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Yin Ping Li – Awakening Event 2014

Awakening Event
[ 24 MP3 – 1 HTML File Set ]



Yin Ping Li – Awakening Event 2014 [ 24 MP3 – 1 HTML File Set ]                                         The Awakening Event                                          Global Awakening to Higher Consciousness                                                                           hosted by Yin Ping LiMeet Yin Ping Li – Teleseminar Host    What is awakening? Awakening is a state of being of remembering who we really are. It is not the role we play in this reality, such as, a mother, a father, a daughter, or a son, and it is not your title either, such as, I am a lawyer, I am a nurse, and so on.    It is a pure being of who you are, that we are all equal by our birthright, and we are all loved unconditionally, protected, safe, secure, provided, nurtured, and taken care of and that we are god like, brilliant, magnificent, infinite, spiritual, physical, and vibrational being.    Awakening, is the key, a doorway of higher consciousness and completely freedom from suffering, pain, lack of the 3rd dimensional reality.    Many have awakened from those moments of deep pain that they wish to completely let go of the hold of this physical reality’s illusion and turn inward within the depth of their being to seek the solutions of their challenges in life.    There are many doorways which allow us to become awakened, for most people and that could be through physical pain, such as: illness, disease, through emotional pain, and the ego pain… and the only way of awakening is by accept our reality and release, let go, and remove the energy that is caused by the negativity of the mind and the emotions that are stored in our physical body, through healing and de-coding of the programming of the limitation in our DNAs, cellular memories and structures.    As I awakened, walked away from suffering, I remembered who I really am, and my mission of being born in this life time, that is to help the evolution of each soul and humanity into a higher consciousness, and provide to them instant healing and awakening for those who are ready for it. This desire of service is deeply in planted within the depth of my heart and my being, so deeply within me.    I wish to see each soul on planet earth awakened from the illusion of the 3rd dimensional reality of being a school of providing them ways of learning to remember who they really are, free from suffering and struggle of not being good enough, not having abundant enough, not having enough, not safe enough, not in control enough of all those doubts and fears and worries, and all the negative emotions that are not in alignment with who they really are.    I wish to help them to opening their hearts and minds to receive and experience the magnificent unconditional love of the divine, true inner peace, a tranquil and the peace of the mind, and feel accepted, loved, safe, secure, and in control of their life and destiny and the true freedom to be who they are, to do what they love, and to experience life as it is, one with all, deeply connected with God and the divine and all souls, yes, a life and experience of heaven on earth.Meet Brad Codd – Teleseminar Producer    I know the evolution of each soul and humanity is not one person job, it is bigger than any person. It is the job of all of us.    I am very excited and honored to be called upon by Kuan Yin, divine mothers, and all divine feminine to be the host of the magnificent The Awakening Event teleseminar, that I have gathered the most beloved, most renown, most spiritual, most flowered, most conscious, cutting ego of spiritual, conscious evolution leaders of our time to bring you their personal stories of spiritual evolution, awakening, healing, as well as their daily practices, their teachings, insights, and secrets and stories that they have never shared before, to give you the inspiration, education, insights, and practices that you need in your own personal journey of healing, awakening, and evolution into a higher vibrational being that allows you to walk away from suffering and experience and express the divine that is YOU, and that is the intention of the divine and the entire forces of the universe for you.    This is the intention of The Awakening Event telesummit – a Global Awakening to Higher Conscious movement. Meet the Awakening Event Experts:Harrison Klein – The I Am Effect    Today’s interview with Harrison Klein was amazing and magnificent!    First off, Harrison’s awakening experience was a wow! He described how the transformation can be instant and spontaneous beyond your wildest expectations. He explained the science beyond the manifestation with such a simple, yet profound depth of knowledge – and his explanation of exactly how – was extraordinary.    And his 5-step process makes manifestation simple and fun. The nuances of the alignment of the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious mind in your creative manifestation process were so important, yet many have missed this important little detail.    I highly recommend you to take time to listen to today’s call with Harrison Klein. It is truly for your highest good if you are to manifest the love, success, and freedom you deeply desire.Brent Phillips – Transform Your Life    Today’s interview with Brent Phillip on awakening and money was miraculous and magical. He shared exactly how through his personal experience of health crisis to instant healing, that lead him to develop his formula for miracles.    The magnificent details and nuances that he shared will make all the difference whether you will create miracles of not… He also help you live to clear your money blockages right over the phone… Larry Crane – The Release Technique    Today’s interview with Larry Crane was a rare occasion – an amazing one without question.    Larry shared his magnificent story of having all the millions; yet finding himself still not happy and wanting to give it all up. Which led him to Lester Levenson, an enlightened master, alive and in his beingness.    He shared Lester Levenson’s true story of enlightenment and his method of “releasing” that could work for people just like you.    Specifically, he shared a recording of Lester, in his own words, that was a ‘wow’. It was an opportunity of a lifetime to hear a true enlightened master teaching in his own words.    I highly recommend you find time to listen to it. It is enlightening and encouraging, indeed! This could be the answer to your prayers.    It could completely change your life forever… Michael Domeyko Rowland – You and Your Life    Today’s interview with Michael Domeyko Rowland was exceptionally ‘wow’. He is a true master of supper-conscious mind.    His awakening experience and his study of exactly how to access and work with the super-conscious mind was no coincidence. His teaching is fundamental for anyone’s spiritual growth and consciousness evolution. It is practical and simple steps are all that’s needed to get started.    He offers an amazing package that will teach you exactly how to access your own super-conscious mind, and living in that state of being is priceless.    I highly recommend that you listen to the interview. You will find there is a tremendous amount of value in listening to this recording! Christy Whitman – Essential Universal Laws    Today’s interview with Christy Whitman was again magnificent!    I am smiling and feeling so abundant right now, feeling that my abundance level even expanded reaching higher, wider, and further. Wow, this feels so good!    What Christy Whitman shared with us today were some simple, yet profound insights that will help you shift from lacking mindset or experience, to abundant mind and feelings of abundance, quickly and easily.    She offered many tips on how to do that as well as a guided meditation to bring this experience of abundance into your body and your being, which is critical for abundant living.    I highly recommend that if you like to live in abundance in any area of your life, instead of lacking abundance, listen to this recording now and you will find it to be truly helpful! John Assaraf – Awakening Your Inner Values    I loved today’s interview with John Assaraf. Yes, indeed! It was an amazing interview.    What I really love about John is that he is not only deeply spiritual, but his core value is spiritual connectedness. He has also mastered this game called Life!    During this show, John so generously shared so many inside secrets and nuances of how you can live the life you desire.    These are golden nuggets of living the life to your fullest “strategically”, as he said it, not just “hoping and praying”, but backed up with a specific map and action plans that show you how you can get to where you want to be right now. Wow, magnificent!    I loved another insight he shared on how you can achieve more, have more, and enjoy fuller expression in life by actually doing less – and in less time.    I highly recommend you join us for the replay if you wish to achieve more and have more in life by following John’s proven strategies that can help all of you! Norma T. Hollis – Raise the Vibration of YOUR Life    It was again an amazing interview with Norma T. Hollis!    She shared her special and unique gift of 9 energy systems of authenticity, using 3 aspects of your voice: the intuitive voice, the outer voice, and the expressive voice. You can find the level of your authenticity, and how it can help you to discover ways of improving your authenticity which will raise your vibration, and bring more balance, success, joy and reality to your life.    You’ll have a greater and deeper understanding of your authentic self through your 9 energy planes which show you what your special and unique gifts and talents are, and how you can enjoy the aspects of your gifts and talents for great fulfillment, joy, and much more.    This is a very unique and special way to discover who you are. I highly recommend that if you are someone who likes to really dig deeper into your uniqueness – and how to improve your life from there – then this will be an excellent call for you. Al Perhacs – Mind Force Quantum Qigong System    It was a magnificent call! It is the first time for me learn more insights regarding Qigong, and the difference between Meditation and Qiqong.    Al even offers his unique perspective to complete non-believers, training thousands of people in his Mind Force Method of Esoteric Training, which includes topics such as awakening your psychic gifts; total mind, body, and spirit development, and much more.    He shared how to become of aware of your body’s “qi”, which is your first step in becoming the “controller” the “creator” of your own body, mind and your own life’s outcome. I loved his perspective on balancing the “yin” and “young” method of your meditation – and the Qigong practice each day – to achieve optimal body health and more.    If you are someone who has difficulty becoming centered and reaching deep into a meditative state of being, you might find the Qigong practice is an alternative way of getting into your body, feeling your energy, and helping you relax your mind. You will go deeper within yourself, increasing your ability to communicate with the unseen forces of the universe.Maureen St. Germain – Practical Mysticism    Maureen St. Germain, The Practical Mystic, leads workshops worldwide in personal development and spiritual awakening.    She shares knowledge gained from over 25 years of study as a seeker of ancient truths. Prolific author, talented musician and producer of over 15 guided meditation CDs, she is a direct channel to Source.    Maureen is an internationally recognized, highly acclaimed transformational teacher, author and intuitive.    She is the author of the bestseller, “Beyond the Flower of Life”, and premier facilitator of the MerKaBa Classic Meditation.  She recently released her live MerKaBa Classic workshop in DVD format.    In 2003 Maureen was given direct access to a dimension that has been closed to humanity for eons – the Akashic Records.  An extremely accurate Akashic Records Guide, she provides information for individuals in private sessions, and teaches you how to access your own records in workshops.Victor Da Ponte – Quantum Reprogramming    Today’s interview with Victor Da Ponte was an amazing beyond words.    I loved his infusion energy work with the I AM presence. It is truly a work of a master. I am so thrilled to have him on the Awakening Event telesummit. He shared his wisdom, knowledge, and his energy with you to defuse what is not real and will not serve you, and instead infuses you with the energy and the presence of the truth of who you really are, the I AM presence energy, the universal source energy.    “You are it”, as he said. Claim your highest potential as the source.    If have not heard the call, I highly recommend that you do so asap, or you can listen to it again. You will find golden nuggets you can apply to your life now. Valuable insights! Thank you for joining us! Kelly Hampton – Ascension from Angelic and Interdimensional Realms    Today’s interview with Kelly Hampton was incredible.    She graciously channeled live intergalactic healing energy to all of us and those who will join us later, as well as profound messages from the councils of the 9 along with many other beings of the light.    She also brought a magnificent gift of sacred geometry from Archangel Michael for everyone on the call and for those who will join later. Yes, also, she brings us the healing energy of the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy that was given to her by Archangel Michael and the Plabeians.    The healing I felt within me was profoundly and deeply. She is so gifted with her knowledge regarding the life beyond the planet earth into the intergalactic reality… I highly recommend you visit us and listen to the recording of today’s interview with Kelly Hampton.    All the healing energy and gift she shared today you would not want to miss them.  Listen to it and you will discover it for yourself. I thank you for listening in and remember your spiritual journey is not only important for you and also is important for the entire humanity, planet earth, and the entire galaxy.Dr. Robert Pease – Intuitive Numerology – Unlocking the Hidden Codes    Today’s interview with Dr. Robert Pease was magnificent, indeed! I have learned so much about the numbers than I have ever done before.    His extraordinary life experience, especially his personal experience of 9/11, deepened his level of conscious awareness, opened him up to Grace, and his love and compassion for all.    He shared his amazing gifts of Intuitive Numerology and Vibrational Numerology and how he can assist someone from their birthday to identify what’s the missing vibration in their life and then provide them with this frequency so their life can become more whole, complete, and happy in all areas of their lives, and much more.    I highly recommend you listening to this interview if you have not, or listen to it again. You will find more words of wisdom nuggets, it will benefit you tremendously. Oh, and his thank you gift will help you expand that divine love in you. I thank you for tuning in to our awakening telesummit. We appreciate you deeply. GP Walsh – Just Allow It    Today’s interview on Awakening and the Tao of Allowing with GP Walsh was truly amazing! He shared some extraordinary experiences, insights and practical tools that will help you to live an effortless state of being of allowing.    He shared practical insights of how to allow your ego, as part of your nerve system, to support you that which is essential but not to have it control you. And, he also took us through an experiential deep meditative exercise to feel how to be in your body.    These experiences are so valuable, because we actually had to experience them in order to learn and gain from them.    Yes, GP’s offer is a generous one – at a ridiculous savings, amazing components you will love. You will really want to listen to the recording if you weren’t able to listen live earlier today.    Or give it a re-listen! I am sure you will find more and more pearls of wisdom for yourself if you do. We appreciate your joining us! Barbara Wainwright – Discovering Your Purpose    Barbara Wainwright, the CEO and Founder of Wainwright Global, Inc., has dedicated her life to helping others. Barbara’s life experiences have led her on a path of self-discovery and higher learning in her personal quest to make the world a better place for her family, her friends and her clients.    Barbara believes that every person has a life purpose. And, that once a person discovers their purpose and begins taking steps towards actualizing that purpose, that a new level of confidence slowly unveils itself, many different forms of abundance become realized, and inner-peace begins its evolutionary process.    Barbara’s business experience mirrors that of the American dream, when as a single mother struggling to support her children she founded J.F. Positive Systems, Inc., a software development company which she ran for twenty-two years.    Yet despite the success of her lucrative business, Barbara felt something was missing. With a deepening desire to give back, Barbara began her quest by sharing her knowledge and experience while helping others to succeed. Barbara Wainwright’s goal setting, persistence, maintaining a positive attitude, self-motivation, expanding paradigm and accountability to her dreams were the key ingredients in her success, and became the cornerstone of her message.Cari Murphy – Expand Your Inner Worth and Outer Wealth    Today’s interview with Cari Murphy was splendid!    She is beautiful, wise, and brilliant. She shared critical pieces of living a life of success, joy and purpose. And she shared the two questions we must ask ourselves in order to become the conscious creator of our reality and our experience – the simple yet powerful questions we need to ask ourselves constantly in order to effortlessly experience the life we desire.    I love those two questions…    What you will get out of this interview will be some key concepts of how to create and experience the life you mean to live without working really hard; rather create your life and experience from the place of your true power of who you really are; from the place of joy, wisdom, creativity that is deep within your being, and not from the place of have to so that you experience the struggling and hardship of your reality.Mark Robert Waldman – Neuroscientific Secrets to Happiness and Success    Today’s interview with Mark Robert Waldman was magnificent. He is truly a remarkable person, one of the world’s leading experts on consciousness, communication, spirituality, and the brain.    Mark’s latest research has uncovered some astonishing facts about consciousness, money, happiness, spirituality, and the human brain, the “Spectrum of Human Consciousness” he created, and the six levels of awareness that he has identified in the human brain.    And the highlight was that he showed us an amazingly simple and easy way to improve the quality of your everyday life with simple practices that will enable you to really experience the difference for yourself – during the interview!    It was a delightful hour. You’ll find real treasures in this conversation. Thank you for joining us! Ken Foster – Superconscious Achievement    Ken Foster is a Best-selling Author, International Speaker, Money Strategist and Intuitive. He is one of the country’s leading figures in the science of business and consciousness.    Over the last 18 years Ken has worked with thousands of clients who have increased their awareness, changed viewpoints and have transcended their limitations around money, relationships, business, and communication.    He is a master at guiding clients toward finding the deep answers to their greatest challenges and showing them how to receive peace, prosperity, joy, fulfillment and lot more money.    His energy, power and awareness of how to tap into the superconscious mind of spirit will inspire you to achieve at higher levels by aligning your soul power to your soulful dreams. As a result you will live a more fulfilling and abundant life.Steve G. Jones – Meditation through Self-Hypnosis    Today’s interview with Dr. Steve G. Jones was incredible. It was the first time for me to really learn of the amazing benefits of hypnosis.    And, I realized that hypnotism is a form of meditation with an intention. Wow! Truly, it is very powerful way of reprograming the limiting beliefs and the subconscious area of the mind regarding certain areas of our life or all areas of our life.    Dr. Steve took us through a very powerful mini 7-minute hypnosis session covering abundance. It was short but very effective. I highly recommend that you listen to the recording so that you can discover the many things you really want to have or experience now in your life.    And, his special offer is so generous and has all the tools you need to become more successful – and, most importantly, I want to remind you that his special offer consists of numerous hypnosis sessions you can listen before you go to bed, daytime affirmations, and subliminal recordings that offer you constant support in whatever you want to achieve in life.    We thank you for joining us on our Awakening telesummit. We hope you are receiving tremendous value by listening each week. We appreciate you and thank you for joining us. Mahendra Trivedi – Energy Transmissions for Healing    Today’s interview with Dr. Mahendra Trivedi was a unique and wonderful one. Dr. Trivedi has been gifted with the ability to transform plants, trees, animals, non-living materials and humans so that they can live at their greatest potential.    He shared his amazing insights regarding DIVINE POWER, some of his remarkable research, and how this knowledge will awaken your Divine Power. We also learned how his Energy Transmissions have transformed thousands lives all over the world and created miracles for people in all areas of their lives.    If you have not had the opportunity to listen to the interview now is the perfect time. I am excited for you to be able to have the opportunity of receiving a month of total transformation in your lives with a full money back guarantee if you don’t see remarkable transformations in your life.    I hope you will follow your intuition and listen to Dr. Trivedi’s interview and receive the Special Offer blessings as thousands have done all around the world. You will be so glad you did!    We thank you for listening to our Global Awakening to Higher Consciousness telesummit – and this interview in particular. We appreciate you and thank you for joining us.John Anthony West – The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt    Known everywhere as the world’s most controversial Egyptologist, John Anthony West is the leading proponent of the “Symbolist” school of Egyptology, an alternative interpretation where ancient Egyptian culture discloses a far richer and more universal wisdom than conventional Egyptology recognizes.    In 1993 John produced an outstanding documentary film featuring his research with Dr. Robert M. Schoch of Boston University. The film, “The Mystery of the Sphinx”, was narrated by Charlton Heston and broadcast as an NBC special. It received the News and Documentary Emmy Award for Best Research and a nomination for Best Documentary.    West personally leads in-depth tours to Egypt every year. Scholar, metaphysician, and lecturer, West is author of the ever popular “Traveler’s Key to Ancient Egypt” and the classic “Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt”, a profound study of the revolutionary work of R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz.Michele Blood – Advanced Mysticism    Today’s interview with Michele Blood was beautiful and divine.    Michele brought amazing wisdom, insights, humor and special blessings to the program today    It was a great honor and joy for me to interview her on the subject of Meditation and Awakening. As you know, I love meditation… it’s a way of life to me, so, if you have not listened to this interview, I highly recommend that you set aside some time to do so.    If you are just beginning your journey into meditation, or need some inspiration to stay the course, then Michele will just be exactly what you need. I hope this interview will give you a sense of safety and security.    And, I wish to remind you again that you are loved completely, supported more than you know, and you are set for today and for eternity as a Child of God mother and father. We wish to bring awakening within you that allows you to truly be happy, joyous, prosperous, radiant, and fulfilled in all areas of your life.Dr. Sue Morter – The Energy Codes of Manifesting    Today’s interview with Dr. Sue Morter was amazing. She is a leading authority and Master of the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique.    Today Dr. Sue so generously shared her “breath work” and took you through the step by step breathing process that connects your mind, body, and spirit – allowing you to live in your spirit of the infinite possibilities instead of the ego of lack and limitation.    She also give you a very special free gift that reveals more of the details of this fundamental breath work and how to break away from low vibration of fear, stress, and the uncertainty of your reality.    Her amazing special offer is called “The Energy Codes of Manifesting Package”. For all the details please listen to this interview replay. I hope you will find in this interview a great tool to awaken, live, and be who you truly are an infinite SELF that is God-like.    As always, I wish to bring awakening within you that allows you to truly be happy, joyous, prosperous, radiant, and fulfilled in all areas of your life. You are much appreciated and thank you for joining us.Baeth Davis – Life Purpose – Life Profit    Baeth brought her passion for what she is here to serve, and her amazing gifts, understanding, and insights regarding creating success through understanding and working with the 7 energy centers of your body that you marked in your hands.    Yes, her amazing free gifts and her special offer are great tools for you for creating remarkable transformation.    If you have not listened to the interview yet, I highly recommend you to do so. I hope you not only enjoy this interview but also truly receive the transformation and insights and tools that are necessary for you to move forward with clarity and passion for creating the amazing life you deserve.Dr. Pat Baccili – Called To Shine    Today’s interview with Dr. Pat Baccili was extraordinary. She is an amazing person who has some amazing accomplishments.    She shared the one thing that was truly the guiding force behind her achievements – and it can be for you as well. Her EPIC YOU and EPIC LIVING could be the greatest gift for you as you look toward the NEW and BRILLIANT year ahead of you.    I highly recommend that you find time in your busy day to listen to this interview. You just never know what’s in it for you. It was a true pleasure and honor for me to interview Dr. Pat and I learned many golden nuggets and pearls of wisdom that you can use it immediately. I love it for you to do so.    I hope you will receive all that you need to begin remembering who you really are and live an EPIC life with all the possibilities that will totally fulfill your heart and soul .


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