You Even At Your Lowest    Visual Meditation – The Ancient Method Of Stilling Your Mind    Mandalas And Yantras – Their Symbolic Meanings And Power    The Chakras – The Energy Centers In Your Body And How To Boost Them    Kundalini – Otherwise Known As Serpent Power – Handle With Caution!    Yoga For Particular Groups Of People – Including Beginners, Kids & Seniors    Yoga For Particular Conditions – How Yoga Can Help Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Stress, Addiction    Total Body Stretches – Learn How To Prepare Your Body For A Yoga Session    Relaxation Exercises – Discover The Surefire Way To Allow Your Mind and Body To Relax    Simple Yoga Session – That Absolutely ANYONE Can Follow!You get 2 comprehensive eBook guides and 2 bonus relaxation music mp3s – perfect for yoga.


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