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Mauro Di Pasquale – Radical Diet 3rd Ed.

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Radical Diet Third Edition by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, B.Sc.(Hon), M.D., MRO, MFS, 2007This edition of the Radical Diet represents the ongoing improvement of the best fat and weight loss diet in the world. The Radical Diet represents a new paradigm and is a quantum leap above all other diets that target fast weight and fat loss.  The Radical Diet has always championed fat loss as against weight loss, although both usually occur in tandem. However, the best way to lose weight is to target the loss of body fat while maintaining muscle mass since this makes losing body fat easier. It’s also the best way to also keep the weight off.One of the best features of the Radical Diet is that it gets fast results not only on weight and overall fat loss but on fat loss in problem areas that can be resistant to the usual diets.  As you’ll see, one of the first things you’ll notice when you’re on the Radical Diet is that you’ll start losing weight and fat where you’ll notice it the most, around your middle. You’ll immediately see a difference in your waistline and the way your clothes fit. You’ll also notice the general loss of body fat including problem areas such as the hips and thighs for women and the abdomen and “love handles” in men.The reason behind these dramatic losses is because of the macronutrient composition of the diet and the low calorie content. The combination of high dietary protein, low dietary carbohydrates, moderate dietary fat intake, and low overall calories, lead to the breakdown and burning off of body fat, a decrease in appetite, increased energy output, and to a rapid improvement in body composition.Since I know that everyone is looking for the fastest and most effective way to lose weight and help shape their bodies, I’ve increased the emphasis on the use of my targeted MD+ supplements. Although the Radical Diet will works extremely well on its own, you’ll get even faster results by using the supplements. That’s because I formulated these supplements specifically for people who are on my phase shift diets so that they could further improve on the fast and impressive results that they get from following my diets.  This edition of the Radical Diet also has much more information, both practical and theoretical, explaining how and why my phase shift diets work to maximize body composition. This information includes a look at the scientific and medical evidence, especially the latest research, that back up my theories.As well, this book is supported online at The RD site will have updates to the diet, as well as testimonials, articles, recipes, food charts and many other items and projects that will enhance your weight loss experience with the Radical Diet.  Information on the theories and principles behind the Radical Diet, and much more, is also available at and at  The bottom line is that this edition of the Radical Diet is geared to help you lose weight, mostly as body fat, as quickly as possible while at the same time maintaining muscle. The end result is a fitter, trimmer body that you can be proud of.ContentsPreface to the 3rd Edition of the Radical Diet 8Original Preface 9About Dr. Di Pasquale 10Part 1: Introduction to the Radical Diet 15 Dieting Today 16   Is This Diet for You? 18   Testimonials, Etc. 19   Weight Loss versus Fat Loss 20   Weight Loss Is an Oxymoron 21 The Health Benefits of Losing Body Fat 22   Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X) 23   Keep the Waist Trim to Ward Off Heart Disease 23   Heart Disease and Stroke 25   Cancer 25   Musculoskeletal System 26   Effects on the Lungs 26   Effect on the Liver 26   Emotional and Social Problems 26 Why Natural Is Better 27 Smoking and Weight 28Part 2: The Theory Behind the Diet 29 A Very Low Calorie Variant of the metabolic Diet 30   Introduction 30   Basics Behind the Plan 31   Radical Diet MiniStepsTM 32   The Radical Diet ­ a VLCD Variant of the metabolic Diet 33   The metabolic Diet Principles Behind the Radical Diet 35 Low Carb Controversy 36   Effects on Body Composition 36   Effects on Cardiovascular Health 37 The Truth About Fats 40   Saturated Fat 40   What About Red Meat? 41   Essential Fatty Acids and the Radical Diet43   Good Fats Will Help You Lose Weight 44   Dietary Fats and Body Composition 45   EFA+ 45   Fat Oxidation 46 Bad Fats 47    Introduction 47    Trans-Fatty Acids 47 The Lowdown on Fiber 50    Insoluble Fiber 50    Soluble Fiber 51    Regulate 52Part 3: The Radical Diet 53 The Radical Diet for Dummies 54    Introduction 54    The Basics 55    The Diet ­ Day by Day 55 What You Can Eat 57    Foods That Are Allowed 58    Calorie Intake 58 The Complete Radical Diet Food List60    Lower Calorie, Low Carb Days 60    Higher Calorie, Higher Carb Days 64    Weighing Your Food 64    Keeping a Daily Food Journal 65 What You Can Do With It 66 Things to Look Out For 68    Disguised Carbohydrates 68    Processed and Junk Foods 72    Salt 72    Artificial Sweeteners 73    Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, Antioxidants and Essential Fatty Acids 74    Calcium 74    Potassium 76 A Special Note for Women 76 What Can You Expect To Lose? 77 Anticipating Possible Problems 79 Water, Where and How Does It Fit In 81    Under Normal Conditions 81    But What if You’re Trying to Lose Weight? 82 Tracking Your Progress 84 Keeping the Fat Loss Going 86    The metabolic Diet 86    metabolic Diet Set Point 86    The Three Priorities of the metabolic Diet87    metabolic Diet ­ Four Practical Steps for a Quick Start 88 Maintenance 89Part 4: The Mental Edge 91 Introduction 92 Motivation is the Key 92    Focus on Your Expectations 93    Realize You Deserve To Be Happy 93    Build on Your Own Momentum 94    Give It Your All 94    Learn to Deal With Stress 94    Watch Out For Saboteurs 94    Don’t Be Afraid To Lose Weight 95    Don’t Sabotage Yourself 95    Stress and Eating Behavior 96    Shopping and Cooking 96    Socializing 97    Eating Out 97    Understand that Weight Loss Is Not a Panacea 98    Make Necessary Lifestyle Changes 98    Accept Responsibility For the Things That You Do 99    Realize That You Are Not Alone 99Part 5: Supplements 101 Introduction 102                 Line of Targeted Nutritional Supplements 103 Nutritional Supplements ­ Which Ones and When to Take Them 103 Supplements and Fat Loss 104                  Foundation Supplements 106                  Weight and Fat Loss Supplements 107 Complete Supplement Programs Divided Into Phases 110    Overview 110 Supplement Programs 110    Beginner (12 weeks – three four week phases) 110    Intermediate (12 weeks – three four week phases) 111    Advanced (12 weeks – three four week phases) 111 Sample Regimens ­ Putting It Together 113    Basic Regimen 113    Intermediate Regimen 113    Advanced Regimen 113    Changes to the Regimens 114 Sample Regimens for Maximizing Body Composition 117    Basic Fat Loss Supplement Regimen 117    Intermediate Fat Loss Supplement Regimen 118    Advanced Fat Loss Supplement Regimen 119Part 6: Exercise 121 Activity and Weight Loss 122    Weight Loss and Exercise Go Hand in Hand 122 The Benefits of Exercise 123    Exercise Increases Calories Expended 123    Exercise Decreases Appetite and Increases Feeling of Well-being 123 Exercise and Body Fat 124 Exercise Does the Body and Mind Good 124 Exercise Can Lift Your Mood 125 Precautions 125 Being Fit Is Only Part of the Equation 126 Should I Exercise Alone or With Others? 126 What Kind Of Exercise Should I Do? 126    Walking 127    Running 127    Cycling 127    Swimming 128    Aerobics 128    Home Fitness Equipment 128    Other Sports 129 In the Beginning 129    Making Excuses 129    Pace Yourself 130    The Key to Success 130 Exercise Gimmicks 131    Bust Developers 131    Spot Reduction 131 Training With Weights 131    Women and Weight Training 132    Where to Work Out – Home or Gym? 133    Exercise Machines Versus Free Weights 133    To Stretch or Not to Stretch 134 Starting Out 135 The Exercises 135 How Hard Should You Work Out 136 When is the Best Time to Train? 136 Some Sample Routines 137Appendix 1: Sample Diets 141 “Strict Diet” ­ only foods from the “Allowed” list. 141 Sample 1000 Calorie Diet 145 Sample 1200 Calorie Diet 145 “Moderate Diet” ­ slightly higher in carbs, still low calorie 146  Sample Diets for Higher Calorie/Carb Day 149  More Extreme Sample Diet for Higher Calorie/Carb Day 150  2 Week Strict Regimen 151Appendix 2: Supplement Details 159  Overview of the Best Radical Diet Supplements 159  The Radical Diet Supplement Plans 162Appendix 3: 179  Low Carbohydrate, High Protein Diets and Energy metabolism 179  metabolic Advantage of a High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diet 180  Low Carb Controversy 181Appendix 4: 183  Phase Shift Diets – Back to the Future 183  We’re Different but the Same 183  The Evolution of my Phase Shift Diets 184  Man’s Survival – The History of Food 184  Recipe for Disaster 185  The Control of Weight and Body Composition 186  Monophasic vs. Phase Shift Diets 189  Unstructured Phase Shift Diets 189  Structured Phase Shift Diets 190  The metabolic Diet 191  Cultural Carbohydrates 192  The Carbohydrate Dilemma 193  The Higher Carb Phase 193  The Low Carb Phase 193  Scientific Validation 193  Glucose metabolism at the Start of the Low Carb Phase of the metabolic Diet 195  Glucose metabolism at the Start of the Low Carb Phase of the metabolic Diet 197  Post Exercise Carbohydrates Are Counter Productive 199Index 201References 203


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