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XCALIBR – Learn arousal mastery – Weeks 5-6

XCALIBR – Learn arousal mastery – Weeks 5,6
[WebRip, 6 MP4]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the XCALIBR – Learn Arousal Mastery GB we have the last two weeks of the course a man can’t harness his Arousal,he is operating at a grave disadvantage.Sex is nature’s creative force.But culture-shaming and poor education trains men to waste away their innate power to create in pornography and frequent ejaculation.So it no longer surprises me when I see how so many men suffer in quiet mediocrity; Never experiencing their potential.The effect of depletion means everything else in life suffers.You can’t make love without vitality. You can’t make big money without vitality. You can’t create anything without this raw material of energy.Men have instinctively recognized this since antiquity. This is why clergy in most religions must be celibate. However this is not only a less fun way to live, it’s not even the most effective way to conserve this energy…Register NowSemen Retention is only the first stepMore recently, in the Age of Internet porn, men have come to their own conclusions about how PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm) kills your mojo. The #NoFap movement has introduced the importance of semen retention and controlling your compulsions.After all, compulsions are an addiction to mediocrity. Any time you spend energy on what you don’t really want, you lessen your resources for getting what you do want.But semen retention is only the first part. There’s a lot more to harnessing the power of your sex drive than simple abstinence.Besides, sex and romance are part of the most fulfilling parts of the human experience…The Lost Art of Arousal ControlWhen a man can learn to enjoy the pleasure of sexual arousal, without spilling it every single time, he unlocks the source of his entire potential.Ancient esoteric masters of Tao and Tantra devised methods that not only let you enjoy his arousal, but reinvest your arousal it into the rest of your life: your charisma, motivation, attractiveness, creativity, and power.The problem is that most of that esoteric knowledge is complicated and abstract. The main reason Arousal Control isn’t well known, it’s never been taught in a way that the modern man can put into practice.Until now…I’ve been studying with various masters for over 10 years.  And teaching for about half that time.Only last year it hit me that there are thousands of men out there who could benefit from this information, but don’t have 10 years to spend studying.So I decided to curate all teachings, and put it together so that any man can master Arousal Control in just 6 weeks.It’s based on the Learning Triangle. The 3 factors that facilitate sustainable learning:When you master Arousal Control you will…     Have the virility of a teenager with the control of a sage     Eliminate embarrassing sexual issues     Have more emotional resilience and ability to handle stress     Be more courageous and assertive     Be more charismatic and emotionally attuned     Have more energy     Overcome procrastination     Think more clearly and become more decisive     Have more creative ideas     Actually have the vigor to act on those ideas     and of course… be able to last as long as you wantREGISTER NOWAdvanced Arousal Control CourseA 6-Week Course To Master Arousal Control Achieve Your Sexual PotentialWeek 1      Anatomy: Everything you need to know about your internal anatomy, musculature, and pathways     Arousal Fundamentals: Guidelines and techinique on practice with Arousal     Energy Perception: How to perceive energy in your body and account energy in your life     Vitality Metrics: How to track your progress qualitatively, and note changes in your self     Freedom from Compulsions: Techniques for dropping compulsory behaviors, especially porn     Yoga Level 1     Qi Gong Level 1Week 2      Parasympathetic Dominance: The difference between the two autonomic nerovous systems and how to encourage the one that’s better for peace of mind, charisma, and sexual performance.     Inner Smile Technique: Fundamental Taoist practice for “hacking” your mood, and also encourage positive neurotransmitter release     Bedroom Practice: Level 2 of Arousal Control skills     Energy Settling for Sleep {BONUS}: For extra help grounding. (See BONUSES below.)     Yoga: Level 2     Qi Gong: Level 2Week 3      Muscular Armor: Understand the relationship between  physical tension and emotional trauma.     Emotional Release: How to release trauma and stuck emotions     Bedroom Practice: Level 3 of Arousal Control Skills     RELEASE {Bonus}: Special bonus from FEARLESS’s Brian Begin. (See BONUSES below.)     Yoga: Level 3     Qi Gong: Level 3Week 4      Emotional Dominance: Dominance is synonymous with masculinity. Here’s what it really means and how to feed your Arousal into it.     Skeletal System: Understand your physical structure and how to move energy through it     Bedroom Practice: Level 4 of Arousal Control skills     Yoga: Level 4     Qi Gong: Level 4Week 5      Advanced Grounding: How to ground energy into lower body. Includes Level 5 Arousal Control skills.     Vocal Expression: How to move energy with sound + how to put arousal into your verbal communication     Instinctual Seduction: How to seduce by harnessing your animal instincts. (Applicable to both singles and men in relationships.)     Yoga: Level 5     Qi Gong: Level 5Week 6      Way of Power: Taoist Practice of cultivating extreme presense. Includes Level 6 Arousal Control skills     Potency into Life and Leadership: How to apply arousal energy into your life’s purpose. How to sustain your growth after the course is over.     Iron Cock Sequence: A special module on exercisese for increasing bloodflow and penile strength.     Qi Gong: Level 6 Each Week builds off of skills from the previous weekClear practice regimen with easy to follow tutorialsLive calls for personalized feedback and coachingSPECIAL BONUSES for joining todayHow to Touch Her     Female anatomy demo (Live model)     How to touch each part of the vulva     How to develop sexual intuitionReleasing & Grounding     Taught by FEARLESS’s Brian Begin     How to release self-sabotage     Grounding emotions to handle tensionEnergy Settling For Sleep     Advanced Grounding Meditation     For settling surplus arousal     For helping sleep at night without needing to ejaculate+ {for the first 10 students only}A Free 1 to 1 Coaching Session with Ruwan     One dedicated hour to focus on what you want to create in life     Unleash your instincts in Business, Relationships, Sex, Purpose     Normal rate: $300Before I worked with Ruwan I missed so many opportunities…. Now I have so much more energy. I have more confidence in my intuition.~ Nathan, former client”I spent my whole life wasting away my sexual energy. This is the first course that actually helped me channel my sexual energy into feeling better socially, amongst other things. For the first time in my life, I’m able to express my desire to women (while being grounded). I also have developed an intuition to women’s energy in interaction (spooky, I know.) Definitely life-changing.~ Mohammed S., StudentThese principles have totally changed my life, and those of the hundreds of men I’ve worked withWhat you get:6 Weeks of Actionable LessonsThe most practical information curated so you can learn what you need and bring it into your life.Clear Practice RegimensBedroom, Hatha Yoga (White Tantra), and Qi Gong practices that build off of each other each week. The Yoga and Qi Gong comes with easy video tutorials and and audio mp3 to put on your phone and take your practice anywhere. (More time doing. Less time watching a screen.)Bonus SuiteHow to Touch Her Demo, FEARLESS Releasing with Brian Begin, Energy Settling For Sleep, & a Free Coaching Call with Ruwan (while available.)only $497 $397 if you order before the timer runs out(A one week Tantra or Tao sexuality course would cost your between $1000-5000– this is the lowest cost way to get this level of trianing)


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