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James Ray – Harmonic Wealth Weekend course

[isoHunt] James Ray – Harmonic Wealth Weekend course Video rip
[8 DVD – Avi, 2 eBook – pdf]



A lot of so-called success experts tell you that you need balance in your life. That’s a bunch of bunk!Look at a scale in perfect balance: nothing is happening… it’s stagnant… there’s no movement… there’s no progress… in fact, there’s no life at all.Just like the harmony created by each unique and important instrumentin an orchestra causes your emotions to soar (like an eagle rising on aninvisible thermal), complete harmony in your life causes your level ofhappiness, wealth and success to soar.You simply (and deeply) want to make more money and become more successful…You want to double, triple, even multiply by ten the size of your business…You’ve already achieved at least a modest level of success and want to use that as a springboard to greater things…You know you could do a lot better in life with just a little help…You realize that simply working harder can only get you so far, and you want more…You know (or at least suspect) that money alone can’t buy true happiness…You’ve already made a ton of money but haven’t been able to enjoy it like you always thought you would…You suspect there’s got to be something more to life…Your personal relationships can have a huge impact on your overall satisfaction with life…I’ve shared the stage and presented with the top success and self-improvement experts in the country—including such notables as: Zig Ziglar, Robert Schuller, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Howard Putnam, Jack Canfield and John Gray.By the way, I’m not just talking about financial success, either. I’m talking about true and complete success—total Harmonic Wealth and that deep-down peace of mind that comes with it.Of course, financial success is a big part of it, and any total success system must help you navigate down the road to financial independence. But that’s only the beginning.The real key to creating the life of your dreams is achieving true Harmonic Wealth. That’s where you find contentment…peace-of-mind…a deep connection to (and understanding of) the world around you and your place in it.Let me explain. There are five important kinds of wealth, but none of them (even financial riches) alone can bring you true success or happiness.Here they are… First is Financial Wealth.It’s the money in your bank account… the wad of bills in your pocket… your stock portfolio… real estate holdings… or maybe even just the paycheck you’ll pick up next Friday. Then there’s Physical Wealth.This is the health and fitness of your body. What good is financial wealth if you can’t get around to enjoy it? I’ve known many wealthy (I mean filthy rich) people who would gladly give up all their financial riches to be able to get back their health or a reasonable level of fitness. Another kind of wealth is Relational Wealth.This is the state of your personal relationships (including that with yourself). Again, I’ve met many who would gladly trade financial wealth for true love or even a good friendship. We are social animals and we’re always healthier and happier when we have rewarding, healthy relationships with others combined with a good level of self esteem. And yet another kind of wealth is Mental Wealth.This is your wealth of knowledge. It’s the combination of facts, skills, talents, and life experiences you’ve built up and developed over the years. It’s your understanding of how the physical world works. Finally, there’s the Spiritual Wealth.This is that hard-to-define, yet unmistakable-when-you-have-it kind of wealth. It’s that (usually) untapped, yet incredibly powerful, almost magical kind of wealth. It’s your connection to the rest of the universe and the way you tap into its power. It’s the inner energy we all have. It’s a major component of contentment and peace-of-mind.How do I know this?Simple. I’ve spent the last 23 years studying every aspect of success, successful people, and building wealth. But I didn’t stop at just those who were financially wealthy, I looked for and learned from those who were happy—and those who weren’t!I studied and worked with people from all walks of life, professionals, laborers, doctors, lawyers, business people, clergymen, the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker.You name it, if it affected success or showed any of the five kinds of wealth, I studied it. I was always looking to see what combinations of the different kinds of wealth and character traits made people happy. After all, isn’t that what we all really want?I was amazed to find out that some of them were happy with much less financial resources than I (and maybe you) could get by on, and others made multiple millions a year and still weren’t happy.The simple fact of the matter is that it takes a reasonable level of success and harmony between all five kinds of wealth for people to achieve and maintain happiness……to become winners… to become truly successful…In this complete box set, you’ll get:11 professionally-produced DVDs, filmed in high definition… This isn’t one of those cheesy courses created by amateurs. I’ve spared no expense and hired nothing less than broadcast pros to guarantee that you’ve NEVER seen a program like this…Over 14 hours of priceless insider knowledge, along with a completely detailed workbook (available in both English and Spanish)…English and Spanish subtitles… (Yes, it’s bilingual!)Exclusive bonus features that won’t be seen anywhere else (and one Q&A session that everyone’s going to be talking about)…Together, with these tools, we’ll design the life of your dreams. The system couldn’t be easier… you simply pop in the first DVD, and I guide you step-by-step through the program.


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