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Win Wenger – Brain Boosters

Win Wenger – Brain Boosters
[7 CDs – Rip]



Do you want a sharper edge? Do you want to improve your abilities? Are you a goal setter with specific purposes in mind? Do you want to develop more passion for your ideas, to see them blossom into a reality that brings you the success you deserve? How does increasing your intelligence tie into all this and can, in fact, your intelligence be increased? “Intelligence” – many people have different definitions for it.When scientists talk about intelligence, they are referring to your score on a standardized I.Q. test, even though that test is so profoundly affected by so many other factors. Or one can look at society’s definition of intelligence: your status, financial intelligence, business savvy, or where you may be in pursuit of your wants and needs. Everything that can be identified as part of any definition of intelligence can be improved by specific training. Intelligence and mental abilities can be improved, and fairly readily so. That training is provided to you in Brain Boosters: 20 Minutes a Day to a More Powerful Intelligence.Throughout Brain Boosters, you will be given resources that will help you improve your intelligence. Resources that will let you do so as easily and conveniently as possible. Dr. Win Wenger, co-author of the popular Nightingale-Conant program The Einstein Factor, will provide a series of practical theories and exercises that you can use for as little as 20 minutes per day and make meaningful gains in your genius abilities. Or you can make further gains even more rapidly by investing more than 20 minutes per day in these practices. You’ll learn that the possibilities, like your intelligence, are limitless.7 CDs and a workbook (pdf)


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