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Mind Massage Audio Series –

Mind Masage Audio Series
[37 MP3s]



In an age in which an increasing number of people are seeking spiritual fulfillment, it has become an exceedingly common dilemma to not be able to make progress past the first major obstacle.  That is, it’s very difficult to “calm or quiet the mind”.  How can you focus on “being PRESENT” or “Love for the Divine” or “manifest compassion” if you are constantly plagued by a background of non-stop angst inside the contents of your own mind?  Alas, most people find that the vast majority of their constant stream of thoughts are generally of an unpleasant or somehow displeasing and discontented nature.Most people spend the majority of their waking hours immersed in depressive thoughts of the past, playing endless “movie clips” of past failures and regrets.  If not in the past, the mind tends to spin endless worries and anxieties of the future.  If one is constantly immersed in mental distress centered around the past or the future, how can you practice living in the NOW?  How can you learn to embrace the Present Moment that most spiritual paths guide you towards when your mind spews forth an endless stream of unpleasant thought?In the same way a “body massage” quiets the spirit and allows you to relax your muscles, the Mind Massage series allows your brain to come to rest in a world of Present Moment sounds that will capture your attention in the most pleasant of ways.  Using sophisticated audio technologies, these 30-minute audios actually “force the mind to quiet itself” right NOW…and can be used as a compete replacement for meditation practice.  In fact, a 30-minute “passive listen” to any of these audios is actually “meditation in and of itself”, and you’ll find it easier and easier to actually quiet the mind ON YOUR OWN after these audios “show you the trick”.  It’s almost like taking a vacation from your worries and cares and immersing yourself in a sea of wonderful sounds from nature.The sounds on all the audios are COMPLETELY FROM NATURE and include no annoying subliminal voices or headache-inducing sounds/pulses found in many of today’s “mind altering” sound series.  Each audio in the series is based upon a core of 4 different “base programs” which were compiled via specialized frequencies selected for the sole purpose of quieting the mind.  The four core audios are:Japanese BellsOceanRainStreamThese were originally designed for a person to listen to for 30-minutes per day, every day, for as long as desired.  In order to enable you to use the series effectively, the four core audios were enhanced with additional sounds from nature so that you don’t become “bored” with any of the base-set listed above.  These additional variations on the four core technologies are:Tibetan ChantingEuropean BirdsFrog ChorusLoonsDolphins and WhalesRainforestEvergladesLakesongSo, there’s something for everyone in this series.  If you get bored with any particular audio, simply switch to another.  Find a spot to relax, slip on your headphones, and then for 30-minutes try to immerse yourself in the soundscape.  PAY ATTENTION to the individual sounds and TRY TO UNIFY YOUR MIND with each sound you hear.  This is not at all difficult.  In fact, it’s almost impossible NOT to do this as there are many interesting sounds that will seem to demand your complete attention.  Again, these carefully crafted frequencies are all pleasant and natural, with no space-age hypnotic rhythms as you might find elsewhere.  Also, try to listen to the series at as high a volume as is comfortable…even if it’s slightly uncomfortable you should lower the volume, but if you listen to them as “loud as remains comfortable” your mind will be FORCED to quiet itself as you become completely immersed in the many layers of sound to be discovered on each offering in the extended series.By using these audios daily, you’ll eventually be able to naturally quiet your own mind WITHOUT the audios.  By examining your own mind during the “forced quieting”, you’ll be able to duplicate the effect on your own (after just a few months of  listening to the tapes) and you’ll be able to do what most others can NEVER do…that is, simply will your mind to “become quiet…become still…become calm”.  And when you’ve acquired this skill after a few short months of listening to the audios you will have gained a skill that usually requires many years of dedicated meditation.  After you learn to personally Still Your Mind, any spiritual or psychological goal you have will be immediately within your reach.  As a beneficial side effect, listening to the audios will make you feel mentally more at peace after only a 30-minute “passive effort’, making them ideal for lunch breaks at work.  Watch the stress of your job slip away naturally as you listen to a single audio during your break.  You’ll be able to then complete your work day effortlessly, and take that peaceful state home.  You might also want to listen to one of the audios before you wish to fall asleep.  Listening to an audio while lying down in bed promotes a deep and restful sleep and will often help to alleviate problems with insomnia and other sleep-related disorders


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