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Cameron Day – Self-Clearing System (Level 1)

Self-Clearing System Level 1
[7 MP3s, 7 Videos – FLV]



Self-Clearing System (Level 1) by Cameron Day[MP3]The self-clearing system is very useful in helping one to *maintain* their inner balance throughout the challenges of daily life.These energy clearing sessions give you an energetic “turbo boost” to accelerate you on your path back home to your True Self.Higher Self MeditationYour Higher Self is your ultimate guide, and the most powerful form of energetic protection that you can access. Even if you are an experienced meditator, this first step of the Self-Clearing System will help you more fully embody and live from the power and love of your divine, higher dimensional aspect. This process has to be experienced, so there is no written version. The Cosmic FlushThe cosmic flush is a simple, yet powerful technique. It can be very beneficial to practice to the point where you can engage it at a moment’s notice, as it can be very calming when addressing any type of challenge, either internal or external.Energy RefundFirst, engage the Cosmic Flush. Once you are in the space of the Cosmic Flush, ask your God Self and the Galaxy Being to send any harmful, un-loving projections back to the God Self of the sender. Pause for a moment, and ask your God Self to bring back all of your OWN harmful, un-loving projections that you have sent out so that you can address them in time as your God Mind sees fit.Ego MinimizerMuch has been written about the nature of the Ego and the detrimental effect that it has on our state of consciousness and the world around us. Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth” gives a terrific, uplifting, in depth analysis of the ego.When engaging this process, it is important that you do not begin to resent or hate the ego. This process is simply to help you understand and tame the ego so that it can serve you, instead of controlling you. Reclaiming EnergyIf you have practiced the techniques on The Cosmic Flush, Energy Refund, and the Ego Minimizer, then you are ready for the next step of identifying unresolved issues and emotions, then reclaiming the energy that you have put into them. It is crucial that you practice the techniques in the previous three steps before continuing.Peeling the LayersIt is important to always be aware that this process of self-clearing with the goal is not something that can be rushed. The ego’s repeated judgments of self and others, painful memories and emotional patterns took a lifetime to build, so they will take time to remove.So what does it mean to peel the layers? In a nutshell, it means that even though you address an issue today, you only addressed as much as can be dealt with at the time. Over the next few weeks, you may work on other issues, peeling away what can be addressed at the time related to those issues. Then suddenly an issue that was addressed a few weeks ago will show itself in your consciousness again. This doesn’t mean you didn’t make any progress, but that you have actually moved to a deeper layer of that issue.When listening to the audios, you should be in a safe, relaxed space where you can close your eyes and be undisturbed for 10 minutes.


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