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Walter Russell – workbooks and scanned publications

Walter Russell
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This product includes published books and lessons by Walter Russell.”Within the Wave lies the secret of all Creation””From the viewpoint of the undivided reality our 3D existence seems like an illusion.From our 3D viewpoint, the reality of the undivided stillness seems unbelievable and unfathomable.” W.R.–Genius Inherent In Everyone!This is what Walter Russell (1871-1963) proved convincingly during his lifetime. After leaving school at the age of 9, in order to earn money, he very successfully explored (amongst others) music, literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, natural sciences, new ways towards a healthy economy, philosophy and mysticism as well as figure skating, horse breeding and dressage.Together with his congenial wife Lao, he founded a private university for distance learning, the University of Science and Philosophy, in Swannanoa, Virgina. It still exists today and their Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness helped many people to unfold their consciousness.A detailed biography of Lao Russell, his second wife and intellectual companion who was born in 1904, was published in 2005. It also contains a lot of information on Walter Russell. Moreover a beautiful description of his life by his friend and companion Glenn Clark was published in 1976 entitled The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe. It contributed to making Russell known in wider circles, but did not deal with exact dates and sources. You can find a summary of Walter Russells life in the section “Biographical Data”.Axiom #1  The 3D world of perceived matter, rivers, galaxies, cars, your own body, atoms, mountains, planets, X-factor, fashion, every sensed occurrence has No form, solidity or reality associated with it at all.Sure, when you knock your head you may feel pain, but the information you SENSE isjust a waveform, a frequency, the only true reality lies in STILLNESS.Stillness is a 4D metaphysical condition.Axiom #2Your true identity lies is STILLNESS, within the metaphysical.Stillness has many names, Mind, Cosmic Mind, God, Universal Consciousness,Creator, Supreme Being, Spirit, Soul.YOU are part of that overall Stillness, the Creation Idea.Mind is all that exists, and Mind wishes to express its Idea.Your mind and Cosmic Mind are One, the SAME Mind.The body you inhabit is projected from Stillness into a 3D illusion.YOU therefore, are NOT your body.The same is true for EVERY expression of the observed creation matrix.A fly, atom, planet, galaxy all have their source in Stillness.Axiom #3The projection of IDEA from STILLNESS is achieved solely by MIND.What we believe to be real and solid about our world, is an illusionary projection manifested as motion.Fast motion is perceived as form and solid – matter. Slow motion is perceive as nebulous space.Axiom #4Stillness is 1.Simulation is 2.Every expression of the simulation is projected in pairs.EVERY expression without exception is 2.Stillness + Simulation = 3.Positive projection, Stillness, Negative projection. Axiom #5Our senses are designed to detect motion. Our senses cannot detect STILLNESS.All perceived expressions of matter are CENTERED by STILLNESS and are fully SURROUNDED by STILLNESS.There is no part of the creation matrix that is without MIND.Therefore, a disturbance of some kind is necessary to enable our senses tointeract with the illusion of creation.Mind creates that disturbance by Thinking which divides the metaphysical WHITE LIGHT into anapparent spectrum within the physical realm.Electricity IS THE FORCE which keeps the two halves apart.


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