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Michael Boyle- Functional Strength Coach 3.0 A Joint by Joint Approach to Training Disc 3-5 (3M4V)

Mike bOyle 2


Functional Strength Coach 3.0 A Joint by Joint Approach to TrainingIt explores the evolution of Mike Boyle’s training over the past five years, concentrating on the differences in what he’s doing now, compared to the past.Functional Strength Coach 3.0 contains nothing but updated material, as opposed to retracing previously discussed concepts.Spread out over 6+ hours of exclusive, closed-door seminar on 8 DVDs plus the Functional Strength Coach Manual, Sample Training Programs and additional training articles (and the Workout Muse CD), you can imagine how much your head will be spinning with new ideas as you watch and take notes on each section.Here’s what you get:DVD 1: A Joint by Joint Approach to Strength and ConditioningDVD 2. A Joint by Joint Approach to Strength and Conditioning, Part IIDVD 3. Lumbar SpineDVD 4. Flexibility Circuits with Workout MuseDVD 5. Mobility Circuits with Workout MuseDVD 6. Core DevelopmentDVD 7. Strength Training UpdatesDVD 8. Central Nervous System DevelopmentTraining Manual: Functional Strength Coach Manual, Sample Training Programs, Additional Training ArticlesBonus CD: Workout MuseIf you’re ready to take your coaching, your fitness clients and your athletes (regardless of age, sport, skill level or gender) to the next level using tried and true training methods developed over 25 years of study, testing, trial and error, then you’ll benefit greatly from


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