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Immediate Releasing & Lester Levenson on Seperation, Goals & Responsibility

Immediate Releasing & Lester Levenson on Seperation, Goals & Responsibility
[1 – TXT, 2 – PDF, 3 – MP3,]



Immediate Releasing & Lester Levenson on Seperation, Goals & ResponsibilityHey Guys,After an issue coming up on the Sedona forum section regarding certain points that needed clarified in the Six Steps, I’ve took the liberty of putting together this small file containing a Release Technique graduate article called “Third way of Releasing – Decision”, an additional PDF containing all gradute articles from 2003-2006(which contains one called “Immediate Releasing” amongst stacks of others) and some Lester audios were he stresses the importance of Goals and how they relate to the Ultimate goal of “Freedom”.Hopefully this will clear up some of the ambiguiity which the mind seems to place around such a simple subject -and speed up effective releasing for everyone involved.  It should also be noted that this is the main way of releasing(decision) stressed in the advanced RT seminars/recordings and by Rich Furlanic in the new Lesterize goals process.Have fun and happy releasing dudes


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