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Michael Emery aka Bishop – Bishop’s (More Than Complete) Journal

Bishop’s (More Than Complete) Journal .pdf
[ 1 Ebook – Pdf ]



“Bishop” was at one time considered the master of Speed Seduction.  He wrote and sold a product called “Bishop’s Journal.” This is that journal along with other postings/stories/etc. from “Bishop.”Typical Speed Seduction: Bishop writes in a way that *may* be true, but as soon as you try to apply his principles you discover that there is not enough substance in his writing to make that easy, likely, or for most people, even possible.  He comes across as an SS devotee whose fills out his material with abject fiction — but fiction in the approved Ross Jeffries SS style where the girls listen to his claptrap and immediately fall into submissive line.  It is possible Bishop was able to meet women but if he actually did, and if his writings weren’t substantively, entirely  fiction, then he experienced these events through the distorting, kaleidoscopic lens of Ross Jeffries’s SS expections.  In other words, he was doing something that worked but because it didn’t fit within SS precepts, Bishop lacked the language to describe his process in any useful way.Contrast Bishop/Jeffries/Kelvin with the straightforwardness of Mystery, who may have been mechanical but if you robotically copied the guy (though you may have been old, fat, and bald and look nothing like him) you *succeeded!* Mystery worshipped at the altar of scientific infallibility, and science still works.Personally, Bishop gives me a headache.  I don’t think we could get along as friends, I found his weird thinking and writing style so chaotic and fanciful. I suggest you give B ishop and this download a pass: it isn’t the bandwidth, it’s the wasted brain cells.In defense of SS, I did use it and continue to use it in mid-game and it still works the amazing wonders now that it did in 2000.  It is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN a complete system for reordering your life priorities, or efficiently meeting the women you would like to adorn your life, but it fills a [small] part of my game today.  It’s just that … a small part … and more to the point here, I can’t think of a single thing Bishop ever said or did that contributed.


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