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Zpoint – Creating Financial Abundance

Zpoint – Financial Abundance



Creating Financial Abundance with ZPoint virtualCDThis recording focuses on releasing all the ways we may block or sabotage ourselves from allowing Financial Wellbeing into our lives.During this call you will be led through a brand new ZPoint protocol specifically designed to bring up and permanently release all of the emotional blocks and issues that may keep you in financial bondage. This protocol makes good use of the powerful new Opening Technique, just introduced by ZPoint Creator Grant Connolly. This Technique, as the name implies, brings feelings, memories and attitudes up to conscious awareness where they can be safely and permanently released using regular ZPoint Statements and Erase the Tape.In addition, after releasing the emotional blocks to financial wellbeing, you will be led through a very special ZPoint Meditation that will powerfully align you to the financial wellbeing that is yours by divine right.This CD is in alignment with the Law of Attraction which states, “that we receive from life exactly what we place our focus upon”. If your focus right now is on lack rather than abundance, is it any wonder that lack shows up in your life so abundantly.Purchase the virtualCD today and begin the process of attracting more financial wellbeing into your life.


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