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Ultra Mi Zong Taoist Yoga™$120 USOur Ultra Mizong Taoist Yoga course is a unique energy cultivation practice for accumulating, refining and circulating bio-energy for the purpose of health, inner peace and enlightenment. This course is easy to practice and can be completed in 4-months. We use 3 special binaural audio files to help you meditate as deeply as a high level monk while providing you very specific internal exercises to perform during the meditation. This course combines a short daily physical practice as well to prevent and/or remove any energetic imbalances or blockages that may impede your spiritual ascension. It is also highly recommended that you take advantage of our Free Reiki attunements, especially Kundalini Reiki as it will speed up the process and provide additional safe guards as well.You could Unlock the Mother Load of Internal Energy in just 4-monthsDo not order this course if you cannot dedicate at least 15-minutes/ day for physical exercise and the daily meditation requirements would be as follows:Level 1: 20-minute meditation performed twice daily for 35-daysLevel 2: 30-minute meditation performed up to 3 times/daily for 35-daysLevel 3: 30-minute meditation performed twice daily for 30-daysLevel 4: 45-minute meditation performed once daily until self-realization occurs.Level 1 Builds Chi pressure and heat in the lower dan tien or 2nd Chakra.Level 2 Transfers this energy to the root chakra and begins to move it up the spine and 3rd eye (Anja) in a continuous exercise.Level 3 Circulates the Taoist microcosmic orbit while simultaneously activating positive emotional states to enliven and energize the 7 chakras or dan tiens.Level 4 Focuses on self-realization through the inner light and seeking your true self within. This is accomplished via the psychic vision or 3rd eye development from level 2.This course provides a step-by-step process that anyone can follow from beginning to end. Nothing is held back! As long as you are past the age of puberty, you can excel with this system even if others have not worked for you in the past. That’s it plain and simple, no flashy sales pitch, and no hype or lengthy word seduction intended to cause an impulse buying decision on your part. The amount of work involved has been provided above so there will not be any surprises when you receive your materials. If you cannot commit to this kind of schedule, then simply don’t order this product or at the very least realize that it will take you a bit longer to complete each stage.What You Get:1)    Daily Physical Exercises- These exercises will help to increase your bodies chi power in way your wouldn’t imagine2)    Free Reiki attunements- Reiki attunements gently open the energy channels in your body in order for you to witness and benefit from the amazing energy you will be building and using towards your goal of spiritual awakening & enlightenment.3)    Detailed mediation instructions for levels 1 through 4- This process dose take about 4-months time and dedication but with the right amount of practice and instruction you will experience the amazing power the this system offers.4)    Three custom designed binaural audio files- This brain wave technology helps you to go deeper into meditative states in a shorter period of time. As a result you will be able to meditate on a level of a master that has practiced for decades.5)    Immediate Download so you can begin immediately.From Master ZhangTibetan Mì Zõng practice originated from Tibet. It offers the most powerful Qi powers. At the Guru level, one can ultimately achieve the 6 super-natural powers. Each represents the 6 stages of achievements of Dhyana, Chan or Zen Buddhists. These stages also represent the ultimate in Qi Gong experiences. The following are the 6 stages of achievement (in ascending order):   1. Deva-Vision: Instantaneous viewing of anything, anywhere in the realm of form.   2. Deva-Hearing: Ability to hear any sound anywhere at will   3. Other’s-Heart: Ability to know the thoughts of all other minds   4. Tell-Life: Knowledge of all former existence of both self and others   5. Travel-Beyond: Power to be anywhere or do anything at will. Similar to Astro Travel and Remote Viewing.   6. Nothing-and-All: All of above and in the league of beings above and beyond common. Here all realms and phenomenon bend to your will.As you can see this course is the way to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. You may experience a full kundalini awakening through the use of several methods used in this power guide, one being the Kundalini Reiki Attunements that we will offer for free. With this course you may potentially awaken the kundalini serpent power that lies dormant in the base of the spine. These practices help to raise that energy through the chakra system which can cause a full spiritual awakening.This course has been designed to stimulate the latent spiritual potential that is found within the chakra system of the human body. The flow of energy through the central channel from the base or root chakra to the crown chakra located at the top of the head is called kundalini energy. The full power of kundalini energy has been described as mind blowing. Many past Kundalini masters have been reported to be able to levitate, walk on water, walk through walls, spontaneously heal others and fully unlock their spiritual abilities. It is the author’s personal belief that these phenomenons occur in the astral/energy body and not the physical body.This course comes with exercises that you will have to work at. Remember that there is nothing in life that is worth having that comes without sacrifice. If you are willing to put in the flight time you will begin to see the benefits. But before you purchase this course or any course that we offer ask yourself, if this something that you are truly serious about.Suggested reading-lifestyle practice and mindset for this course and enlightenment:Big Mind * Big Heart Finding Your Way by Dennis Genpo MerzelLove Yourself and Let the Others Person Have it Your Way by Lawrence CraneThe Path of Least Resistance by Robert FritzThe Power of Now by Eckhart TolleAlsoShaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Qigong…$75 US“Shaolin Internal Essence 1-Finger No Intention Energy Cultivation”Qigong is a valuable jewel of the Chinese culture and to the Chinese medical profession, is like a lustrous pearl. Its origin dates back thousands of years into the very foundation of Chinese culture. There are many different styles of Qigong (energy work). However, they can all be generally divided into three basic categories.   1. Moving Qigong (Dong Gong)   2. Standing Qigong (Zhang Zhuang)   3. Sitting Qigong (Jing Gong)The course material being provided is a summation of material collected by Sifu Ferrera that alone would cost you more than $300 to obtain. This is truly a gem for those interested in pursuing this ancient internal system.This product provides detailed finger bending sequences for longevity practice, healing ailments, calming the mind, calming the legs, spontaneous movement, cancer prevention, high blood pressure, insomnia, heart trouble, headaches, liver conditions, stomach & intestinal problems, asthma, mental disorders, infertility and more information will be supported by upcoming video via member access.shaolin qigongThe main focus of most Dong Gong systems is for moving the Qi or energy around the body in order to clear blockages within the meridian system. Examples of Dong Gong are Tai Chi Qigong, 18-Lohan Hands and Eight Section Brocade. Zhang Zhuang (Standing Qigong) is more focused on the accumulation of internal energy or Qi. This form of Qigong is extremely effective in increasing one’s quantity of internal energy and is thus the primary training method for all Chinese based internal martial arts. Examples of Zhang Zhuang Qigong are Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan (One Finger Zen) and Yi Quan (Mind Fist). Jing Gong is focused on cultivating ones Qi via stillness of mind, body and senses (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste). By improving the quality of Spiritual Qi (Shen), one can eventually develop their undiscovered latent potentials and become enlightened. Examples of Jing Gong are Zen Meditation, Kan & Li formulas, Raja Yoga, Kundalini based meditations and Tibetan Solar Energy Qigong to name a few.One of the brightest stars in the Qigong world is Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Qigong (Shaolin Chan Gong in short). It is an advanced Qigong method of Buddhism. This Chan (Zen) style of Buddhist originated from Bodhi Dharma, the founder of the Chan School. Dharma was the 28th generation founder of the Indian Zen system. He came to China to do missionary work during the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420 D.C. to 589 D.C.), and then became the founder of China’s Zen monasteries. Shaolin Chan Gong has truly marvelous effects. Practitioners are not required to concentrate or focus their attention to the “Dan tian” or any other energy center while practicing. All of the body’s channels (or meridians) will be automatically cleared up during the standing method (Zhan Zhuang). The training procedure is so natural that one can even watch TV, listen to music or have a conversation with others while practicing Shaolin Chan Qigong. This unique Qigong practice does not require any mind concentration whatsoever. It is a highly praised method in China and is considered to be both very safe and highly effective.Shaolin Chan Gong can be practiced by all faiths, genders and all ages, especially those who have internal sickness. The benefits of training Shaolin Chan Gong include a much healthier body, initiate self healing and feeling the development of real Qi within the body in a relatively short period of training time (ranging from a few days to a few months). After consistent practice, one can use the acquired Qi as self-defense (Empty Force) and also emit Qi to help others heal. Some empathic students can even use their Qi to detect what type of sickness a sick person has. Although Qigong cannot heal every type of sickness it’s effectiveness of healing is truly astounding and compliments other forms of medical treatment. Unlike many modern Qigong systems available today, Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan has very rich and extensive history.Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Qi Gong was developed a thousand years ago by generations of Shaolin monks. It was only shared within the monastery and never known to outsiders…until the Great Grand Master, Que Ah Shui, showed the world the healing power of Shaolin Qigong in the 1980′s. Had it not been for Master Que Ah Shui (1918-1982) aka Wen Yuan Da Shi, who introduced this Qigong system to the world in the 60S, no one other than the Shaolin monks would have known that this top-notch Qi Gong existed.In traditional Chinese culture, it is pivotal to have offspring and pass on ones family name. Qui Ah Shui was the only son in the family and was asked by his parents to give up celibacy as a monk in order to continue the family name. Owing to this reason, Que Ah Shui had the opportunity to introduce and teach Shaolin Chan Gong in Shanghai, and spread it all over China in the 1960S. The spreading of Shaolin Chan Gong must be credited to Master Que Ah Shui.Master Que Ah ShuiMaster Que Ah Shui taught Shaolin Chan Gong verbally and individually. He did not allow his learners to take note as he was forbidden to do the same from his masters. As a result, no one knows whether he had taught everyone the same thing or whether he had taught each of his disciple/learner differently. In fact, there were proof later indicated what a disciple/learner learned is very much difference from that of other disciples/learners.Although Shaolin Chan Gong originated from Buddhism, there isn’t any form of religious belief, ritual or practice attached to the training method and can be successfully exercised by all faiths including those who don’t believe in God at all. The standing postures were originally based on Arhats, which are analogous to prophets or saints in other religious faiths. There are no Standing or moving methods based on animals. In addition, there are spontaneous dynamic Qigong (Wu Wei) and fingers/toes bending methods/practices within Shaolin Nei Jing Yi Zhi Chan Qigong. This active/passive combination of practices enables one to reach a higher level Qigong skill faster than usual.Also included is the first Shaolin Qigong course which I purchased myself. Enjoy!


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