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Warriors – Season 1

Warriors – Season 1 [TVRip – 10 AVIs]
[TVRip – 10 AVIs]


History Channel Warriors – Season 1Warriors goes inside the culture of the most famous warriors of all time to exploretheir weaponry, tactics, training and, ultimately, their psyche.Every episode tells the dramatic story of one of the world’s iconic warrior groups–Vikings, Spartans, Barbarians, Samurai–including the rituals, technology and strategythat made them so mighty. Warriors is hosted by Terry Schappert, a Green Beret and17-year veteran currently serving in the US Special Forces. He delves deep into themindset of a warrior, revealing what made these individuals rise above others to lead,to fight and sometimes to die. Each Warriors episode also explores a climactic battlethat showcases the warrior’s strengths, weaknesses and life-and-death struggle.From Zulus to English Knights to Hawaiians, Terry is fully immersed in the warriorculture–from the weapons used to the pre-battle rituals, to the initiations, tobattlefield strategy and tactics. When delving deep into the Viking culture, heexperiences first hand the fighting techniques and tests the weapons of the warriorsthat some call “the Hells Angels” of the Middle Ages. In the Samurai episode, Terrylearns the secrets and traditions of the elite and mysterious warriors who forcenturies ruled Japan. In English Knights, he dons the armor, uses the weapons andlives the code of chivalry.# MAYA   Ep. 1During the first millennium, while Europe was deep in the Dark Ages, the Mayacivilization flourished, with the construction of vast cities and great achievements inart, architecture, astronomy and written language. The Maya also had a warriorculture, which evolved over time. Initially, the Maya fought in small groups for thepurpose of capturing prisoners to be used as human sacrifices to the gods. TheMaya’s preferred form of sacrifice was to decapitate their victims. Later, the purposeof Maya warfare shifted to conquest, with one city-state fighting another forterritory and power.# VIKINGS   Ep. 2Dubbed the “Hell’s Angels of the Middle Ages,” the Vikings were seafaring warriorswho emerged in eighth century Scandinavia and over the next 300 years pillaged andplundered their way through parts of Europe and North America. At the beginning ofthis era, there was no single Viking kingdom, but instead a collection of small, warringchiefdoms whose male citizens mastered their naval combat skills by fighting eachother. Boats were so valuable to the Vikings that they sought to capture, rather thandestroy, enemy vessels.# BARBARIANS   Ep. 3Germany, 9 AD. The Romans, with the greatest army in the world, are annihilated byGermanic tribes at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest. How did this situation arise.# ENGLISH KNIGHTS   Ep. 4England v. France, 1415. Outnumbered English knights and archers, led by KingHenry V, slaughter French knights at Agincourt. We explore this historic moment ofAnglo-French relations.# SAMURAI WARRIORS   Ep. 5Japan, 1612. Legendary samurai Musashi meets archrival Kojiro in a climactic duel.What does it take to be a warrior on this scale?We travel the globe alongside modern-day warrior SFC Terry Schappert and go insidethe culture of some of the most famous warriors of all time to explore their weaponry,tactics and, ultimately, their psyche.# WARRIOR MONKS OF SAINT JOHN   Ep. 6Malta, 1565. The Knights of Saint Johns defend Malta from attacking Ottomans in oneof history’s greatest sieges – the Siege of Malta – the last battle of the Crusades# SPARTAN WARRIORS  Ep. 7Greece, 479 BC. At the Battle of Plataea, brilliant tactics and battlefield discipline helpthe Spartans defeat the Persians, avenging the devastating defeat of the 300 atThermopylyae. Watch this epic battle unfold.# ZULU TRIBE   Ep. 8South Africa, 1879. At the Battle of Isandlwana, Zulu warriors overwhelm anoccupying British army. It was Britain’s Little Bighorn – England’s worst defeat at thehands of a colonial force.# HAWAIIAN WARRIORS   Ep. 9The 18th century. An isolated outpost in the Pacific. Warriors using brutal shark toothweapons, human sacrifice and bone-breaking hand-to-hand combat are engaged ininter-island warfare. One chief looks to unite the islands and establish peace. But todo that, he’ll need to become one of the greatest military minds of his time.Join Terry Schappert as he delves into the secret culture of the Hawaiian warrior andstudies the tactics of King Kamehameha the Great. Using both ancient weapons and adevastating deployment of gunpowder, Kamehameha will travel from the Big Island ofHawaii all the way to Oahu for a pivotal battle on the cliffs of Nu’uanu Pali.# SPECIAL FORCES   Ep. 10Green Beret Terry Schappert reveals the origin of his own American warrior culture -the U.S. Special Forces.The Alamo Scouts were an elite reconnaissance unit that operated behind enemy linesduring World War II. Terry not only tests their weapons, like the Thompsonsubmachine gun and M1 Garand, but also demonstrates their guerilla tactics. Theseunconventional fighting skills led to a daring POW rescue that made the Alamo Scoutslegendary.In every episode of Warriors, Terry talks to experts on each of the warrior cultures,moves beyond the stereotypes and gains new insights about who these men reallywere. Walking in the footsteps of history’s greatest Warriors proves to be agut-wrenching experience, but it’s all part of Terry’s amazing journey to discover theheart of a warrior.


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