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Your Brain as the Core of Strength and Stability – Frank Wildman (Feldenkrais)

Your Brain as the Core of Strength and Stability – Frank Wildman (Feldenkrais)
[8 DVD – AVI]


Whether you participate in strength training, dance, Pilates, yoga or martial arts or you just want to move with more ease and stability, this workshop will teach you how to identify, feel and use the core muscles far beyond any movement modality in existence today.PART ONEThe first part of the training contains Awareness Through Movement™ (ATM) lessons, and shows how they can be used hands-on in Part Two.It will serve as an advanced training for your brain. The desire for the look and feeling of strength and stability will remain prevalent in our culture for a long time to come. There are millions of people of all ages who have integrated some form of exercise routine into their lives, and injuries from their routines are increasing. In this first class you can learn to affect the organization that underlies movements most people associate with great strength, flexibility, natural talents or hard to achieve abilities. You will learn ATM strategies and techniques that can directly influence people involved in Yoga, Martial Arts, Dance, and Pilates.PART TWOThis Functional Integration™ (FI) Master Class is both the next step for practitioners who have been successfully working for several years, as well as a first step for those seeking a direction in their practice with themselves and their clients. We will work with ligaments, tendons, and viscera integrated into muscular control or expression. This aspect of the Feldenkrais Method™ is not presented in training programs yet remains a vital part of the origins of the Method.The series can be purchased altogether, or as two separate parts.


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