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Christopher Jaros – Singing Bowl VibeTouch 2 (Level 2 Moderate ADEG) Creative Flow 5D

SBRS VibeTouch 2 (Level 2 Moderate, ADEG)
[1 FLAC]



SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDSinging Bowl Research Series VibeTouch 2 Creative Flow 5D Expansion (Level 2 Moderate CDFG) by Christopher Jaros[FLAC]Length – 60:52 minHave you seen the movie, Contact with Jodie Foster? Now you can touch the Vibrations of Reality too. Experience the SBRS VibeTouch, an extraordinary technology, that allows to extract and enhance vibrations present in especially designed soundspaces made of therapeutic and meditative singing bowls (use with headphones or speakers).”Creative Flow” is the continuation and development of research on the feel, vibration. The compositions were performed on the same technology as a series VibeTouch. Mysterious “directions” (harmonic patterns relating to the notes in music) and “horizontal” (saturation sound different types of mis) used titles – can be understood similarly to individual set of binaural beats that support the synchronization of the brain – they do it in unierunkowany way. While the harmonic patterns refer to the description of the resonators used in the windowing process of obtaining the corresponding vibration levels are saying about the origin of the source, where vibration is derived. If you want to share something that you think should be included in the “cover stock description” of individual albums – contact us and send us your note.Directions series SBRS VibeTouch 2Notes, chords and other accompanying phenomena, all of which is associated with music and harmony – in their mathematical and signal – is the natural expression of the harmonic series. But this type of harmony is not only sound and music. Therefore, wherever they occur in systems and scales – can be found and philosophies, which assign different sound structures to resonate with them certain characteristics. Directions of the harmonic series focuses on the formation of mixed according to the study of sound (from the intervals of simple to complex chords) for various user applications:    ADEG direction of the speaker sounds great (even on a cell and make great companion walking) and produces the impression of spatial expansion, transcendence, ascension, expansion and refinement of consciousness.    CDFG direction, is an excellent companion to relax, calm and serene contemplation, promotes and maintains the state of sustainable centeredness.The present composition – based on a mixed chord ADEG. Other albums in this series, other sets of resonant filters, mop up different sounds and melodies, but also various sound sources, which are applied the same processes sound.    # Sounds great from the speakers (even on a cell and make great companion walking) and produces the impression of spatial expansion, transcendence, ascension, expansion and refinement of consciousness.    # In this system the intensity of the layer versus therapeutic meditation bowls – the recording can serve as a primer for the daily activities at any level of volume,    # Therapeutic ratio and provide the greatest transpatentność meditation, the more cause than associational kinesthetic effect.Description copied from Google Translator


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