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Richard Hittleman – Yoga Philosophy and Meditation

Richard Hittleman – Yoga Philosophy and Meditation.pdf
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Quote:ForewordThis is a manual to be studied , not a book to be read.There are ten sections in this work which represent highly condensedsubject matter. They constitute the essence of the phi losophical andspiritual aspects of Yoga. Each of the philosophical concepts andmeditation techniques discussed in these pages, is usually treated invery great detail (olten requiring many volumes) in the classicalwritings of Yoga scholars.For most Americans who want a practicalworking knowledge of the principies of Yoga the detailed expositions,which even in the various English translations are replete with hundredsof Sanskrit terms, is discouraging.1 have endeavoured in this manual to draw upon my own s ru oí e sof the major Yogic texts and a great deal of practical working know-ledg~ with m ny students to present the principies of the Yoga teachingsin as simple and practical a manner as possible. The elaborate phil-osophical concepts of the original works, expounded at great length,have been reduced to whal 1 believe constitute Iheir ‘essence’. I haveincluded only handlul of essenlial Sanskrit terms; I have suggestedthe Meditation techniques be practiced in the manner in which I haveobserved that stud nts derive the greatest benelits.Thls rn anur I must be considered as a course of study. As such,each section should b studied, digested and applied belore proceedingto the next . Th philosophical paragraphs of the section should be read several times and car lully reli o t e d upon. The meditation technique ofeach section should b e exp rim nt e d with lor at l e a s i a week so Ihatyou c an get a real ‘Ieel’ of lhe technique and determine vvh at value itholds lor you, personally. Then when you have gone through ali tensections you will b able to selecl several of the techniques which seemto be the most meanlnglul and wor-k exclusively with these. Because,as stated above, the philosophical o r-i nc ípf e s are highly condensed, thesections will ac qulr-e a new and expanded meaning each time they areread. Therelore, il your interesl in Yoga is serious, they should be re-read regularly.But remember: You cannot read the philosophyand discount the meditation; the two are inseparable. Yoga is essen-tially n experience, not a philosophy. It is to be lived, not understood.To achleve thls! meditation is indispensable!This manual has been written in response 10 a great many requestsb y students who have been introduced to physicalYoga through my class-es and televlsion programs. The benelits derived Irom the physical exer-cises have been so pronounced that the interest of these people has beenexlended into other areas of Yoga. To satisly this interest, at least inpart , is the objective of this book. I shall be most gratilied il thesepages meet this need.


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