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Bob Taylor – Unarmed & Fearless With Bonus

Bob Taylor – Unarmed & Fearless With Bonus [1 MP4 – 1 AVI]
[1 MP4 – 1 AVI]


These are the same secrets used by SWAT cops and Spec-Op soldiers!World-Famous Streetfighter Will Give You AFREE GUN…Just To Prove He Can Take It Away From You BarehandedAs Easy As Taking Candy From A Baby!By Dr. R. L. HorineDirector, TRS Civilian Fighting DivisionDear Friend,I want to send you a free gun. (It is identical in CAD-imaged specs to the standard military-issue “Red style” training gun.)There are 2 things I want you to do when you receive it:   1. I want you to set the gun aside, and watch the DVDs I will also send…   2. Then, I want you to give the gun to the toughest, biggest and most coordinated friend you have… and ask him to… Point The Gun At YouAnd Squeeze The Trigger!It is important that you choose someone who is larger than you. Preferably, he should also have some skill at fighting. A black belt karate master would be perfect.Why am I asking you to do this? Because, I want to prove to you that what you see on these DVDs will allow you to instantly take that gun away (bare-handed) and put him down on the ground before he can move a muscle to squeeze the trigger! And once down, you will be able to keep him on the floor (and even slap him silly, if you please). You’ll be in complete control.As you will see in these DVDs, you do not need strength, or special agility, or even previous skill in fighting. You will see how even a small man (5’5″, 140 pounds soaking wet) can easily disarm and take down a bodybuilder (6’2″, 240 pounds) trained in judo!It’s an astonishing fact to learn, but it is true nevertheless. What you are about to learn are the identical “Disarm and Disable” tactics used by elite U.S. military personnel, big city SWAT teams, and high-profile security enforcement…Which Have Been Kept SecretFrom Civilians (Like You)For Almost 20 Years!Now, don’t get the idea the “moves” you are about to learn are difficult, just because they have been held in secret by some of the most feared fighters in the world. The moves are simple and natural… yet utterly devastating when used against an armed attacker. You will be able to quickly take away your assailant’s gun, and you will also learn:    * How to “jockey” for your best first-strike position during an attack!    * How to instantly “classify” any gun (single action vs. double action)… and how to tell if a gun is in “Condition One” — military jargon for “ready to fire”! (This “inside” weapon knowledge could give you a precious extra second in any confrontation… enough to choose your best next move!)    * The most important (and toughest) decision you must make in any armed confrontation… and how to make it intelligently and morally (so you never have to second-guess yourself later!)    * Why the incorrect disarming techniques will actually force your attacker to fire… whether he’s decided to or not!    * Why a man with a gun standing just 2 feet away from you is at a disadvantage… and how to use simple “leverage” to make him regret it forever!    * Why the correct way to “clear” a weapon increases your chances of not getting shot (first rule of bare-handed gun fighting) by 60%!    * Why the fancy-schmancy spinning head-kick techniques most martial artists learn are hopelessly inadequate in surviving a real street-fight! (And the “false confidence” you get will cause you desperate trouble!)What’s more, you’ll also learn how to disarm an attacker who has a knife… along with:    * How to tell when your attacker is just “bluffing” with a knife… and when he’s about to commit to stabbing you! (Crucial knowledge for making your best fight-ending move!)    * The single most important decision you must come to terms with in a knife fight!    * How to protect your most vulnerable “targets” during a knife fight… and how to use these rapid-blood loss areas against your assailant to end the fight instantly!Plus, you’ll learn the tactics of taking away a club or baseball bat from an attacker… and also:    * How to tell where the “sweet spot” of a club or baton is… where all the damaging power is located! (And how to avoid it!)    * Where the “safety” area of the club is: the 20% of any swing where the power of the club is wasted (and where your opportunity to end the fight lies)!And, once you’ve disarmed your attacker and are facing him bare-handed… well, that’s just child’s play now. These DVDs will show you:    * How to use the secret of your body’s natural “fulcrums” to bring anyone to their knees… using only 12 pounds of pressure and a tiny “torque” of your wrist! (Once you understand the secret, even a fighter twice your size can be dropped in a blink… with no more exertion on your part than you’d use to open a tin can!)    * The one “dojo” karate trick to never use in the real world! (It’s a silly, dumb thing to do… and yet it’s one of the first things you learn as a rookie martial artist!)    * How to master the strongest grip you’re capable of — no matter how “weak” you think you are!    * How to use simple “cat-like” tricks to force your body to fall correctly… so even if you get pushed down onto a concrete sidewalk, you’ll bounce right back up without a bruise! (Plus — how to use your body’s natural “cushions” to absorb almost any shock… and avoid the common bone-breaks most people suffer when knocked down!)    * The devastating secrets of joint manipulation (the lazy man’s method of effective fighting)!    * The 4 crucial moves you must make when being “held up” from behind! (Or being forced to kneel from behind… one of the more common assault techniques used by desperate criminals and hostage takers!)PLUS — and this is my favorite part of the package — you get an entire lesson on street-fighting “Dirty Tricks”… the same sneaky moves used by professional soldiers and cops who can’t afford to waste time fighting by the old “rules of the street”. You’ll learn:    * The 2 psychological responses all top warriors “surrender” to the instant a fight is at hand… that increases their chance of survival and victory by 400%!    * How to quickly “cancel out” any size or weight advantages your opponent has!    * How to judge — for yourself — the “Escalation of Force” rule for any encounter! (So you are instantly in control of the fight, even if you’ve been totally surprised!)    * The secrets of “Single Finger” takedowns… using moves that are indefensible even by a larger and more experienced opponent!    * How to use “pain enhancement” tech to convince your assailant to stay down until the cops arrive!    * How just 6 pounds of pressure on a nerve can set you free from almost any hold!    * How to break away from strong-arm choke holds!    * The natural “guides” on your attacker’s body that automatically guarantee a correct strike!    * How to avoid the devastating mistakes even black belts make when attempting head butts! (And how to use the professional tricks of performing head butts perfectly — one of the surest ways of bringing an opponent “down” without further action!)    * The amazing “filthy cat fight” trick that even urban street fighters never learn… which will allow you to control anyone who isn’t bald!    * The 12 take-down tricks that are never taught in karate “schools”!    * How to avoid the horrible mistake most fighters make with groin kicks!    * “Short Cut” kicks you can learn and use immediately… no matter how uncoordinated or clumsy you are!    * How to negate (with simple pain-control moves) the common “harassment” attacks — bear hugs, full nelsons, and head locks — that are used against women!    * Simple controlling moves that force your attacker to decide if he wants to come away with a broken arm or give up! (And how to keep him down — without serious damage — until the cops arrive!)    * How rookie fighters “telegraph” their moves… and not to do it yourself (and use your knowledge to gain advantages over your dumber attackers)!    * How to reverse the worst fighting position you could ever find yourself in!    * Your 5 best “first strikes” to end any fight instantly — a split second before it begins!    * The sneaky ways professional fighters use the element of surprise to turn around dangerous situations… even when they’re the ones who’ve been “jumped” by an assailant unexpectedly!    * The simplest way to gain a “technical” advantage when you appear to be overmatched!And more. A lot more, in fact. For example, you’ll get simple exercises to specifically strengthen what’s weak in your “falling muscles”. (The identical conditioning exercises used by professionals!)You’ll learn how to train into mastery without breaking your partner’s bones. These moves look simple (almost too simple)… but their devastating power becomes evident the first time your partner goes a fraction of an inch too far. (Don’t worry, though — there are easy ways to make your practice sessions “fail safe”!)You’ll understand “Shotgun and Uzi” disarming techniques (many traveling Americans have found themselves in mega-armed terrorist situations overseas and here in the U.S.!)… How only 4-6 pounds of pressure can snap a shinbone… Why no professional would ever attempt the “spinning round house kicks” that are taught to every new karate student (and which take 2 to 5 years to learn correctly!)… How to “adjust” his attitude without doing obvious harm… A detailed “map” of anatomical targets (for example: where the thumb ends at the thigh is a crucial nerve point — reaction: numbing shock when kicked)… And, the most decisive move you can make to end any fight instantly!As you can see, the secrets revealed in these amazing DVDs will give you a powerful new way of moving in the world, because…You Will Never AgainWalk Your Streets In Fear!Are you having trouble believing all this?That’s okay — I’m used to people being suspicious… at first. But the truth is, what you are about to learn is praised by professional soldiers, and law enforcement personnel all over the country.In fact, U.S. military generals, big-city police veterans and even the publisher of Soldier of Fortune magazine (who almost never gives endorsements). They all agree that this new system can be learned quickly and easily, and will work on the street under even the worst conditions imaginable.Here is how we came to discover these “professional warrior” bare-handed fighting secrets: For a long time now, I have been connected to the “inside” of certain elite military and law enforcement circles. (Including the Navy SEALS — the most dangerous soldiers on the planet.)My goal is to help civilians like you to understand the super-effective fighting skills that have been developed. I want my family to feel as safe and protected as possible, and I’m sure you want the same for your loved ones.Anyway, through certain inside “contacts” (which I am not going to tell you about) I was approached by two of the most respected professional combat trainers in the world: Randy Wanner is a feared martial arts expert who for years has been training federal and state law enforcement agencies in “street survival fighting tactics”. (He was also the former Martial Arts editor for Soldier of Fortune magazine.)His name is well-known among the elite “warriors” of modern-day combat, and he has gone toe-to-toe with street fighters from all over the world to prove his techniques are superior to anything else out there.Bob Taylor is considered one of the country’s most experienced experts in counter insurgency operations; state, local and federal law enforcement agencies use him frequently for training. He is also a specialist in counter-terrorism for African, South American and Central American governments.These two guys are in demand all over the world. Their clients include the U.S. military, big-city SWAT teams, international anti-terrorist squads and top security firms in 15 foreign countries. These clients hire Bob and Randy for just one thing:Their Incredible Skill In Quickly Teaching Their Unique”Bare-Handed” Disarming and Disabling Techniques ForArmed Attackers!This new fighting system took over 20 years to develop. It was necessary because the techniques the police and the military used to use — based on centuries-old karate moves — simply were not effective in real combat conditions.Soldiers and officers who were supposed to be disarming their attackers were, instead, getting shot and disabled themselves!Randy and Bob decided to find out what was wrong.There was only one sane way to do this. They used their connections within the military establishment to get “training” bullets for their weapons. These bullets (called “Red Jets”) are almost impossible for civilians to get.They are made of wax and polymer, yet are calibrated to fire from real weapons and can blow a hole in quarter-inch plywood from 15 feet. These training bullets were necessary for Bob and Randy’s research, because…They Used This Live AmmunitionOn Each Other To Develop TheirNew Disarming System!Let me tell you — it takes some kind of guts to face a gun loaded with live ammo. Those wax bullets travel at over 400 feet per second… and even if they don’t tear up your body like real bullets, these guys have the scars to prove getting hit with them isn’t pretty. (I personally saw Bob shred Randy’s left earlobe during a demonstration of the “wrong” way to clear a gun! There was blood everywhere during the rest of the demo.)No one else in the world has ever done this kind of live-weapon research!The first thing they found out, of course, was that 99% of the disarming tactics being used by soldiers and cops (and still being taught by smug karate masters who have never had to face a loaded gun in person) DO NOT WORK!This has to stop. It’s irresponsible. It’s stupid — especially when Randy and Bob have, after 20 years of tough research, come up with simple and easy-to-learn ways that do work!Their discoveries have revolutionized the way modern professional warriors approach armed attackers — already, there are cops who are on record saying these new skills have saved their lives in the street!Why do you — as a civilian — need these skills? Are you kidding? The whole world has gone psycho. The odds that you will be faced by an armed attacker — without a weapon of your own to rely on — are getting worse every day. This kind of advanced knowledge (even if it is easy to learn) isn’t a luxury for American men anymore. The facts are staggering:    * M.I.T. (the famous university) did a study uncovering the fact that 5 of every 6 twelve-year-old kids are going to be the victim of a violent crime in their lives! That’s almost everybody, sooner or later! (Most kids — and most adults, too — simply do not have a clue how to defend themselves in a tight spot. When you show a lack of confidence in yourself, you become the most attractive target for criminals there is!)    * Jean O’Neil (of the National Crime Prevention Council) says that victims who are forced into an attacker’s car rarely walk away alive! (Yet most people cannot mount even a feeble defense against someone forcing them through the door!)    * And every kind of horrible crime is becoming more and more common — you are no longer safe in your home, in your car, in a restaurant, or on the street surrounded by other people! (Jerks with nothing to lose are now senselessly shooting their robbery victims even after they’ve gotten everything of value.)What’s more, new studies show that women who fight back are less likely to be raped. And that learning some form of self-defense is your best bet against a criminal population who is prepared to use force and violence on a whim.But there’s a BIG problem here. The way most Americans are going about getting prepared to defend themselves is simply…Not Going To Work!Here are the facts, my friend: Most martial art studios are run by people who have never been in a real fight before in their lives… and you will probably be trained (in a huge class) by people who have been prematurely promoted to “black belt” just to handle the classes! These “store front” studios operate exactly like health spas — they lure in large numbers of people, and get the money up front. It’s a business.And the garbage being sold to women offers only the pale illusion of self-defense: Tear gas will not work on a drug-crazed attacker intent on harm.You saw what police “stun guns” did to Rodney King on that famous DVD: Nothing.Most rape-prevention seminars ignore the most common aspect of rape: The woman is thrown to the ground first, and then attacked.She will seldom get an opportunity to try the fancy knee-to-the-groin trick the seminars teach — a move which, by the way, is usually taught completely wrong! (You may think a “ball kick” is easy, but it’s actually a low-percentage kick, and hard to pull off.There are several better and more devastating things to do, as Bob and Randy will soon show you.)Even the fancy alarms and sirens people are “arming” themselves with are worthless in most cases of attack. (They don’t protect cars, they don’t protect houses, and they won’t “protect” you either.)In reality, you have only two choices: Remain a vulnerable “potential victim” who trusts that God will protect you… or learn the RIGHT way to defend yourself.It’s not hard to do. In fact, it’s relatively simple…Once You UnderstandThe “Inside” Secrets!One of Bob’s favorite hobbies is to attend the big conventions of gun enthusiasts. He will challenge 20 of them to line up with their favorite weapon (unloaded, of course) and, one by one, demonstrate how he could take the gun away from them before they could pull the trigger.And then he would do it, bop, bop, bop, all the way down the line, never using the same move twice, never breaking a sweat, and never using any but the most simple skills.Sounds like something you might want to learn for yourself, doesn’t it?Well, there’s a “hitch”.You see, the only way to even get any personal training from Bob or Randy was to get into their heavily-monitored seminars. But to get in, you need 2 forms of official credentials and licenses (plus about $850 for the full board of instruction).Only professionals — elite soldiers, police SWAT teams, high-profile security agents — have been allowed to learn this life-saving stuff…Until Now!Why now? Because, after about a year of intense negotiation, we convinced Bob and Randy to go into a studio and — taking as long as they needed — produce the first DVD package ever of their most trustworthy techniques for facing an armed attacker bare-handed.And they did just that. After weeks of filming and editing, they created the only package in existence for people (like you) outside the world of professional warriors.Yet they pulled no punches in presenting their new fighting system! What you get here is all their best techniques, best advice, and best training methods!Here’s what you get in this amazing DVD package:    * Over 2 solid hours teaching you all the advanced combat techniques for instantly disarming and disabling (bare-handed) any assailant coming at you with a gun, club or knife (the most common weapons you’ll see on American streets)!    * Included is the famous “Dirty Tricks” instruction of Bob and Randy’s favorite moves — really sneaky ways to manipulate and “put down” any attacker before he knows what happened… and keep him down until help arrives or you decide an “alternative” course of action! Even trained street fighters twice your size will go down fast — and stay down — with these astonishing fighting secrets!The techniques you will discover on these DVDs are the identical ones taught to elite soldiers, SWAT team cops and high-security personnel…With One Important Difference!In these DVDs, you get the incredible advantage of seeing everything via 3 separate cameras (mounted stage left, right, and overhead)… so you get multi-angles and slow-motion repetitions of each and every move!This means you get an increased understanding… and you’ll follow a faster “learning curve” than even the professionals get during a seminar!This is no Hollywood B.S…. these are real techniques used by cops and soldiers! And make no mistake — this stuff should only be used when you are faced with what the professionals call “Condition Red”:The point where you have absolutely decided that your assailant has already made the choice to harm you.. and you must act to save your life!That’s what this DVD package is all about. You, ultimately, have to take responsibility for yourself, and for your actions. We can’t do that for you. Neither can we guarantee that what you learn here will make you invulnerable to harm — that would be a stupid claim, and you would be a fool to believe it.No, what you have here is an OPTION. You are giving yourself one more (powerful) choice in this crazed, dangerous world — the choice to not be a vulnerable victim who has no idea what to do… even though you know that certain harm is imminent!I don’t rob people. I don’t like to hurt anyone, and I don’t like to see other people get hurt. It sickens me that the criminal element has taken over our streets, and is invading homes with impunity. That sucks — and I, for one, am damned glad to have tools like these to take back my little piece of the world.And I believe you feel the same way.That’s why I’ve written this to you today. I want you to see these DVDs for yourself. Right now.


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