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What If? The Movie (2011) Awakening our Unlimited Self

What If The Movie
[webrip (3 FLVs)]



View Full Trailer at: ‪‬What If? Review:…Have you ever sensed that who you really are is far greater than what you’re currently experiencing and expressing? Within you sits the power to move mountains, manifest instantly, live in the Divine Reality of unconditional love, and be, do and have everything you could ever want. Why? It’s already who you are, you’ve just learned to limit it.For the first time in cinematic history What If? The Movie, created by James A Sinclair, reveals individuals who have mastered what social consciousness believes is impossible such as re-growing hair, healing terminal dis-ease within weeks and living without food. The purpose is to remind you that you are unlimited, free and capable of this and more. As this ‘knowing’ resonates with the truth of your being you begin to awaken to your unlimited Self and release the illusion that you believed was real.This award winning feature documentary film takes you on a remarkable journey into the minds and hearts of the world’s leading visionaries, scientists and scholars. Featuring: Bernie Siegel, M.D., Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Gary Renard, Brandon Bays and more. (Full Cast:…)The time has come to create more than wealth and relationships, it’s time to wake up to who we really are. Running Time: 2 hours


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